Should I Black Out My Social Security Number On My Medicare Card

What do social security numbers starting with 1 mean?

I am not sure exactly if it starts with like 110 but i know it starts with 1 something. Most social security numbers i am aware of start with like 5's or 6's or what not. Does this have any significant meaning as in the person is from out of the country or did something illegal or recently obtained a number? Thank you

Why does Square require my social security number?

Respectfully, I offer the following: When I went to work for the Social Security Administration (SSA) in 1973, I was sent to 3 months of classroom training to learn the programs administered by SSA, i.e., retirement, disability, and survivors’ benefits as well as SSI which became effective January 1, 1974. From then until my retirement in 2005, we instructed people to follow social security regulations NOT to give their social security number (SSN) for any non-SSA or non-IRS purpose.Sadly (in my view), the SSN has become something of an identity-number. It was never meant for such. Doctors’ offices, hospitals, stores offering credit accounts, etc.—any number of entities have asked for the SSN for many years. I’ve always informed inquirers of SSA’s position: NOT to provide the SSN for a non-SSA or non-IRS use.I know, I know: If you don’t provide the SSN when requested by a doctor’s office, department store, etc., you may be refused a service, a product, etc. When I’ve completed applications for credit, library cards, social clubs, etc., I’ve left the SSN block blank. Occasionally, I’ve been told I “missed” it. I explained (kindly) that I don’t understand why they’ve asked for “my SSN since I’m not applying for social security or applying for a job or filing my tax return.” Half the time they deny me whatever I’m seeking; other half the time they just let it pass.

Why is there a federal reserve number on the back of my social security card?

It isn't a Federal Reserve number.

According to Donald F. Walton, United States Trustee for Region 21 to a meeting of the American Bankruptcy Institute in April 2009, the number printed on the back of the card is a "sequential control number."

These alpha-numeric codes are printed in red, black or blue ink and help authenticate the card as valid. This information was shared in the context of Bankruptcy Courts checking Social Security cards through the Social Security Administration, to prevent identity theft. The sequential control number, which bears no obvious correlation to an individual's Social Security Number should correspond to the date, area, and application of a particular cardholder.

Rumors about the "red number" containing biometric data, such as racial profiles, economic status, and other personal information are false, as are claims about it being a routing number to the Federal Reserve

Is the Alien Registration Number the same as a Social Security Number for alien permanent residents?

No, because the only persons issued a social security numbers are citizens of the United States. The fact that it has a similar numeric pattern means nothing. If she is waiting for a social security card and is waiting to use it for benefits enrollment, a credit card or some other non-urgent transaction, I suggest she wait for the card to arrive. It does take time to process for a new number because she is being put through the same process to identify an available number that a newborn would have. Then they have to provide the card.

If she has an urgent need, then provide her Alien Registration number and advise the person requesting the number of her green card status. If the person tries to deny her benefits because of lack of proof of citizenship, show them her green card and advise them that you can update it as soon as it arrives. Generally hospitals, medical providers, and so forth cannot deny benefits based on citizenship. Also access to public education and other programs should not be affected. However, note that a bank, credit card company or other business is not normally under ANY obligation to provide an approval for a contract absent proof of residency or citizenship except in a very few circumstances.