Should I Give Up On College To Take Care Of My Really Ill Mom

My mom wants me to give up my room?

My mom's old highschool friend is coming to visit. I'm 21 and am living at home through college. My mom's friend has a 15 year old daughter that my mom wants me to give up my room for. I have never met these people and feel really uncomfortable giving this girl my bedroom for the whole week. My mother started yelling and calling me selfish because I don't want to give it up. Then she pulled the my house my rules card, and started telling me she'd prefer I didn't live here. I only live at home because she needed me too. She doesn't drive, and she is always sick so someone had to take care of her.

What do I do?

What should I do if I'm really sick but have no insurance or money?

I'm 19 years old, normally I never get sick so I've never had to worry about it.
But I've been sick for the like the past 3 months now.
I've had mucus dripping down my throat. At first I thought it was just a cold that would go away on it's own, but it hasn't. The amount of mucus seems to be increasing its starting to burn my throat all the time and it's getting sorer and sorer. Right now its so sore I can barely talk. This is just making me feel really tired and bad. I tried drinking hot tea it did nothing. Also I have really big swollen lymph nodes on my neck so it hurts to turn my neck now.

The problem is I'm a college student with no insurance so I cant go to the health center here or any other doctor for that matter also I have no job or car meaning no money or transportation. I called my mom to tell her I was sick and she keeps telling me to just wait it out and I dont need to see a doctor and to stop asking because she really cant afford it.

So I don't know what to do about this. I'm really worried. What should I do?

I live with my disabled mom and we need help!?

The discharge planner (social worker) at the rehab facility where she is can help you line everything up, including getting you caregiver benefits paid to you by your county.
Your mom should be doing far more for herself than she is, including fixing meals, driving herself to and from work (there are adaptive devices available that would allow her to drive), laundry, other housework, being independent in toileting, dressing, bathing, and even taking care of her dogs. The occupational therapist where she is should be providing help that teaches her how to be independent even in a wheelchair. It is not impossible for her to be able to do everything independently, particularly at her age. Hell, I've seen people who are bilateral above-the-knee amputees (from diabetes, no less) at least 10 years older than your mom live completely independently.
Once your mom is discharged home, an occupational therapist can provide home-health services and teach your mom how to manage working around her own house and doing all the tasks needed in order to live independently..Adaptive equipment, such as grab bars, reachers, and bed rails can be provided, and your mom can learn to use them. If she had had a reacher, she most likely would have never fallen from her chair and injured herself.
Sometimes patients and their caregivers need to be realistic. It sounds to me that neither your mom, nor you, is being the slightest bit realistic. Doctors are not social workers, and it isn't in their scope of practice to set up services like what you and your mom need.
She would not qualify for disability; she's working full-time and has demonstrated that whatever physical problems she has don't prevent her from doing so.
Your life has been put on hold, which is highly unfair to you, and your mom has been using you for a slave when she could very well do everything for herself.
If your mom grouses about being pushed to take care of herself, encourage her to get some psychotherapy to figure out why she's become so dependent on you that it is retarding your development academically, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Your mom is playing the martyr, and it's certainly no help to you.

I'm engaged! But my mom is mad. Is it fair? How should i handle it?

i have been dating the samne guy for over a year. He is my bestfriend. My everything. We are both 18 and could spend every second of every day together and not get sick of eachother. We have never done anything sexual, but we just love eachother so much! My mom thinks how much time we spend together is ridiculous. She's not married... His mom is super excited. My mom LOVES the guy... but im starting to grow up and she doesnt like it. Now she points out every flaw he has and wants me to change him into who she wants him to be...but he already is who I want him to be and who HE IS.
My Brother got engaged after dating a girl for 2 weeks and she was ok with it because he's 20. I don't want to get married for a while...but she's flipping out just because I have a beautiful ring on my finger! How can I handle this situation responsibly and respectfully?