Need Help On My Homework

I need help with my homework?

1. Discuss the attempts of the Nez Perce' to avoid removal.
2. What did the United StatesGovernment do to compenstate the tribes for the large parcels of land ceded to the government?
3.What was the "leased district" and how was it used?
4.How did the baffalo play a role in the hostilities between the indians and the white men?
5.Who were the singing parties to the Treaty of Medicine Lodge Creek and what was the treaty to accomplish ?
6.Describe the Sand Creek Massacre. Give the names of the leadersin the event.
7.Why did the government move the Nez Perce'back to the Northwest?
8. Tell about the Battle of the Washita; be sure to include the names of the leaders in the event.

Need Help! With My Homework!?

I clearly cannot understand this homework can some please give me some answers to this home please. A&P1. College Homework.

1). Based on what you know about their stimuli, which type of sensory receptor is activated and causing Sarah’s symptoms of pain and paresthesia?

2). The virus infecting Sarah lies dormant in the dorsal root ganglion. What part of a neuron is located in the dorsal root ganglion? Does the dorsal root and its ganglion carry sensory input, motor output, or both?

3). Based on the pattern of skin vesicles and pain, which of Sarah’s peripheral nerves is infected? To which peripheral nerve plexus does this nerve belong?

4). If Sarah had skin vesicles on the anterolateral region of her neck, which peripheral nerve is infected by the virus? To which peripheral nerve plexus does this nerve belong?

5). If Sarah had a viral infection that affected neuron function in the ventral root of the same spinal nerve, how would the signs and symptoms be different than those she has now?

6). If we traced the sensory pathways that carry Sarah’s thigh pain up to her brain, which cerebral lobe AND which part of the cortex would be active when she feels this sensation?

I need help with my homework?

I got 15/15 on this. These are the correct answers
1.conditioned response
2.conditioned stimulus
3. A half-second before the food
4. Discrimination
5. positive reinforcer
6. Positive reinforcer; negative reinforcer
7. negative reinforcer
8. negative reinforcement
9. positive reinforcement
10. Positively reinforced
11. response cost
12.fixed Ratio
13. Unpredictable number of responses have been made
14. The use of punishment could condition children to fear and avoid school
15. Simply ignore her complaining

I need help with my homework?

So here are the problems i need help with:
1. The longest one-day bike race goes from Bordeaux, France, to Paris, France. The record for this race was set in 1981 by Herman van Springel of Belgium. He finished the 363.1 mile race in 13 hours, 35 minutes, and 18 seconds. What was Springel's average speed for the race?
Please answer that!

2. The longest human-powered sporting event is the Tour de France cycling race. The record average speed for this race is 24.547 miles per hour, which was obtained by Miguel Indurian of Spain in 1992. If the race is 3569 miles long, how long did it take Indurian to complete the race?
Please answer that, too!

3. In 1990, Beate Anders of East Germany set the women's world record for the 3000-meter walk. She completed the race in 11 minutes, 59.36 seconds.
A. What was Anders' average walking speed?
B. In 1991, Kerry Ann Saxby of Australia beat Anders' record. She completed the 3000-meter walk in 11 minutes, 51.26 seconds. How much faster did Saxby walk than Anders?
Please try your best to answer these questions correctly because I am already failing math because I have no idea what I am doing! Also, please don't say I'm just another dumb kid looking for an easy way to get homework answers. I really need help! Thanks.

I need help with my homework?

Homework is a discomfort in the ***, inspite of the shown fact that that is worth it and the effects of no longer doing it are low grades, low self-worth, hating college, indignant father and mom, and awkwardness around instructors. the final component to do is do exactly the homework. do no longer attempt to think of, "I shouldn't..." or doubt your self - do exactly it! you will be smart approximately it, do the homework that's maximum mandatory first, flow away the little issues for final, take regularly occurring breaks, no ingesting whilst working as that is distracting, NO television till you're thoroughly accomplished.

I need help with my homework?

Will rewording them help?:

1. Think about what you've read. What have you learned about diversity in the new nation from what you've read? Give 3 examples (or facts) about diversity in the new nation.

2. You're going to be writing two paragraphs. Both of these paragraphs are going to be about a pieces of literature that have been used as a form of protest against something. Example, it can be argued that the novel 1984 by George Orwell is a protest against a totalitarian mindset because in his novel, society is horribly oppressed under a totalitarian government. Once you've found your first example, write what this piece of literature is protesting against and why you think that way. Give examples from the piece.

Example again:
Feed by M.T. Anderson protests against the the overindulgence of technology. His novel takes place in the future where computers have gone from laptops to chips placed into your brain. Text talk is now a spoken language and everyone's lives centre around shopping because of ad. Everybody does this except one girl, who never shops for anything and speaks proper English. Anderson depicts the text talkers in a bad light and makes the one girl who doesn't as the heroine and the one we should be admiring. This is an example of Anderson's protest.

