Question S For Moon In Pisces/neptune Dominant People

Why do Pisces and "Moon" dominant people do drugs?

She never wrote me BTW. I still have my email open to her.

WHY are people with Pisces dominant chart good at math?

I often see that at work, Im at engineering company and my team has a lot of pisces members with long path there.... as opposed as someone who thinks they are right brain oriented and they strive for the art side, I can say they are very good at math and for left brain skills but I notice that they are usually submerged on another world when they get to work. They may not be fast at it but whenever they say something they have always strong arguments. I think those are piscis skills... but they approach math as if it was another world and they get into it that seems they are really dreaming about it....

Neptune/Pisces dominant people,do you ever just zone out?

I zone out often, its kind of a necessity. Many people wonder why I like so much time alone, but giving myself time to relax my brain is beneficial to me.
I actually do zone out in conversations alot, especially with strangers (typically when I'm at work, they tend to stand around & talk - I'm not honestly too interested) So my mind begins to wonder. This is a bad habit of mine, I get distracted easily and I space out. I sometimes zone out mid sentence, and completely forget what I was going to say.

Pisces Sun - Neptune is my 2nd dominant planet. Uranus is 1st.

Pisces or Neptune Influenced People: Do you Run Away from Reality and Stay in Lala Land?

I am a Pisces Sun and have a Pisces Mercury...

I have to admit I would rather keep daydreaming, rather not talk to anyone and sit there listening to music or just go out and chill out or go drinking or even smoke - anything to get away from facing the cold harsh reality, I mean this is what happened to me when things between me and my ex deteriorated... I guess I am very escapist and love to daydream and leave my responsibilities and worries behind, they just hold you back, like some sort of baggage that you can't seem to seperate yourself from.

However... voices linger in my memory and they end up bringing me back to reality which hits me hard but I guess it's for the best.

Which planet is responsible in astrology for highest intelligence?

The ancient sages knew way before the west could find out, that there are several different kinds of intelligence, each ruled by a different planet.Depends upon the kind of intelligence that you are talking about. Here is a cheat sheet:Normal Intelligence: Normally acceptable definition of intelligence is the boy in the class who has quick answer for everything. You know the quick silver verbose and good at calculation types, “mercurial” intelligence. the name gives it up, it is for MERCURYIntellectual Wisdom: The “Professor” types people who don’t have the quick sliver intelligence but have slow and sober version called “Wisdom” know it all and spend their time guiding the others. JUPITEREmotional Intelligence: How is the other person feeling? Emotional intelligence has been the big thing of late and such people make great Human Resources persons and everything that has to do with feeling and caring. This one comes from the mother of all, MOON.Worldly Wise: You don’t work you don’t eat. Save for a rainy day. That’s the way things are here. And famously “ACT LIKE A MAN” All the old school wisdom comes from the grand old man Saturn. He makes you an offer that you can’t refuse.Artistic Intelligence: Fashion designers and dress makers to artists and interior decorators are the ones who know which color goes with what. Which tune would suit which occasion. Right from painting to playing musical instruments, all kinds of arts come from the planet of beauty and art, VENUS.Secret Intelligence: This is the guy has thirst for knowing the unknown from occult to nuclear science to nation’s secrets. This is all hidden knowledge and comes from the planet which is masters of shadows. This rules the criminal as well as the detectives. All the “Intelligence Services” e.g. CIA are ruled by this planet. RAHU.Spiritual Intelligence: Last but not the least, tell this is “other worldly” intelligence. This one comes not from head or even the heart, this one comes from the spirit. And the ruling planet is the one who has lost his head, but it is considered the wiest of all planets. KETUGod Bless,G. Vijay KumarImages: Google

What does it mean if I have a water dominant chart?

Same here :( You probably psychic? Sensitive and a deep person? Artsy? Creative? Caring and probably a mom or big sister to others.
Bad your secretive, bad temper and can be explosive but don't last long. You also may suffer from mood swings or have trouble with emotions.

I agree with person above but remember it's also easy to become unbalanced thata why if your like me you need to take time to yourself, mediation and maybe someone to talk with Someone you can trust. plus a combo of exercise and eating healthy.

Sun inconjunct/quincunx Neptune. Should I stay away from psychic phenomena?

Ignore the inconjunct at your own peril. While I can see the fascination (Neptune) you have for all things psychic, your Sun, your Spirit, is telling you to get yourself straight about this. The inconjunct bespeaks a very real need to readjust your thoughts, feelings, and especially your motivations for wanting to delve into psychic activity.

As it stands, your Sun (Spirit) is driving you to realize that you've been down this road before (Neptune/past lives), and not successfully (inconjunct). You can either ignore your Spirit and do as you will, or heed its advice and search deeply your desire for treading this path again; for there is much you need to learn before being able to successfully engage in psychic activity without harm to yourself or to others.

Look to the Progressed Chart to see where you are now in all this... if you have reached a level of maturity that is conducive to such activities. But don't be surprised to find that you should not develop any of this until much later in your life.