Peeing Too Much Like Every Hour Or Two

I keep peeing every 2 hours?

Lots of possibilities:

-Are you drinking more than you used to?
-Have your bowel habits changed, too? Excess material in the bowel can put pressure on the bladder.
-Drinking more stuff that contains caffeine?
-Changed your salt intake?
-Stressed out?

Now here's the million dollar question: how much do you pee? There's a little disagreement on the numbers, but most people feel the need to relieve themselves when they have between 150 and 400ml of fluid. That translates to roughly 5 to 14 american ounces. May sound gross, but you should use a clear soda bottle to measure your output from time to time, and if you are coming in well under the 5 ounce mark, its a sign that something is making your bladder feel full when it isn't. If that proves to be the case, head back for the doctor with this new information. But if you are nearer 14 ounces, your bladder is just fine, the problem relates to your fluid intake.

The most important thing you can do is not to rush urination: take your time, and really squeeze out every drop using your bladder muscles. If you aren't emptying your bladder fully, it can have all sorts of bad effects on your body, and sometimes when we are worried, stressed or hurried, we don't empty as we ought.

Why do I need to pee every hour?

probably not enuf salt, not that white garbage stripped of the valuable minerals, but the pink salt or grey sea salt.....slowly over a period of 2 days, take 2tsp of the good salt and drink water....if your condition persists then you may have type 2 diabetes, but see a Naturopath, find one using, they don't use harh drugs and may be able to beat the diabetes thru diet either way, it's a win-win....

Is peeing every two hours during the day normal?

According to > Normal Urinary Frequency - Bladder & Bowel Community the average is 6 to 7 times a day (other sources say 4 to 7 times). Assuming a 16 hour waking day, every two hours works out at 8 times. That is above the normal range, but not excessively so. I find myself often going every 2–2.5 hours for comfort but in practice, I can last much longer, especially when distracted by other things. If I absolutely had to go every two hours I could see that may be a problem and would think about seeing a doctor.

Why do I pee every hour?

There are many possible reasons why you urinate hourly. You might be drinking more than is necessary to stay hydrated, you might have Diabetes mellitus or Diabetes insipidus, or an Overactive bladder. Or, you could be pregnant.I suggest that you evaluate your fluid intake: are you drinking when you are thirsty, or are you forcing XX amount of water down your throat every day because someone told you it’s the only healthy way to live? If you are drinking more than you are thirsty for, stop doing that. Drink when you are thirsty, and don’t drink when you’re not, no need to see a doctor.If you are drinking abnormally large amounts because you are abnormally thirsty, you should see a doctor. Diabetes, overactive bladder, and pregnancy don’t go away on their own, and tend to force major lifestyle changes.

Is it normal to urinate every two hours?

If it is new to you, then you should get it checked out. It could be a UTI, early diabetes (especially if it also occurs with extreme thirst), prostate issues, or kidney dysfunction. This is completely normal for me, but I have three kidneys.

Pregnancy and having to pee every HOUR?

totally normal..that was my first sign i was pregnant. i was the same way. had to pee every 5 seconds and when you went to go nothing really comes out. yup and those cravings wont stop either. good luck and congrats! ps..5 years ago i was a jr in high school and i found out i was pregnant june 6th.. kinda funny.. just saw that.

Is it normal to pee every 1-2 hours?

It is possible is it a Urinary Track Infection (UTI) which is very common for women and a lot of the time has to do with sex. I have had them. The first UTI I had was age 18 when I started having sex. During sex, bacteria can be make its way into the urethra. Symptoms start with frequent peeing with not much urine coming out. My first UTI I started to feel like I had to pee and I would try every hour or two. Eventually burning crept up and I asked my friends and they told me to go to the clinic and have my urine tested. Sure enough that was the cause. I took an antibiotic for about a week and I was back to normal.

Since you are not drinking fluids more than normal, I'm pretty sure that is the problem. It is really common for us women so don't freak out but do go to the doctor to have your urine tested. They will have you pee in a cup and the doc will ask you some basic question. I wouldn't wait to go to the doctor because it will only get more irritating and may begin burning which really sucks.

To prevent a UTI (if that's what it ends up being), pee within 15 minutes or sooner after sex. Also, if you both shower right before sex (Yep, it is sometimes inconvenient) this almost always prevents UTI's.

Go see the doc and find out and be done with it. :) Feel better!

I urinate every two hours am i pregnant?

Frequent urination in and of itself is not a sign of pregnancy. If you miss your period...then I would buy a test.

There are so many other reasons for it though. I would need more information to specify what might be causing it for you.

Today I've had to pee A LOT(almost twice every hour), what is wrong?

This is called urinary urgency and urinary frequency. More information might be needed, but here are some ideas:

1. You do not have to have burning, pain, bleeding, or dark urine to have a UTI. Some people can have UTIs with few or no symptoms.

2. If you are sexually active, you may need to be checked for STDs.

3. If you are sexually active or have just finished a period, you may have bacteria irritating your urethra. The female urethra is only 1-2 inches long, and it is easy for bacteria to be pushed into it, causing irritation. The urethra then has spasms to try to get the bacteria out, making you pee more often.

4. If you don't wipe correctly after bowel movements (front to back), or if you wear thong underwear, you can sometimes get urethral irritation from bacteria too.

If you're sexually active, it may help to urinate immediately afterwards; this will flush bacteria out of your urethra.

Your bladder will not burst from waiting to urinate. The bladder is a stretchy organ, and before it gets damage from being full, your body will make you urinate. If you spent your days filling your bladder and deliberately not urinating to the point of pain, you might cause some damage, but it's not likely in your situation.

If you do start having UTI symptoms/signs such as burning, cloudy urine, or back pain, see a doctor.