Should Christians Be Called Paulians Since They So Often Quote Paul

Should Christians change their name to Paultians?

How observant! Yes, most should. I see more "Christians" here quote Paul over and over again, but not Christ. I've quoted Christ and they attack me with the thumb down fairy. I've even asked why they do this and not one really had a good answer - or even understood the question.

Can Jehovah’s Witnesses be called Christians?

In response to James Hough’s reply…. please read thisWhy not define “Christian “ as someone who obeys and follows the teachings of Jesus. No that is too simple because it would clearly allow people to recognize the difference between true Christians and liars. Shall we start with the origins of the Roman Church or Roman Catholic Church which I was part of from birth, telling people to disobey the 2nd commandment Ex. 20:4,5 and use images, statues, symbols and such as part of their worship. Shall we talk about allowing people to use Rosaries or Prayer beads while “saying the same thing over and over again while praying, which is in direct disobedience to what Jesus taught his followers. Mat. 6:7 right before he taught the “model “ prayer to “keep God’s name holy” but refuse to teach or even acknowledge God’s name as it is found in the earliest manuscripts and even written on many altars of Catholic Churches. But I won’t mention that the pope ordered the name removed from all churches and Catholic literature because it separates the father and son as two individual beings and not one god in three persons. Shall we also talk about how over the last century alone, the Catholic Church is responsible for 100’s of millions of deaths by sending Catholics from one country to kill and slaughter Catholics in another country and destroy the earth with bombs and devastation of natural resources in order to maintain their neutrality on both soft the wars so they could not loose. Then to honor the soldiers on both sides and bless them for their bloodshed of other Christians. Does the American Revolutionary War, the American Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, American college campuses and cities demonstrating for peace and sending Catholic soldiers to forcefully control and disperse the protesters by violence and even death.Oh my my my…. how many more things can we talk about not to mention how the baby boomer generation experienced physical beatings as discipline by clergy who were supposed to be loving and setting the example of Christ.Please. If you want others to know what a Christian is, do not define them by what they believe, but by what they do. Jesus said, “why call me Lord if you do not do as l say!”

Why did Gnosticism die out? Also what happened to the Gnostic Scriptures?

I love you!

Gnosticism is alive and making a resurgence. Jesus was a gnostic. The early church desired to take the human element out of Christianity by declaring the gnostic gospels as heresy. Pope Gregory in 581 declared them to be destroyed. Many were saved. By whom, we do not know. They were discovered in Nag Hammadi Egypt in the late 1800's. Many scholars believe that most of those writings predate the writings of Paul. It was the Paulians that feared the gnostic gospels because they taught of knowledge and enlightenment, NOT SALVATION!