Paternity Test Question

OK, I have a Horrible question to ask. How to cheat a paternity test? My friends and i came up with ideas..?

1st. 2 hrs. before the test, do not eat or drink anything. dry mouth with a towel or rag 2nd. find and form fit a plastic substance to form fit ALL areas of the mouth and tounge.and hold it in place with denture cream or any other oral substance that sticks 3rd. ask a friend for saliva and cheek tissue in a small jar, Then maybe 2 or 3 min. before the time to go in to submit the sample, garggle the friends spit and then take the test. Will this method work ? Remember, this is just hypothetical. I know im going to have 50 chicks calling me a scumbag or yada yada. but this is something to really think about. to any medical proffessionals, please, your input is greatly appreciated. Offended people, please , sit this one out.

What is a paternity test and how does it work?

A paternity test is a test that compares samples of the baby's DNA and samples of the potential father's DNA to see if they match. Because our DNA is inherited from our parents, an extensive DNA test comparing MANY different chromosomes and genes can usually determine whether or not 2 people are related as father and son with something like 99.99% certainty. Sometimes blood tests are conducted, other times tests use swabs from inside the cheek.

Can you get a long distance paternity test?

Yes. You each go to a testing site, they take your pictures with a number that you hold in front of you, take your dna, and then they send them both off to the main lab where they do the testing. I believe you can pay for advanced shipping where you get your test results quicker too.

Questions about WIC & Paternity testing?

WIC isn't going to help with child support. You need to contact, Child Support and Enforcement or Child Support and Services; whichever it is called in your area. They are usually located in some state building for social services.

They will try to do things the nice way but you can also go to court and get it ordered that he take the test. If you go to court and he refuses then you ask the judge to force him to comply. The judge can then fine him or lock him up untill he complies; but they cannot force it on him.

It can be a long process so be patient. At 19 he is young and stupid but, with luck, he will slowly grow up.

You might want to start making contact with legal aid at the local family court. You may want to file yourself and ask that the filing fee be waived if you do not have the money.

Has DNA paternity testing ever had wrong results? The test came back saying the father was not the parent but the child looks exactly like the father.

Yes! Sometimes. There are a number of different scenarios that can produce a wrong result. The problem with some of these scenarios is it would be difficult to pinpoint who’s at depending on the situation.For example, if a child has gene mutation that was not previously mentioned to a lab before testing. The mutation may cause an inaccurate result.Mishandling of DNA samples by the DNA sample collector. This includes professional collectors or self collectors (Home DNA Test Kit).Mishandling of DNA samples by a lab tech may also be possible. As you can see there are a number of different scenarios that could potentially result in a wrong result.The number of genetic markers on the test may reveal a different result.What I would sugget is, have another lab perform a DNA test. If the result is different. I would have a third lab test for good measure.This would be costly but if you are for certain the result is incorrect. Then this would be the best way to be more confident in the result.Also, it may be worth finding whether the far or child may have a rare gene mutation that could potentially affect the DNA result. I hope this helps.

Paternity test answers?

Because a paternity test is a scientific test, the results will always be worded in the negative sense. (i.e. "cannot be excluded" as the father vs. saying directly "he is the father.") That's just how the scientific world'll never see a test such as a paternity test that says something with 100% certainty.

There should have been a percentage that came with your test results. Most states have a legal definition of what percentage they will accept to define paternity. (For example, Colorado automatically accepts 97% and above. North Carolina automatically accepts 97% or above, automatically rejects 85% or below...between 85-97% is a grey area and a judge considers the results w/other evidence. Links provided below for the sources of these numbers.)

If your percentage is in the high 90s, then you can be fairly safe in assuming that man is the child's father. Anything lower and the results are a little sketchy (perhaps a bad DNA sample was obtained? or perhaps someone else actually is the father? etc.).

You should definitely contact the child support agency in your area to confirm what the legal standard in your state is for considering a man to be established as the father of a child.

Does race factor in with DNA paternity testing? ?

That is a great question! I was also curious as to why this testing was motherless when you are available and I assume willing to test. Having the mother always strengthens the results of a test. The mother's sample would be the first thing the lab I work for would request if a result was inconclusive.

The reason being is that with the mother's DNA sample we can eliminate what she contributed to the child and focus exclusively on the DNA the father would have contributed.

The ethnicity of the alleged father can also be helpful in determining a result when it is coming back inconclusive. There are certain DNA markers that are more unique among specific ethnic groups. Knowing the ethnicity of the alleged father can help determine the strength of the matches between him and the child.

I am not exactly certain how the paternal grandfather would be helpful in your testing. It would be my recommendation to ask the lab who did your testing if your sample would be beneficial to resolving this case.