Should I Go To School Tomorrow

Should I go to school tomorrow?

If E is the event of Rituraj Bhattacharya going to school, and F is the event of Soumyadeep Mukherjee going to school, and vice versa, then we can make the following assumptions:P(E)=½P(F)=½P(E|F)=1P(F|E)=1By the following results and deductions, it is my earnest request to you that the question of your going to school be asked only to Soumyadeep Mukherjee and no one else.Hope this answer satisfies what you expected.Sarcasm….

Should i go to school tomorrow?

I went home early from school on monday w/ a fever of 102.
I've been home since then.
My dad wants me to go to school because I've been out for 3 days,
but my mom's wondering if maybe I should go to the doctor.
Even though I still have a fever,I don't feel horrible anymore,so I think I can probably make it through the day
if i just take some DayQuil or something.

Should I go to school tomorrow if I have a fever?

I was fine until I woke up today. I felt more tired than usual but I thought that was because my parents woke me up a few minutes earlier. I then get on the bus to school. I normally am awake by my first period class but today I wasn't. I started feeling sweaty and shaky and asked a friend in my class to take my temperature. She said she thinks I have one. I then go to gym class and ask my friends there if I have a fever, they pretty much said no I don't. I then do gym class with no problem. I get to social studies and I felt this sudden urge of tiredness like I could fall asleep if I close my eyes for a second. I leave to go to English and ask my friends if I have a fever, they tell me I'm burning up and need to go to the nurse. I told my English teacher and she felt my head, telling me I feel warm but no too bad, and that if I feel worse I should tell her and I should go. Normally I wouldv've just told her I feel awful and want to go down to the nurse immediatley, but we were having an important lesson in class so I wanted to stay. I then am supposed to be in study hall but instead go to the nurse where they say I have a 98.8 temperature. I tell them I really do not feel good and want to go home. They called my parents and now I'm home. My temperature went up pretty fast, because it's about an hour later now and I'm at 99.9. I don't have medicine but I will be getting some in a few hours when my parents come back from work. Should I go to school tomorrow if my fever is gone

Should I go to school tomorrow or not?

Sleep in, wake up and make yourself some hot cocoa with marshmallows, and some soup while you're at it. Rent a good movie or two, enjoy them, and take some cold medicine. Forget about school until about 6, then study for the quizzes for a couple of hours, email your teachers and ask them if you can make up the quizzes tomorrow, being Wednesday, and then go to bed early, stress-free and healthy. Also buy some werthers candy or ludens cough drops or whatever they are called.

Should i go to school drunk tomorrow?

No, when I was in highschool, kids used to get drunk and I always thought was the STUPIDEST thing.

First of all, alduts don't do their jobs drunk unless they're alcoholics. Yes, drinking is cool and fun and all that, but why can't you just wait until after school? Not having AAAANY self control isn't attractive or fun. Drink yourself silly, but do it after school.

Besides, those kids used to get caught, and it was not good for them. It ended up getting kids into some pretty serious trouble. Seriously, don't do it. Just wait until after school.

You know what you CAN do any time and however much you want? Smoke weed. Serious. Nobody will really be able to notice that you're high, and even if they do, they can't prove it as easily as they could that you were drunk. Plus, being drunk isn't even fun. I'm 23, I'm a bartender, and take it from me, being drunk is nowhere near as good of a feeling as smoking weed. Try it.
But please, don't drink before school. It's such a waste of good liquor. Who wants to be drunk and have to actually learn things?!

If i have a 99.5 fever should I go to school tomorrow?

I was sent home yesterday because it was 100.9. Im feeling better but my temp its 99.5(which is that even a fever?) and i have a horrible cough. If it were any other school i would wait another day, but I go to a really hard prep school and missing a day means hell for the next week. Although i also have to remember that everyone is super scared of even a cough because of swine and all. Should i go to school?

Should I go to school tomorrow if I have had a stomach bug today and still don’t feel good 100%?

You should consult with your parents or guardian or if you are on your own, contact the school health department and seek their advice. If you have no temperature, you are most likely not carrying anything that might be contagious. If you are an adult status, use some grownup thinking skills and ponder if you might lose your cookies during class and if caution is the better part of valor.Be a skeptic. Question everything in your life and what you think you know. Use the bywords of Honor, Truth, Reason, and Logic in your life and you will be much happier and more fulfilled for doing so.