Should I Be Able To Hear My Heart Beat When I Am Really Quiet

Poll: If its quiet enough, can -you- hear your own heart beating?

It was very quiet earlier today and I heard what seemed to be someone hitting a wall softly. tock tuck tock tuck I was laying in bed when I noticed it and was wondering what in the world it was, and why someone was doing that. Eventually I realized it was my own heart that I was hearing! I was kind of excited at first so it was going a reasonable rate, and then once i figured out it was my own heart I was hearing I just laid there listening and it got slower and slower. I was wondering if it would get down to 60 per minute and it did. Then I tried to slow it down more and more until it was like thuck-k.........thuck-k........ thuck-k........ thuck-k...... I know it was below 30 per minute but I don't think it got to 20. I was sure calm, I felt tired even. So I listed to that for a while and thought about timing it with the stopwatch thing on the cell phone, but then I'd have to walk across the room to get it, and it didn't matter anyway, so I didn't. So I listened a little longer trying to decide if it was closer to two seconds or three between beats and decided it was more than two and a half seconds but not three. Then I got tired of laying there so I got up and left.

What is this pulsing sound in my left ear I hear when it's quiet?

It is not there when you go to sleep, it is there all the time, you just do not notice it.The noise heard by people may be a buzzing, ringing, roaring, whistling, or hissing sound and is often associated with tinnitus (hearing loss).The noise can be intermittent or continuous, and can vary in loudness. It is often worse when background noise is low, so you may be most aware of it at night when you're trying to fall asleep in a quiet room. In rare cases, the sound beats in sync with your heart (pulsatile tinnitus).What is Tinnitus? - The Emerge Center

Would i be able to hear my baby's heartbeat through a stephascope??

Once again, people give answers without any backround or knowledge. How do people think doctors used to listen to babies heartbeats before the invention of doppler? Yes, it is possible to hear a fetal heartbeat using a stethoscope, although a fetoscope (fetal stethoscope) would be better.

Listening to the Fetal Heart
Starting at around 20 weeks, the fetal heartbeat can usually be heard without Doppler amplification (ultrasound). At this point a special stethoscope called a fetoscope can be used. The heartbeat is best heard over the baby's back, which often seems firm when you feel around the uterus. It may be difficult to hear the fetal heart by stethoscope if the mother is overweight or if the placenta is on the front wall of the uterus. It gets easier to hear later on in the pregnancy, so don't get discouraged! Always remember that every pregnancy is unique, and mothers should always consult their obstetrician with any questions. These fetal stethoscopes are intended for use by professionals.

Heart beat in ear when bending Down? Is this normal?!?

When you bend blood can get to your head faster and in bigger quantity so you get your noise because a vessel is pumping near your ear drum. I also sometimes hear my heart beat - usually after exercise.

Is it okay to hear my heartbeat like that?

You shouldn't be able to hear your actual heartbeat (the lub-dub sound) unless you have your ear against your upper arm or something. You can however hear your pulse. You hear the sound of the blood pulsing past your eardrums. That is normal.

I'm also going to tell you that you definitely DIDN'T hear your friend's heart. If you did, you would have known it wasn't racing because you could have heard the rate. You are imagining it. You CAN, in VERY VERY VERY rare circumstances hear the sound of another person's heart hitting their rib cage IF it is completely silent in the room, you are close by, you have very good hearing, they are extremely thin and they have very forceful ventricular contractions and likely a slightly irregular shaped heart. I have heard of one or two cases of this but no more.

About you knowing when people are lying or scared, you are probably just good a reading peoples faces and body language, after that you are imaging what their heart would be sounding while in the emotional state you just interpreted.