Precalc And Algebra Ii Homework Questions Help

Algebra II homework help???? Factoring.?

2x^3 - 13x^2 - 48x + 27
= 2x^3 -- 18x^2 + 5x^2 -- 45x -- 3x + 27
= 2x^2(x -- 9) + 5x(x -- 9) --3(x -- 9)
= (x -- 9)(2x^2 + 5x -- 3)
= (x -- 9)(x + 3)(2x -- 1)

Pre Calc Summer Homework Help?

I will help you with 14-16:
14) A real life situation that is a function would be the cost of x lbs. of bananas at your grocery store. For each x, there is a different cost, hence one input --> one output.

A real life situation that is not a function would be a parking garage, where you pay $1 an hour or any increment of an hour. If I tell you I paid $2, and your other friend told you she paid $2, would you know how much time we used. I could have been there for 1 hour and 1 minute and the other girl could have been there for 1 hour and 55 minutes. (This is if money paid is the input into the function and time in garage is the output).

15) Since N is measured in thousands, 1.500,000 is actually 1500, and 1500 is actually 1.5. So we plug in those values for N and solve for x:

1500 = 461.87 +299.4 lnx
1,038.13 = 299.4 lnx
1,038.13 / 299.4 = lnx
3.467 = lnx
e^3.467 = x, or approximately 32 years.

1.5 = 461.87 +299.4 lnx
-460.37 = 299.4 lnx
-460.37/299.4 = lnx
-1.538 = lnx
e^(-1.538) = x, or approximately 0.2 years.

16) You need to plug in 20 and 80 for x:
P(20) = 90 / (1+271e^-(0.122*20))
P(20) = 3.66 --> 3.66%

P(80) = 90 / (1+271e^-(0.122*80))
P(80) = 88.6 (WOW)

Please help me answer these Algebra II questions and tell me how you figured it out:?

1. The square patio of a restaurant is enlarged to make room for additional tables. The length of the patio is increased 2 meters, but the width of the patio is not changed. The area of the enlarged patio is 24 square meters. What was the original area of the patio?
A. 4 square meters
B. 16 square meters correct answer. Went from 4 by 4 to 6 by 4
C. 22 square meters
D. 26 square meters

2. A total of 80 feet is to be built along three sides of a rectangular lot whose fourth side is an existing wall. What is the maximum area that can be enclosed by the fence and the existing wall?
A. 20 feet squared.
B. 400 feet squared.
C. 800 feet squared. correct answer. it is 40 by 20
D. 1,600 feet squared.

3. How does the graph of y = x^2 + a, where a is a positive constant, differ from the graph of y = x^2
A. The graph of y = x^2 + a is a horizontal translation of the graph of y = x^2
B. The graph of y = x^2 + a is a vertical translation of the graph of y = x^2 correct answer
C. The graph of y = x^2 + a is a wider parabola than the graph of y = x^2
D. The graph of y = x^2 + a is a narrower parabola than the graph of y = x^2

HELP with Pre Calc Homework!!!! impossible!?

nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it! :D

Help please with PreCalc Homework, don't understand a thing!?

6. You didn't define f and g, but f + g just means add them, f - g means subtract them, etc.

f(g(x)) means plug x into g, then take the output and plug that into f. So the domain is those x which are legal to plug into g, and which then give values g(x) which are legal to plug into f.

14. (f - g)(x) is (x^2 + 1) - (x - 4).
(f - g)(-2), plug -2 in for x.

38. I assume that's the composition symbol.
a. f o g is the same as f(g(x)). It means take g(x) and plug it in for x in f(x). So take (1/x) and plug it into x^3. Result: (1/x)^3.

b. g o f means take f(x) = x^3 and plug it into g(x), giving you 1/(x^3).

c. f o f means plug x back into itself. So it's (x^3)^3.

54. Two examples: If f(x) = 4/(x + 2)^2, then f(5x) = 4/(5x + 2)^2. So one possibility is f(x) = 4/(x+2)^2, g(x) = 5x.

If f(x) = 4/x and g(x) = (5x + 2)^2, then f o g = 4/(5x + 2)^2.

58. Surely you know the domain of 1/x. What are the restrictions on x?
g(x) has no restrictions.

f o g the domain is any x that produces a value g(x) you can plug into f.

Can you take Algebra 2 and Pre-Calculus at the same time?

I am a retired teacher. If you are a good student in math, and don't mind a lot of homework, then take both Alg 2 and Pre-Calc. If you have a heavy load next year already, just take Alg 2. If you need to take Pre-Calc, maybe you can take it in the summer before you enroll in college.

Algebra II/Pre-Calc Help? Please explain?

A grocery store clerk sets up a display of 12-pack cartons of soda. There are 26 cartons at the base of the triangle and one at the top.
How many cartons of cola are needed for the complete display?

A) 312
B) 30
C) 351
D) 15

I know its not B or D.
Please explain how to get this? Thanks!

Algebra/ Pre Calc help? anything is appreciated. max points.?

Question 3:Consider the function
s(t) = t2 − 1 − t
What is the value of s(3)?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 5


answer : (e) 5
Question 4: Consider the function
s(t) = t2 − 1 − t
What is the value of s(3 + h)?
(a) 5 + h
(b) 5 − h + h^2
(c) 5 + h + h^2
(d) 5 + 5h + h^2
(e) 5 + 7h + h^2

answer: (d) 5 + 5h + h^2

Question 5: Consider the function
s(t) = t2 − 1 − t
What is the value of s(3+h)−s(3) / h?
(a) 1
(b) h − 1
(c) h + 1
(d) h + 5
(e) None of these

( 5 + 5h + h^2 -5)/h
answer: (d) h + 5

Factoring help for my algebra II class?

Just pull out what they have in common:

12x^5 - 60x^3

You could break that down using the difference of squares, but its probably not necessary:
