Should I Take My Guinea Pig To The Vet

How do i take my guinea pig to the vet?

you could borrow a carrier or just take it in a card bored box without a lid! or if u don't have one u can use a towel just be careful. have a nice day! :)

I can't afford to take my Guinea Pig to the vet?

try the PDSA they have vets in most areas follow link for more info

My dad won’t take my sick guinea pig to the vet, and I can’t do it by myself since I’m 14 and have no money. My guinea pig has lost a lot of weight. What should I do?

As a minor, a veterinarian cannot accept you as the legal owner of the pet unless your parent or guardian will take you. Perhaps you ask your grandparent or other relative to take you and your guinea pig to a veterinarian. Perhaps tell them this is what you want for your birthday or Christmas. Perhaps someone will help you and your pig take a trip to the vet and see if there is something that can be done to help may be able to find a sympathetic vet or veterinary nurse / technician to come to your home, or ask your teacher in school if you can do a field trip to the veterinarian? You may have to get creative, show initiative and perhaps give up something you like to save and make some money to help pay for your piggie’s care. Perhaps you could do chores to help generate money for the care of your pig.good luck

Should I take my guinea pig to the vet? He isn’t eating much, but he’s old, and I don’t think he’ll live much longer either way.

Should I take my guinea pig to the vet? He isn’t eating much, but he’s old, and I don’t think he’ll live much longer either way.Thanks for the question.Yes, I would take him to the vet.If he is in pain, and he has a condition that cant be treated, he might need to be put down.If he is not eating much, it night be because he is fretting, as he is lonely, and needs a guinea pig friend.Ideally, Guinea pigs need to be kept in pairs, or more.I would get him a guinea pig friend, gradually introduce them, by keeping them caged side by side, so that they can see each other.Then introduce them on neutral territory, in the bathroom, the floor, with vegetable treats, and a soft blanket underneath their feet.Observe their behaviour towards each other. If they injure each other, separate them.Then I buy a whole new cage, or a new second hand cage , as their new home to live in together. (Yes, keeping guinea pigs is expensive).Wiki how has great instructions on how to introduce guinea pigs to each other.If you do not want guinea pigs any more, give him to a person who would like to have guinea pigs as pets, and that you are certain will make an excellent owner. Or have him humanely put to sleep, by the vetGuinea pigs are generally gentle and loving creatures, that all deserve care and respect.I hope that this response is satisfying to you.

What makes guinea pigs cry?

Guinea pigs have a number of different behaviors and vocalizations, so I’m going to try to guess what you mean by “crying.”If you mean “shedding tears,” there are many reasons for a guinea pig having a “weepy” eye, including allergies and infections.They can have allergies just like humans, dogs, and other animals, including symptoms like itchy eyes, a runny nose, and sneezing. They might be sensitive to something in their environment like bedding or hay. If the allergic reaction is fairly mild, you can try removing a potential allergen from their cage for a few days to see if their symptoms clear up. You will also want to keep a close eye to make sure the symptoms don’t get worse.If your guinea pig has sticky, crusted material around its eyes, you should take it to your exotics vet immediately. This is the sign of an infection that must be treated quickly. If left untreated for too long, it can result in permanent damage to the eye and vision loss. While they do sometimes clear up on their own, never underestimate the training or intuition of your exotics vet. They may suspect underlying or related issues that could have caused the infection to take hold in the first place.Sometimes, just like we do, they get a little bit of something in their eye and the eye produces tears to flush the irritant out. These tears stop when the foreign object is washed away.If you mean “crying out,” guinea pigs make some incredible noises, and they have a different song for every occasion! These are just some of the most common sounds that might be interpreted as “crying”:The loud “WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK” you hear at veggie time or when you talk to your guinea pig is sheer excitement. It’s often accompanied by frenzied laps around the cage and stretching waaay up to try to be first in line for whatever is happening, no matter what it is.There is a strained, wavering “squeak” that means the guinea pig is in pain. My oldest Isis would make this sound in her litter box when relieving herself. She had chronic digestive issues (including bloat). If your guinea pig is crying when they urinate or defecate, take them to your exotics vet immediately.When guinea pigs aren’t comfortable with a situation they can make a series of rapid higher-pitched whines. They can be quite loud if the situation escalates.One of my favorite YouTube channels is Little Adventures, and they have a video about various guinea pig sounds:

How much does a vet check up for a guinea pig cost?

I am taking my little Precious in for a well baby check tomorrow and it will be $50.00, I however, live in the 3rd most expensive city in the US to rent or own so it is much more expensive here then most areas. When I take one in for an upper respiratory or some little thing like that it is the office visit plus around $22.00 for 14 days of antibiotics. The cost is pretty much when treating for mites. When you are treating for over grown teeth it does get much more expensive as they have to put the little tykes to sleep to properly check the back teeth and I believe that was $129.00 plus the vets time working on the mouth. It is very important to have money set aside for vet visits when you have a guinea pig as when they get ill they go down hill very fast and just cant wait around a few days before they see the vet or you run a very high risk of loosing them. I am saddened at the numbers of guinea pigs that people just let die rather than provide them medical care.

Should I take my guinea pig to the vet? Please help I'm worried?

sounds to me like shes in heat. Though i do not know if "piggies" normally have discharge, it is a dead give away in my goats, and many other larger animals. My Rat never had discharge, but when I would scratch her above her tail she would raise her rear in the air, mounting position for a male rat, and almost make a cooing noise. That's how i knew she was in heat. Perhaps that is all this is.

I need to take my guinea pig to the vet. It’s an emergency, and I don’t have money. My dad won’t take me. What can I do?

Ask the veterinary for any sort of deal you can do, as in you can get a job / save up money to pay it after, but insist that it has to be checked immediately. Sometimes they’re lenient on deals like that, as their goal is to save the animals, not to get money immediately.

A GOOD VET LIST FOR MY GUINEA PIG AT KUALA LUMPUR? hry checking here to see if there is anyone.
Hope i helped!

What do I do if my guinea pig keeps sneezing and all 3 vets I took her to said she’s fine?

Typically when a guinea pig is sneezing and it's not caused by any illnesses, most likely it’s one of two things.Dusty hay or…Dusty beddingHay can sometimes be a bit dusty, usually because of how and where it was stored. It’s probably not too big of a problem though. Dusty bedding, on the other hand, might be a bit concerning. I don’t know whether you use fleece or wood shavings or some other type of bedding, but dusty bedding is usually seen in wood shavings.*NOTE* if you are using sawdust bedding, please stop using that as that is a MAJOR problem and is really bad for a pig’s respiratory system (lungs, etc) and can cause a lot of health issues.Check to see if the wood shavings are the dust free or dust extracted type. If that is the root of the problem, try a different brand of bedding or see if your pig likes fleece better (cost-efficient, easy to clean, and eco-friendly).