Running In The Morning

Running at night or in the morning?

I would say running in the mornings when the sun is out, because the sun helps you to sweat more.

Can i get tan running in the morning?

No. You need UVB to stimulate melanin production. At 8am the sun is way too low for any UVB to get through the atmosphere so it ain't gonna happen. A simple rule of thumb is this: if your shadow is longer than you are tall, there is no UVB getting to your body. If that's what you want then do your running at 8. If you WANT some color then go for your run at around 10.
If you live in the northern latitudes (North of Atlanta) then we're in UV winter right now - there's no UVB to be had anywhere at any time so job whenever you please you won't tan.

What's your motivation for running early in the morning?

My motivation for running early in the morning is that i think no one else is working as hard as me right now. I seem to have more energy through the day and once my run is over my workout is done for the day and I can get everything else accomplished that I need to.

Why do people go running in the morning?

Yes you are burning fat if you run for 20 minutes or more, just because you didn't eat anything does not mean you are not burning anything; your body goes to your fat stores for energy. Yes it will tire you out that is the point. It's called exercise! It feels great and is extremely healthy! I do it every morning and not only is it a great workout, but my abs are finally coming through! Aw yeah low body fat % yeah! :D

Should I start running in the morning before school?

I HATE getting up for school. I'm always so slow and sloggy.
But I love that feeling after you run and take a shower,
so I wanna start doing that in the morning to help wake me up.

Is running in the morning a good idea?
I'm 16 and I've been doing XC, basketball, and track for my school for 3 years so I'm used to running and stuff.
But it's XC season right now and our after school practices are gonna start soon.
Plus I'm taking AP classes and I don't want to get stressed or anything.
Or will running in the morning help me do better in school?