Should I Stay Friends With My Best Friend

Should I stop being friends with my best friend?

So, here's the story.
We've only been friends for almost 3 years but it has always been like we were meant to be. I could describe our relationshioship like.. Fusional relationship? We shared everything. All our thoughts. Our belongings, our friends. Everything. We were always together.

But... I think it's been several months... That everything started to be awful between us... My friend just gets on my nerves.
I can't do anything with someone else without her getting jealous. Buts he never includes me when she does things, even with people i knew before her. I once dated someone and she was jealous that i spent time with my datemate. She never includes me in group things and when I want to include her she never wants to. But she likes to invite herself.

So... we have this group of friends and she's always doing things with them behind my back. They never tell me they're doing things.

I can't even just stop being friends with her because she knows everyone I know and they love her. Even more than they love me because i'm often the bad one in our duo. Like she's the one who's the angel. Everyone would hate me for hurting her if we end our relationship. Like some already hate me because she talked to them about the issues we have and of course i'm the bad one...

Also I'd terribly miss her if I ended everything.

I feel stuck... I would feel even more lonely if everyone leaves me because of that... I don't know what to do...

My best friend cheated on my sister, should I stay friends with her?

So about 10 months ago my sister and my best friend admitted they had been together for a couple weeks. It was a little weird at first I have to admit. My sister's only 13 months younger than me so we've always been close and I knew something like this could happen leaving me stuck in the middle. I don't want to loose a friend but neither do I know if I can or want to forgive her for hurting my sister

Should I stay friends with my best friend, after rejection?

As we all knows, girls like to say "lets just be friends" to let you down... few however DO want to be friends

Long story short: Became best friends with this girl that rejected me when I FIRST MET her. She DOES genuinely care for me, listen to me, etc etc over our friendship of 8 months. Basically, she IS a true friend. She does however keep rejecting my romantic advances, and yes I did tell her I loved her down the road... which leads to my next point

Because I talked to her JUST TO DATE HER... and i cant and REFUSE to rid myself of my own feelings for her.... i keep "breaking up" our friendship over and over... and today it happened for the final time im sure

I'm still torn though.. I can either "Settle" and be her friend, and she gets what she wants(my friendship) while I get nothing, or walk away from the friendship. The reason why i'm torn is that she IS a true friend... but at the same time I have my own needs too, I'm a guy too that's standing up for he wants by walking away

Should I stay friends with my best guy friend that smokes weed?

So I need help. I'm in 7th grade and I'm really close with my best guy friend I can tell him a lot and I give him advise. I forced myself not to like him and all cause we are to good of friends but today I found out he smokes weed. I confronted him about it and all he said was ya I know I'm a dumb *** and stuff so I don't know if I should stay friends with him and ignore the fact that he smokes weed or stay away from that stuff. I never think about smoking but i don't know what will happen in the future if you know what I mean. So he's really nice and good friend but now everything he does all I think is he's high. I know he won't stop smoking cause its am addiction and all and he does have a really hard life so I don't know what to do with him I really need help. Thanks!

My friend can sometimes be an asshole. Should I stay friends with him?

Hi there,

Friendships and relationships are underpinned by principles of trust, honesty, loyalty, integrity and respect amongst other criteria in equal measure by each party to that friendship. Of these trust is not a God given right but needs to be earned over a period of time.

Whilst we may make friends with people for one or more reasons, we have to start with the assumption that their values, ethics and code of morality are pretty much in keeping with our own. After all if you are anti-drugs you’d hardly want a drug addict as a bosom friend. Similarly we have to take for granted that the principles I’ve mentioned are in place. Just as it takes time to build up trust, so too time will enable you to evaluate whether the principles I’ve mentioned are characteristic of the person.

Once we make friends we accept them in totality for who they are and what they are, good and bad points. We do this because none of us are perfect.

When interacting with friends we will make mistakes but if friendships are valued as indeed they should be, those mistakes will be forgiven.

In terms of what I have said your friend IS NO friend - distance yourself from him. He is showing you no respect or loyalty - you can do better than him. This is one option. The second option is to give him another chance. If you decide on this option you have to be assertive with him and tell him if it ever happens again you are finished with him.

Just formulate and communicate your thoughts, opinions and wishes in a clear, direct and non-aggressive way.

As far as your best friend is concerned he probably paid little heed to your friend's remarks about inviting you somewhere. This apart though he should have supported you and defended you when your friend talked bad things about you.

Please feel free to email me if you consider I can be of further assistance.