Should I Get Invisalign Or Braces

Which is better braces or invisalign?

Braces work faster than invisalign so it's more effective. But after my braces were done I had to wear the invisalgn anyway,so i think it's cheaper to get the invisalign. Then again, the invisalign is pretty slow. I still have to wear them to sleep!

p.s. they both hurt at the start but the pain starts to ease once you get used to it.

Invisalign or braces?

I had metal braces, twice, and now I have a retainer ( which everyone after braces will have, there are different ones ) and the retainer I have is just like the Invisalign, but it doesn't move my teeth.
And personally, I recommend you to get the metal braces, because that plastic on your teeth is really annoying, you always get salive in there and have to suck it out, sometimes it causes bleeding, and for some reason I get the urge to close my mouth really hard on that retainer, and I asked my boyfriend if he does the same with his retainer ( it's the same as mine ) and he does it too, so maybe you will do the same.

Also, the metal braces can move your teeth faster, you have no chance to lose them. However the cons are :
- you have to go for adjustments more often so you'll be in pain a little bit more
- brackets, elastic bands can break, and you will have to go get them fixed, which can sometimes cost money, but not a lot don't worry.
- food gets stuck in your teeth
- you can get stains if you don't brush your teeth good

The pros of the Invisalign :
- you can take them out whenever you want, so no food will get stuck in your teeth, however this is a bad thing in my opinion because since you can take it off, you will sometimes forget to put it back in, and it will be annoying obviously just like the normal braces, and you will not put them in your mouth the whole day.
- they are clear, but you can still see them actually, so yeah...
- less appointments

Cons of invisalign :
- obviously, the fact that you can take them out, I explained why in the pros
- moves teeth slower than normal braces
- the saliva that gets in them, having to suck it out
- not so invisible

If you don't want normal braces because you can see them, then you can get ceramic ones, they are not 100% clear though, but if your teeth are not yellowish, then you won't see them as much, but with these you have to be very careful because you can stain them, so avoid coffee, sodas, teas.. and any food that can stain. Also brush your teeth 2-3 times a day.

Anyway, hope I helped :)

Should I get braces or invisalign?

ooh i have the same problem
i think invisalign is definitely more expensive but what they do is take a mould of your teeth and then they make moulds for you and change the mould every two weeks until it's the perfect shape. It gradually changes the shape of your teeth. It's a good idea too because you don't have to get food stuck in your teeth and braces because you can take invisalign off very easily
well if you are financially comfortable or your family has health insurance, then by far that is the better option because you won't get stuck with braces in photos or stained braces as my friend who ate curry found out! hahaha


BRACES! Invisalign does not work as well as braces infact I just saw my orthodontist today and he said he would not reccomend anyone to get Invisalign simply because you will get a more effective treatment with braces. I really wanted invisalign but if I come out with a better smile with braces then I will have braces also invisalign does not fix alot of other things that braces can, and you have to make sure that you can even qualify for invisalign because lots of people are NOT canidates for invisalign!

Hope I helped! :)

Can braces or Invisalign make your teeth fall out?

Before placing braces or invisalign on, the orthodontist will do a full health check up of your teeth, roots of teeth, gums and bone around your teeth (by means of radiographs).It's absolutely critical that the oral health is excellent with no active caries or gum inflammation. Although a very minor degree of inflammation is ok.Orthodontics can cause a degree of root resorption, this is unavoidable sadly. But your orthodontist will assess the length of teeth roots. The impact of root resorption caused by braces are usually minor, but in 5% of cases it may be severe. There are no ways to predict amount of root resorption as of yet.All these are precations to ensure your teeth don't fall out when we move them with braces. We need healthy oral environment to maintain good support to your teeth when moving them.So in short, braces and invisalign can make your teeth fall out if the oral health was not optimum, but we usually don't fit them on until we are sure about the oral health first.

Do invisalign braces make your teeth feel loose?

Your teeth will feel loose during treatment, just like they do with regular braces. There is no way to move your teeth without them loosening up. After your treatment is completed, your teeth will tighten back up again. There is no way to move teeth otherwise.

Can I get invisalign braces with a partial?

Unfortunately, you won't be able to wear the partial denture AND have the teeth moved with the Invisalign. (Or with any other means of orthodontic movement.) Wearing the partial will keep the teeth in place: there would be no room to move your teeth. Also, it is very, very likely that the partial will not fit once you've had the teeth that it clips to moved. Therefore, you would need to factor in the cost of a new partial into the financial equation.

Get a consultation with an orthodontist about your particular situation. It shouldn't cost too much and all of your questions will be answered. Otherwise, talk to your general dentist who may be able to offer other solutions such as bridgework.

I hope this helps.

How much benefit will you get from Invisalign braces?

While straightening your teeth, Invisalign is the only clear option that is free of wires and brackets. Wearing traditional braces can help you to align the teeth but it is painful to wear. Adults can be embarrassed to wear them and it steals your natural, beautiful smile. And, therefore, Invisalign is a great alternative.Here are some benefits from Invisalign.Invisible AppearanceComfort & Improved cleanlinessRemovable & safeBoost self-confidenceBetter Dental HelthInvisalign will make your teeth perfectly straight with the help using a series of clear, customized, removable appliances called aligners. Which are much easy to wear and remove even when eating chewy or sticky food! If you want your teeth perfect and your smile beautiful, visit Invisalign orthodontist near you and begin your journey to a perfect smile!