Question About Don Quijote

Don Quijote question...?

They were both on a journey of self-enlightenment, trying to make their mark on the world in the most positive manner. Unfortunately, they were also both extremely misunderstood by everyone in society. That said, we are talking about two men who are kind, meaningful, and completely selfless beings that dedicated their life to someone, and got noting in return but the struggle to keep on with the journey itself.

Don Quixote question?

hmm i think that he was criticizing the way people devote their lives to books and now movies and other fantasies since don quixote was so mesmerized and hypnotized by the books about the knights that he thought he was one. i also think he criticizes the kinds of people who criticize what people do and what they think. but i honestly just laughed through the entire movie lol

Don Quijote questions?

Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes

Study Guides:

Don Quixote Book I & 2

Help with some Don Quijote (Quixote) questions?

1) We are all torn between idealism and pragmatism - some more than others. Quixote is an idealist and idealists have a tough time in the "real" world. We can see this everyday with people who seem to be the goody two shoes (e.g., the kids who don't drink in high school). Most of us simply go with the flow and aren't driven by high ideals and most of us make fun of these idealists and tell them they are head in the cloud idiots. However, there is some part in the personality of each one of the regular folk (i.e., the pragmatists) who look at the idealists and say to themselves, maybe there is something to idealism; maybe life would be better if we were more focused on chivalry, honesty, selflessness. From time to time, the idealist/Don Quixote part of us emerges - often in traumatic situations such as car crashes or emergencies like 9/11.

Don Quixote question... the windmill scene?

Don Quixote is mental. He went mental after the death of his wife.

Anyway, when it says, 'windmills on the brain,' it means that whenever Don Quixote looked at a windmill, he only saw evil, whereas all the others saw was a windmill. Because DQ isn't sane, whereas they are. Sancho means to say that DQ mistook the windmills to be giant evil monsters, when really, they were innocent little windmills. And Sancho is trying to say in a nice way that DQ is insane.

I hope I've helped you understand the meaning of 'windmills on the brain' a little better :)


Capitulo 19 de la 1°parte.
Sancho le comenta a don Quijote que las desventuras que están pasando se deben a que don Quijote rompió el juramento de no comer pan ,a lo que don quijote responde que es culpa de él también por no recordárselo.
En esto se hizo de noche y vieron que por el camino venían luces .Cuando estuvieran muy próximas don Quijote les pregunto de donde venían,entonces la mula de uno de ellos se asusto y tiro al hombre que la montaba al suelo y los demás huyeron.Don Quijote enojado apunto con la lanza al hombre que estaba en el suelo haciéndole la misma pregunta.El hombre le contestó que que era un religioso y lo que llevaban era un muerto.Don Quijote llama a Sancho(que estaba robando alimentos)para que levante al religioso.
Sancho presenta a don Quijote como El Caballero de la triste figura ,a lo cual agrega que es porque no tiene muelas y la cara tenia muy delgada por no haber comido en todo el día.
Se despiden del monje y se van a comer la comida robada.
capitulo 20
Al amanecer viendo don Quijote que su escudero dormía comenzó a hablar del sueño de su criado.
Mas tarde Sancho despertó al oler los manjares que se estaban preparando para la boda de Camacho.
Sancho con sutileza le pide al cocinero poder comer algo de lo que hacia a lo cual el hombre le respondió que comiera cuanto quisiera.
Mientras Sancho comía ,don Quijote se entretenía con las danzas y bailes que animaban el lugaR
Una vez que llegaron los novios don Quijote afirmo que antes no había visto una novia tan bella a excepción por supuesto de Dulcinea.
Al poco tiempo aparece Basilio diciendo que si Quitería no se podía casar con el debido a que le había dado su palabra a Camacho,entonces él se mataría y sacando una espada de un bastón se la clavó´.Cuando el cura se acercó a el para darle las bendiciones,este dijo que no las quería ,que lo que quería era casarse con Quiteríá en articulo mortis ,a lo cual todos aceptaron.
Cuando estuvieron casados Basilio se levantó´diciendo que todo era un truco .Quisieron anular el matrimonio pero Quiterias dijo que no que todo era válido.
Luego dom Quijote,Sancho,Basilio y Quiteria partieron para la aldea como si nada hubiera pasado.


What is the lesson in Don Quixote?

If James bond movies make us excited & thrilled that tell us something about us.That James bond become a socially acceptable character that people around us admire & we wanted to be admired .Or you really like the action , nature of James bond & you also want to follow it in your life if possible. Because nothing is as important then following things which make us feel thrilled & excited. Don Quixote belong to this category.but reality knocks you down & told you “better to live un-thrilled life then false life”But somehow insanity come to rescue you from reality & lead you toward thrilled life you wanted to live once.Don Quixote is a middle-aged gentleman from the region of La Mancha in central Spain. Obsessed with the chivalrous ideals touted in books he has read, he decides to take up his lance and sword to defend the helpless and destroy the wicked. Well journey was not so lovely & in end, insanity always leads to death.Life will leads toward death whatever you do or don't do. It's not a question of philosophy. But what should govern our life-holy book, moral standard made by humans or our thrilling excited thoughts??????We all afraid of death & insanity is a subset of death as either it kills you or others.Insanity is base structure of our modern civilization when people are eating chemical pesticides food, drinking carbonated water, inhaling polluted chemical air, exhaling cigarette smoke, killed most of other living life & fed up with each other too & now only friend left is silicon device.So novel left us to think upon…What is more important in life??Reality perceived & carried on generation to generation ( earth is a center is also a reality of once generation)OrInsanity which question & lead the individual toward his own reality

Don quijote de la mancha?

Hola, lástima que te pierdas la oportunidad de leerlo. Es muy grato, una vez comienzas, se te hace fácil y muy divertido. Pero en fin, no se le pueden pedir peras al olmo y ustedes los jóvenes cada día leen menos y escriben peor... Lo siento, no sé donde puedes encontrar un resumen que paralice la inteligencia de tu profesor. Si fueras mi alumno, sabría si lo leiste o si lo copiaste, eso se nota nada más con ver como escribes. "El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha"... "En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme... ", La Mancha es una provincia española, no una peca en tu resumen, por lo tanto va con mayúscula.

Don Quixote?

Don Quixote Spanish: Don Quijote fully titled El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha ("The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha") is an early novel written by Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Cervantes created a fictional origin for the story based upon a manuscript by the invented Moorish historian, Cide Hamete Benengeli.
The protagonist, Alonso Quixano, is a country gentleman who has read so many stories of chivalry that he descends into fantasy and becomes convinced he is a knight errant. Together with his earthy squire Sancho Panza, the self-styled "Don Quixote de la Mancha" sets out in search of adventure. The "lady" for whom Quixote seeks to toil is Dulcinea del Toboso, an imaginary object crafted from a neighbouring farmgirl (her real name is Aldonza Lorenzo) by the illusion-struck "knight" to be the object of his courtly love. "Dulcinea" is totally unaware of Quixote's feelings for her, nor does she actually appear in the novel.
Published in two volumes a decade apart, Don Quixote is the most influential work of literature to emerge from the Spanish Golden Age and perhaps the entire Spanish literary canon. As a founding work of modern Western literature, it regularly appears at or near the top of lists of the greatest works of fiction ever published and is the best-selling non-religious, non-political work of fiction of all time.