Numbers The Square Root Is Between 96

What is the square root of 96i?

= sqrt(16) sqrt(6) sqrt(i)

= 4 sqrt(6) sqrt(i)

Now, how do we find the square root of i?

It will be a complex number in the form a + bi such that

(a + bi)^2 = i


a^2 + 2abi - b^2 = i

Now, since i has no real component in the sense that a complex number would (that is, it might be written as 0 + 1i), we can equate the real and imaginary components of our solution this way:

a^2 - b^2 = 0

2ab = 1

Then, a = b, and

ab = a^2 = b^2 = 1/2,

so a = b = ± sqrt(2) / 2.

Then, sqrt(i) =

± (sqrt(2) / 2 + sqrt(2) i / 2)


So, the original expression becomes:

4 sqrt(6) (sqrt(2) / 2 + sqrt(2) i / 2)

= 4 sqrt(3) + 4i sqrt(3)

= (4 sqrt(3))(1 + i)

Is the square root of 96 a rational number?

No. It's irrational. It cannot be expressed as a fraction of two whole numbers.

Because of this, it's decimal places go on forever, and never repeat.

What is 7 and then the square root of 96m cubed?

This would = 7 x (square root of (96m) cubed),
which could be rephrased as
7 x (square root (16 x 6m)cubed)
which could then be written as:
7x (4 cubed) x (square root of (6m cubed))
7x 64x (square root of (6m cubed))=
448x (square root of (6m cubed))=
448 x (square root (216(m cubed )))
448 √ (216 (mCUBED))=
448 √ (36x 6 (mCUBED))=
448x6√ (6 (mCUBED))=