Need To Find This Movie Help

Can anyone help me find this movie?

There was this movie that my mother watched when I was a kid and I can't remember the name of. In it, there is a blonde girl who is working as a bartender. A guy comes up to her and says something. She seems really bothered and calmly retorts with something that angers him. He starts punching her. They're the only two people in this bar (I believe). A groups of guys she presumably (?) knows step in and beat the guy to death. Honestly, it seemed like a mafia but that's just my assumption. I remember my mom telling me that they will now have to burn the body of the guy they just killed. Weird, I know. Any suggestions are appreciated!

Need help to find a movie about Ku Klux Klan.?

I need to find a movie about Ku Klux Klan, but i dont remember what it is called. It is about a white guy and a black guy who are friends. The black guy hates the Ku Klux Klan, but he doesn't know that the white guys father was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. There is a lot of flash backs, of how the father and the other Ku Klux Klan members treated the black people.

Can anyone help me?

I need help finding a movie!?


Can you help me find a movie?

Vana Amin answered the question promptly. I’’l include extra info just because there were many questions which missed the link in the comments.The Butterfly EffectI think this is one of my favorite psychological thrillers which didn’t get much love from others. Evan Treborn (played by Ashton Kutcher) learns that he can use the blackouts he had as a kid as way to go back in time and change the past. However, he learns that changing events in the past, even by in the slightest manner, can have tremendous unforeseen consequences later (the butterfly effect theory).I learned that there are a few alternative endings to this films, some happier than others. You might or might not like to look into them. I had watched the saddest one and watching the others was relieving in some ways.

Need help finding a horror movie!?

Sometimes They Come Back Again
Card scene
Lawnmower scene

Can anyone help me to find this movie?

All I remember is actress played a young woman who got pregnant (maybe even as a teen not sure) and after her babys (I think it was a baby girl) birth she believed if you jump backwards on one foot you ll get your period back? And she did get it back lol Then later there s a hurricane in that movie too. It has to be an old movie.

Help me find a movie please!?

Help find a movie please!!?
I have become very desperate trying to find this movie lol

There is a german movie starring Nena!! ( the girl who songs 99 red balloons) its called Gib Gas Ich Will Spass. I cant find anything on it but would love someone who coud give me a link. I want a german version with english subtitles, or an english voice over version. I knwo they have both but I dont know where! Please any link to where i can buy these would help so much and of course 10 points to you!

Can someone help me find a movie that I have watched before but forgotten the name which I have written the detail in the comment?

My Sister's Keeper (2009) - IMDbI'm honestly suprised that with such a detailed description of the film you wasnt able to find it with a quick look with a search engine?

I need to find a movie that has the theme guilt !! please help !!?

In the Robert Redford movie called Ordinary People (1980), the young man feels terrible guilt that his brother drowned and his mother reinforces this destructive guilt feeling. Tim Hutton stars along with Mary Tyler Moore and Donald Sutherland.
Plot (according to Wikipedia):
"The Jarretts are an affluent, upper middle class family trying to return to normal life after the death of one teenage son and the attempted suicide of their other, Conrad (Timothy Hutton). The boy has recently come home following a four-month stay in a psychiatric hospital. Alienated from his friends and family, Conrad sees a psychiatrist, Dr. Berger (Judd Hirsch), who helps him deal with a sailing accident in which he survived his older brother Buck. Buck, more outgoing and perceived to be a better athlete than his brother, came first in everyone's estimation (especially Conrad's). Conrad now deals with post-traumatic stress disorder and survivor's guilt."

Help i need to find the name of a movie where the girl either turns 16 or 18 and finds out shes a witch?

i know that she blows out her candles on her cake and then she goes to a phsychic adn she starts getting powers i think mayb i saw it along time ago on the disney channel but im not sure help plz thanks?!!!!!