See what I mean?

3. What rules and ways of living are important to the people who are living in the new nation. Name three of these ways of living (or values) and explain why you chose them using proof from three different selections of literature from your section. Example, "Golfing is an important value because everyone in the new nation does it every Sunday." or "Church is an important value because everyone is Christian." or "Science is an important value because everyone enjoy research, theories, and finding proof in these theories."

Hope I've helped.

Need help with my homework?

1. y + 4 < 3
Subtract 4 from both sides:
y < -1

2. 3u > -6
Divide by 3:
u > -2

3. -12 > -4y
Divide by -4:
3 < y
y > 3
NOTE: When you divide or multiply an inequality by a negative number, the direction of the inequality changes.

4. -3/4k < -6
Multiply by -4/3:
k > 8

5. 2r + 5 < -1
Subtract 5 from both sides:
2r < -6
Divide by 2:
r < -3

6. 3t > 6t + 12
Subtract 3t from both sides:
0 > 3t + 12
Subtract 12 from both sides:
-12 > 3t
Divide by 3:
-4 > t
t < -4

7. 1 + 2x < 2(x - 1)
Distribute the 2:
1 + 2x < 2x - 2
Subtract 2x from both sides:
1 < -2
FALSE. This inequality has no solution.

8. 3(x - 2) - 2 < x - 5
Distribute the 3:
3x - 6 - 2 < x - 5
Combine like terms:
3x - 8 < x - 5
Subtract x from both sides:
2x - 8 < -5
Add 8 to both sides:
2x < 13
Divide by 2:
x < 13/2
x < 6.5

9. 4s + 3(2 - 3s) < 5(2 - s)
Distribute the 3:
4s + 6 - 9s < 5(2 - s)
Distribute the 5:
4s + 6 - 9s < 10 - 5s
Combine like terms:
-5s + 6 < 10 - 5s
Add 5s to both sides:
6 < 10
This inequality has infinite solutions.
-infinity < s < infinity

10. 4(2s - x) - 3(1 + x) < 5(1 - x)
Distribute the 4:
8s - 4x - 3(1 + x) < 5(1 - x)
Distribute the 3:
8s - 4x - 3 - 3x < 5(1 - x)
Distribute the 5:
8s - 4x - 3 - 3x < 5 - 5x
Combine like terms:
8s - 7x - 3 < 5 - 5x
Add 7x to both sides:
8s - 3 < 5 + 2x
Subtract 5 from both sides:
8s - 8 < 2x
Divide by 2:
4s - 4 < x
x > 4s - 4

I need help with my Homework?!?!?

I need help with my homework and I don't want "Oh, that's cheating" ****...

ok so here's the question:
The number of boys in the tennis club is ten more than half the number of girls. There are thirty boys in the tennis club. Altogether, how many boys and girls are in the club?

Best Answer to whoever answers correctly first!!

I need help with my homework!?

A little background first:

Despite the authors' warnings, nowadays the play is typically seen as a largely true account of the Scopes Trial and thus is taken as a documentary-drama. In reality, the Encyclopedia Britannica had no entry for the Scopes trial until 1957; the entry mentioned the successful Broadway run of Inherit the Wind, giving the impression that the play was historically accurate. American high school and college texts did not mention the Scopes trial until the 1960s, usually as an example of the conflict between science and evangelical Christianity, and often in sections discussing the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan. In recent decades, school texts and encyclopedia entries have continued to take the play and film as historically accurate, claiming, for example, that during the trial, Darrow made Bryan look like a fool.

Now for the real thing:

Inherit the Wind: an historical analysis
by David Menton

The film and play of the most publicized creation/evolution trial of all time are seriously biased and inaccurate.
Rarely does a year go by that the Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee play and film Inherit the Wind is not produced by a local school, or shown on television somewhere. Inherit the Wind is not a documentary, but it is perceived by many viewers to be a documentary–drama of the famous 1925 Scopes ‘monkey’ trial.

Need help with my homework?

Were doing this kind of homework that it is when you find how much the variable is. Heres the question: "The school that Stefan goes to is selling tickets to a choral performance. On the first day of ticket sales the school sold 3 senior citizen tickets and 1 child ticket for a total of $38. The school took in $52 on the second day by selling 3 senior citizen tickets and 2 child tickets. Find the price of a senior citizen ticket and the price of a child ticket."
Please don't tell me the answer, I just need to know how to do it. Like can you give me the direct formula. I a little confused. Thanks. 10 points to the most logic answer.