Scabies Anybody With Experience Help

My friend has scabies, will I get it?

A few days ago I went over to my friends house, I sat in her bed, on her floor, wore a pair of her underwear, and sat on the couch with her. Is there a good chance im gunna get it? She found out today she had it and told me when I was in the car with her. Is there any way to get rid of it before the horrible symptoms?

My best friend had scabies now I'm afraid I might have it. What should I do?

If she had the treatment actually on (ie that she put the elimite cream on her body or had done it the night before) then that is a good sign because that is a pesticide killer.

I don't think you'd be itching right away anyway as it can take a few weeks to even have an allergic response to the scabies yourself. It often is psychological itching when someone feels itchy right away.

It sounds like you've washed everything your friend was in contact with in hot water and put in hot dryer plus cleaned. I am assuming you didn't share a bed. Though scabies is contagious, if she did use the cream within a day or two that is a good sign that it has killed the mites.

Scabies Info

My best friend has scabies, will I get them if I keep hanging out with her?

Scabies is highly contagious and requires bodily skin to skin contact, scabies are small mites that bury their selves under the skin and are extremely itchy normally you will notice them on the legs and trunk of your body first and they leave small red tracks as they continue to burrow under the skin.
The good thing is scabies are easily treatable by going to the pharmacy for hexaclorophine or benzo benzoate cream all bedding and clothing should be thoroughly washed and disinfected and never use anyone elses towels.

How do i tell my mom i might have scabies?

Scabies is an itchy skin condition caused by the microscopic mite Sarcoptes scabei. It is common all over the world, and it affects people of all races and social classes. Scabies spreads quickly in crowded conditions where there is frequent skin-to-skin contact between people. Hospitals, child-care centers and nursing homes are examples. Scabies can easily infect sex partners and other household members. Sharing clothes, towels, and bedding can also spread scabies. You cannot get scabies from a pet. Pets get a different mite infection called mange.

Lindane cures lice and scabies, but it may cause serious side effects. Safer medications are available to treat these conditions. You should only use lindane if there is some reason you cannot use the other medications or if you have tried the other medications and they have not worked.

In rare cases, lindane has caused seizures and death. Most patients who experienced these severe side effects used too much lindane or used lindane too often or for too long, but a few patients experienced these problems even though they used lindane according to the directions. Babies; children; older people; people who weigh less than 110 lbs; and people who have skin conditions such as psoriasis, rashes, crusty scabby skin, or broken skin are more likely to experience the dangerous effects of lindane. These people should use lindane only if a doctor decides it is really needed.

Lindane should not be used to treat premature babies or people who have or have ever had seizures, especially if the seizures are hard to control.

Lindane is poisonous if too much is used or if it is used for too long or too often. Your doctor will tell you exactly how to use lindane. Follow these directions carefully. Do not use more lindane or leave the lindane on for a longer time than you are told. Do not use a second treatment of lindane even if you still have symptoms. You may be itchy for several weeks after your lice or scabies are killed.

For more information on Lindane, click on the second source.

Does african americans get scabies?

Your skin color has nothing to do with scabies.

Scabies are spread by direct, prolonged, skin-to-skin contact with a person already infested with scabies. Contact must be prolonged (a quick handshake or hug will usually not spread infestation). Infestation is easily spread to sexual partners and household members. Infestation may also occur by sharing clothing, towels, and bedding.

People with weakened immune systems and the elderly are at risk for a more severe form of scabies, called Norwegian or crusted scabies.

But again, yes, they can.

Can I apply tea tree oil on my whole body for scabies and if I can, how long do I keep it on before I wash it off?

Found this on the internet, taken from a dermatologist site:Tea tree oil does kill unprotected and vulnerable scabies mites. But is ineffective when it comes to treating deeply burrowed mites. Is also ineffective at killing unhatched mite eggs.So, sadly, tea tree is not an all-around cure for scabies.The best way to kill scabies (and only way that we recommend here) is to use oral ivermectin and/or permethrin cream. Simultaneous use of both is highly recommended.You also need to DRY CLEAN every garment, carpet and curtain in your house. Your mattresses, bedding, sheets, towels and furniture also need to be dry cleaned. You must also ask the dry cleaner FIRST if they will accept them as they are basically accepting infested items. If you don’t do this, you will get reinfested in no time and they may sue you for passing on the infection.I hope you get well soon. Try to find a way of avoiding the infestation again. There may be some preventative measures that you can take. Best wishes. :)

I have no idea where I got scabies from or where to go from here?

Calm down! it's a curable disease :) :)

Scabies is almost always spread by protracted skin-to-skin contact with a person who carries the mite. The mites often begin to burrow at the site where they enter the body. Thus, skin transmission during sexual intercourse results in an infestation in the groin area. It is important to point out that scabies is not always a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and may be acquired through casual contact. Less commonly, scabies infestation can happen through the sharing of clothes and bedding. Theoretically, you can get scabies from touching something that the mite is on, but that is not a major mode of transmission.

you cannot cure a case of scabies without prescription medication from a doctor, there are certain things you can do at home to keep from re-infesting yourself or your family.

- Wash all clothing, towels, and bed linens that you have used in the last three days. Use hot water. You should use the dryer at high heat rather than air drying. Since the mites can survive on nonliving objects for several days, place the objects that are not machine washable (such as coats and stuffed toys) into a bag and store for a week.

- Use the medication as prescribed and instructed. Do not use it more than instructed because you risk causing chemical irritation of your skin.

- You can also treat itching with antihistamine medications such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl), hydroxyzine (Atarax), cetirizine (Zyrtec), and promethazine (Phenergan).

- Cut your nails, and clean under them thoroughly to remove any mites or eggs that may be present.

- Thoroughly vacuum your rugs, furniture, bedding, and car interior and throw the vacuum-cleaner bag away when finished.

- Try to avoid scratching. Keep any open sores clean.

you can use permethrin cream it is the strongest :)

How does one get scabies?

Causes of scabies. Scabies is a skin condition caused by the parasite Sarcoptes scabiei. The intense itching associated with scabies is thought to be caused by the immune system reacting to the mites and their saliva, eggs and faeces. (see Scabies (STD) - Symptoms, Treatment, Testing | STD Scabies for further details)A scabies infestation starts when a female mite burrows into your skin.Male mites move between different burrow sites looking to mate. After mating, the male mite dies and the female begins to lay eggs, which hatch around three to four days later.After hatching, the young mites move to the surface of the skin, where they mature into adults after 10 to 15 days. Male mites stay on the surface of the skin, while female mites burrow back into the skin to create a new burrow. The life cycle is then repeated. (see Scabies (STD) - Symptoms, Treatment, Testing | STD Scabies for further details)Without effective treatment, the life cycle of the scabies mite can continue indefinitely. Scabies mites are resistant to soap and hot water and can't be scrubbed out of the skin.