Severely Depressed About Love

A person who was severely depressed ..?

7. A person who was severely depressed is suddenly happy and carefree. What may this indicate
according to the lesson?
a. The depression is over.
b. The person has become involved in a good relationship.
c. The person is having a good day and wants everyone to know.
d. The person has made a decision to commit suicide.

My mom is severely depressed because of me, what should I do?

Wow, this situation is EXACTLY like what happened to me. However, I ended up not talking to either of them because of what you just explained. You can't do anything, sweetie. She is an adult who CHOOSES to be controlled by this man and, basically, to not have a relationship with you because it is easier. She has that free will and she needs to save herself. Don't feel guilty because your father has done this to the both of you. You two are victims, please don't blame yourselves. Hopefully some day your mother will realize that being a good mother is more important than being a pushover wife and she will rekindle your relationship and tell your dad to **** off. Don't push it because you can get her into trouble with your father and make her life a living hell. If she loves this man more than she wants to be a mother, then that is very sad, but you need to respect her decision. Good luck, email me if you need anything else. I swear, I've been through this exact thing.

UM why is everyone telling you to stand up to him and save your mom??!! She is an adult who makes her own decisions! Divorce is preferable over suicide! By writing letters you are going to risk her safety because controlling men are usually abusive either physically or mentally.

Keep in touch with her best friend and talk to her best friend regularly. Tell her about how much your mother means to you and how much you'd be willing to help her if she left your father. Have her convey these things to your mother and give her hope in a dark place. Maybe she will take this advice and do what's best for herself.

Not anymore sweetie, email me :)

My little brother is severely depressed and I worried about him?

I think it will be best that you let him grieve in whatever way that he chooses. If he wants to go to bed really early and sleep till the next day, then I think you should let him. He just really needs this time to grieve and if sleeping helps ease his mind a bit, then just let him do that.
After you give him some time, perhaps you could ask him if there is anybody he would like to talk to whether that be a counsellor, a school teacher, yourself or anybody else that he trusts. But don't make him do it because he may get angry and start to feel really depressed all over again.

You sound like such an amazing sister. You remind me of my older sister who was/is always there for me when I am down. Your brother is really lucky to have you, and I wish you both the best of luck and hope everything turns out okay!

I have a perfect life but am severely depressed?

I've been depressed for as long as I can remember. Even as a kid. (It was more of a simple type of constant sadness, back then, though, since I obviously didn't understand things as well and wasn't as intelligent) but it just kept getting worse, especially the past year of 9th grade I just went through. I have only one friend and no social life, no interest in anything, and I never do anything. I don't have any hobbies and have no drive to do anything, I rarely have an appetite, I can't sleep until around 4-6 a.m.. I am so shy I visibly shake when strangers talk to me. I have a major inferiority complex, and I hate everything about myself. I cut, and I would commit suicide except for the same inferiority issue and feeling like I'm not good enough to end my own pain, that my family are more worth it because they'd be hurt by it, even though they shouldn't love me. Despite this, I never really felt an emotional connection with family members, it's just my guilt.
I've tried to help this on my own. I've been like it for a long time. I forgot I had, until my grandma mentioned about a 4th grader hanging himself and said she used to be concerned when I was little that I might do that because I was so different and negative when I was in elementary.
And my life is great. I know it is. No one I know well has died. No one has abused me in any way. We don't have much money, but we have enough for a house and basic things such as the internet. It makes me feel worse. I hate myself so much. I always wish that someone else that deserved it could have taken my place, and I could be one of the people with a terrible life while they get to enjoy mine, the way I can't. I'm a horrible person. So when someone says about how bad other people have it, how I should be happy, etc, it is not helping.
And my mom knows I cut and am depressed all of the time. It's pretty obvious, but she has told me she knows. It's already embarrassing enough to me, and I've made subtle suggestions about her getting me help, know that I'm never going to full out demand I see a therapist or something. I should, but I know I won't. I'm not sure what else to do...

I love her and she loves me, but she has severe depression and takes her anger out on me. What should I do? (Read details)

Your gf suffers from a mental illness which is incurable, but is treatable. The symptoms can be controlled with a combination of medication and therapy that she will likely always need. From your description, I'd guess that it's currently poorly controlled or not controlled at all.Your whole problem might come down to something as simple as that. Simple yet formidable, because it's not something you can do anything about. What needs to be done needs to be done by her.You could try to nudge the issue by drawing a line in the sand and telling her that the status quo is too hard for you emotionally, and you won't be able to continue to see her unless she gets herself into treatment.It's a risk. You have to reckon with the possibility that this will end your relationship. But consider the alternative.