Need Help Defining An 11 Year Recurring Dream .

Recurring dream about witnessing a murder is there some meaning to it?

here are the definitions for some of the key points in your dream,

To be a witness to something in a dream, represents your need to observe and examine something more closely and carefully. You need to look at a situation more objectively. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are watching life pass you by. Perhaps you are emotionally detached or an outcast of society.

To dream that you witness a murder, indicates deep-seated anger towards somebody. Consider how the victim represents aspects of yourself that you want to destroy or eliminate.

i hope this helped, all so you can go to to learn about more of your dreams!

I have a recurring dream where I have a gun but not bullets?

Here is what you see in your dreams:
'Someone you care for (family, children, fiance) are in danger' - clearly means that your dreams are related to your 'position'.
A dangerous man - I assume he is unknown to you and you even don't remember his face (it has to be like this) - this man is not actually a human, he represents something, it could well be he represents as a calamity, danger, loss, and otherwise.
You can always find a gun - gun is a weapon, and in your case, it is a 'tool' or 'resource' to 'fight-back' or 'self-defense'. Since you see you've gun(s), that man can never represent 'calamity', because calamities can never be averted.
Either you don't find bullets or bullets don't fit in to your gun - that, too, clearly suggests that your 'tool' or 'resource' has not 'primary thing' or you've plenty of things, but none fits in to your gun.

To conclude, your dreams are informing/warning you that you're fighting against 'something', but your 'resource' or 'tool' is worthless.

What is the significance of recurring locations in dreams?

It has been argued by Jung and other psychologists/psychiatrists researching dreams, that the place in which a dream takes places is the symbol of the person's state of being and life. Think about your recurring dream. Maybe you know where in the world this place is, but I don't know if it has a significance. But think about what you see. Is it a place in disarray? Is it an intersection you know? A town, a neighborhood, a house, a room? Think of the specificity of the location, because it tells you what aspect of your life your subconscious is processing. Large places are symbolic of big-picture aspects of life, small places symbolize small-picture aspects. Each location is a map of sorts, that tells you how you subconsciously see your life and yourself.  Since locations are equivalent to setting in a story or a play, the setting of your dream is a narrative element. So, what is your subconscious narrating to you?

Public pooping dream - meaning?

Means you have a psychosis of one type or another. Best of luck!

What does it mean when you dream of a ceiling collapsing on you?

It suggests that relationship problems with family members may arise and a lack of proper structure in your life is playing in your dreams through your subconsciousness. if its a recurring dream or if you get a sequence of similar dreams it may take time to work itself out. Deep down you must be worried about something a lot that just doesn't register on a conscious level. Its probably insecurity and you need to fight the insecure part of yourself by staying close to friends and having more confidence in love.

What does it mean if I dream about being murdered?

Scary! I hate it when i’m killed in dreams. It’s traumatic and painful.My favorite dream dictionary says this about being murdered:MurderTo dream that you are murdered suggests that some important and significant relationship has been severed. You are trying to disconnect yourself from your emotions. The dream may also be about your unused talents.In my case, several of my dreams were anxiety dreams, as someone else has pointed out. I was fearful, and that translated into my dreams as the ultimate fear—being murdered.In my later years, i had reached the age where i was very aware of my own mortality, and the murder dreams then were more along the lines of getting myself ready for death. It happens to us all, and I hate things to be sprung on me, so my unconscious was very nicely getting me used to the idea of my own demise. :)But yes, i can see how murder can be about severing ties to someone—losing an important relationship, especially when it’s the other person who’s leaving, can feel like being murdered.And if you have had a habit for most of your life, and you’ve really enjoyed that habit, even if the habit is very bad for you, your id, your unconscious, may feel that part of it—the part that really gets such joy from that habit—is being murdered if you give it up.

What are the dangers of lucid dreaming?

The quality of awareness during lucid dreaming can vary greatly. Sometimes lucidity is high and you are aware that everything you are experiencing in the dream is just happening in your mind, and that there is no real danger. You may be aware that you are dreaming but maybe not enough to know that the people in your dream are just representations; or that you are actually in bed and can suffer no harm.“But everything has a risk”Multiple viewpoints and impossible stairsThere’s no evidence that lucid dreaming can bring on mental illness. In fact, lucid dreaming has recently been linked to resilience, the ability to maintain stability during and after traumatic events. Lucid dreaming is used clinically to help cope with nightmares, and is considered by many psychologists to promote psychological growth andencourage problem solving.But, is lucid dreaming safe or dangerous to attempt? The answer is that it seems to be very safe for the vast majority of those who experience it.Still, just so you know, as much as Lucid Dreaming is fun and considered an awesome experience, there are various aspects of lucid dreaming that can cause fear in people:1. Sleep paralysis – while sleep paralysis is not necessarily dangerous or unhealthy, it can be an extremely terrifying experience for people, especially if they do not know what is going on. Lucid dreamers have especially high frequencies of sleep paralysis. However, some methods more than others are known to cause this such as the WILDmethod.2. Pain in dreams – pain can occur in dreams, and fearing pain is a very reasonable concern. See this article that gives a review of pain in dreams.3. Dream Claustrophobia – many people fear becoming lucid in a dream and then becoming trapped in an unwanted dream scenario, unable to manipulate it or awaken.4. General Oneirophobia – some people just generally fear dreams, not even just nightmares or night terrors, but actually all dreams.5. Somniphobia – there is a decent amount of people who fear sleep. Actually, when I was a small child, I went through a 2-week phase where I was scared to sleep. What I found scary was the loss of awareness/consciousness that occurs during a night’s sleep cycle. Other people fear sleep for other reasons too such as fear of being attacked while asleep, or fear of not being able to wake up.Read this article for more info about lucid dreaming: The Science of Lucid Dreaming - How to Lucid Dream?