Should I Speak To Corporate

Corporate Law Vs Criminal Law?

It's difficult to pit these practice areas against each other without more specifics.

A criminal lawyer can either work in prosecution or defense. Prosecutors are often, but not always on the payroll of the state. Some prosecutors are private but are contracted by the state. It's generally a 9-5, 40 hour a week job, and I've even seen salaries as low as $25,000 a year. In a large city, they can make over $50000 starting. Defense attorneys can also be public or private. If the state has a big enough budget, it will have a staff of public defenders. They're paid about as well as prosecutors and have the same number of hours. But the vast majority of defense attorneys are private and mostly solo practitioners. Sky is the limit for pay, but expect them to make $150,000 a year if they're good.

A corporate lawyer can be a lawyer who is employed by a corporation or a private attorney who handles corporate issues. Pay will vary as well. I can't speak for the stress level, but I think it's safe to assume that those with 9-5 jobs are not as stressed as those who work more than 40 hours.

How does a "Corporation" have free speech rights?

if they pay taxes to the government and are subject to legislation by the government that will affect their profitability/existence, they have a right to express their opinion

a corporation is a group of people who have organized themselves into an entity doing business

btw, our rights don't come FROM the government-whatever gave you THAT ridiculous notion?