Nothing Can Stop My Stomach From Hurting Help

My stomach won't stop hurting?

this might sound silly...but maybe its wind? or you need to go use the toilet? or are constipated? i find that when my stomach hurts and nothing fixes it, then it is normally those three reasons. drink plenty of water, eat some prunes or take a gentle laxative or fibre supplement. it really does help.

I fingered myself Sunday night and my stomach havent stop hurting.(i'm a virgin to)?

I would say it's nerves and perhaps a little anxiety. There is no physical reason why your stomach should hurt. Perhaps are you feeling guilty about it or are worried in some way? There is nothing to be ashamed about, materbation is completely normal and it will not hurt you. There is nothing wrong with getting to know your body and what you like. It can also make sex with your partner more enjoyable because you can SHOW him what you like. So take a deep breath and relax, your going to be just fine. I strongly recommend you look into the book The Art of Orgasm.

Perhaps you are nervous about your wedding? or your wedding night? or that your husband will know you fingered yourself? Don't worry about that dear I am sure he has masterbated plenty of times!

It could be you have just a regular upset stomach due to illness, like something you ate of the flu? It doesn't mean it's related. If it continues see your doctor, but you don't get stomach aches from masterbation so you can relax about that! Your stomach is no where near your vagina!

How do you make your stomach stop hurting?

are u drinking enough water? i found when i am dehydrated, i get really bad stomach aches.

PS... you should see a doctor though if you are worried.... never get medical advice from the internet, especially Yahoo Answers!!

Why is my stomach growling but I'm not hungry?

Mine does the same thing, I believe it is because of what you eat. I have grown accustomed to it over the years but when I want it to not be present (dates, sleeping with people, somewhere quiet) then I eat olives, I have found that they do wonders for settling of the stomach.I believe it is related to gas inside your body, another hint is to not hold in passing gas (farts, burping) that has helped me and I hope these help you.

Stomach Ache from Vomiting?

Oooh, that is awful. Your stomach keeps having peristaltic contractions because now it's irritated and what you must do asap is letting it rest. Vomiting is controlled by the brain, not the stomach, so anything you drink or eat will cause it to overreact due to the irritation. Without effort on your part, the windpipe closes and the abdominal wall and diaphragm muscles tighten suddenly and forcefully. The stomach itself is limp, but when squeezed forcefully by the abdominal wall, it ejects any food or fluid up the esophagus and out.

* Drink small amounts (start with an ounce) of clear, sweetened liquids like flat soda , fruit juices, (not orange or grapefruit - too much acid!) or popsicles. These sugared drinks calm your stomach better than water or other liquids.

* Rest, either sitting or laying down slightly propped up. Activity worsens nausea and vomiting.

No solid food until the vomiting episode has passed-6 hours minimum.
Stop all medicine temporarily until you can keep it down (if the medicine itself is causing vomiting, call your doctor right away for a substitute).
This alone will help ease the pain. As for your throat, take honey by the spoonful, about one every hour ONLY if it doesn't make you nauseous again.
After 24 hours have passed, start slowly eating solids again, preferably apples, bananas, clear soup and toast. No dairy.
Then take an analgesic to relieve the sore throat if it persists.

Why does my stomach hurt and I haven't eaten anything today?

There can be many causes for stomach pain. One that is common, but people ignore: Drinking hot beverages. When a beverage is too hot, it can injure the esophagus/stomach. This can take some time to heal. Acidic, sweet, or spicy things can keep the irritation going. I had this for several months, and it was difficult to get it healed. Swallowing medication was especially hard. The ache was often so bad, I could not swallow water. The tannins in coffee and tea, and the sugar and acid in juice, were impossible. Taking Omeprazole (Prilosec) for several weeks, sleeping on my left side, eating small breakfast and lunch only, not eating ANYTHING after 3pm, allowed the healing. I found some relief by drinking lukewarm tea made of tumeric and cinnamon.It's important to remember that you injured yourself once; it can happen again. Change your habits toward prevention. Once you have healed, fresh ginger tea can help keep your stomach healthy.

My stomach hurts but i can't throw up?

You can be having that stomach pain because of tight muscles in your back that are pressing onto the nerves going to your stomach to make that pain. Because this happened during the night it could have happened because of how you were sleeping to get them to touch the nerves to make the pain. You wouldn't be able to throw up if your stomach was empty which, after a nights sleep it should be. To get rid of the pain you have to free up the muscles in your back to get the pressure off the nerves to the stomach and here's how to do that:
(do from a sitting position)
Place your left hand on your left leg next to your body. Place your right hand over your left shoulder, fingers over the back and the palm in the front and firmly pull down on them and hold. After 30 seconds slowly lower your body forward and to the outside of your left leg, keeping your left arm fairly straight as you do. When you reach your lap remain there for another 10 seconds, release the pressure but rest there for another 30 seconds. Then reverse your hand positions and do your right side.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.