Simplify The Fraction To Lowest Terms 6/21

What is the HCF and LCM of fractions?

Let’s take two fractions (a/b) and (c/d).To find LCM and HCF of (a/b) and (c/d) the generalized formula will be:H.C.F = H.C.F of numerators / L.C.M of denominatorsL.C.M = L.C.M of numerators / H.C.F of denominatorsNow L.C.M of two numbers is the smallest number (not zero) that is a multiple of both. Eg: L.C.M of 12,15:The multiples of 12 are : 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, ....The multiples of 15 are : 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, ....60 is a common multiple (a multiple of both 12 and 15), and there are no lower common multiples.Therefore, the lowest common multiple(L.C.M) of 12 and 15 is 60.H.C.F of two numbers is the largest whole number which is a factor of both. Eg: H.C.F of 12,15:The factors of 12 are : 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12.The factors of 15 are : 1, 3, 5, 15.1 and 3 are the only common factors (numbers which are factors of both 12 and 15).Therefore, the highest common factor of 12 and 15 is 3.Now,to find out the LCM and HCF of fractions .Let’s take example of (4/5) & (3/7):LCM=lcm of (4,3)/hcf of (5,7) = 12/1 = 12 (Since 12 is the least number that comes in table of both 4,3 and 1 is the greatest number that can divide both 5,7).HCF=hcf of (4,3)/lcm of (5,7) = 1/35 (Since 1 is the greatest number that can divide both 4,3 and 35 is the smallest number that comes in table of both 5,7).I hope you get it!Shukriya!

Add the fractions and simplify the answer 2 1/4 + 5 5/6+ 3 2/3?

You have to get a common denominator. Think about it like someone handing you American dollars, Japanese Yen and Mexican Pesos. To know how much you have, you want them all to be in the same unit.

To find a common denominator, you have to find the lowest common multiple of 4, 6 and 3.
It turns out to be 12.

2 1/4 = 12/12 + 12/12 + 3/12 = 27/12
5 5/6 = 12/12 + 12/12 + 12/12 + 12/12 + 12/12 + 10/12 = 70/12
3 2/3 = 12/12 + 12/12 + 12/12 + 8/12 = 44/12

Now add the numerators and keep the denominator

27 + 70 + 44 = 141

141/12 = 11.75 = 11 3/4



In order to add or subtract a fraction, you have to have equalised denominators-
For example

1/3 +1/2
In this case you will have the multiply the denominator of the first fraction by 2 and the denominator of the second fraction by 3. This is called "equalising the denominators".After you have multiplied, you will have-

Now that we had equal denominators, we can add them.

Same with subtraction-

1/2-1/4 Let's equalise the denominators by multiplying the denominator of the first fraction by 2, so that we will have 4 as a denominator in both fractions.


By the way, when equalising the denominators, you have to multiply both the numerator and the denominator by the same number. For example in the second example, we multiplied both the numerator and the denominator by 2.

When multiplying or dividing fractions, everything is easier. You just have to multiply/divide numerators and denominators separately.

2/3 x 3/7
When multiplying these two fractions, you will multiply the denominators and the numerators separately. Multiply the numerators (2x3) to have 6 as a numerator and multiply the denominators(3x7) to have 21 as a denominator.

Same with division. First, you will divide the numerators, then divide the denominators separately.

4/6: 2/3
Divide 4 by 2 to have 2 as a numerator. Divide 6 by 3 to have 2 as a denominator.
Resulting fraction is-

How can I evaluate this equation using the distribute property 9/5× (-3/11) +1/5× (-3/12)?

9/5(-3/11) + 1/5(-3/12)You don’t need to use the distributive property; just multiply the numerators and denominators as ordinary fractions.(9/5)(-3/11) + (1/5)(-3/12) = (9*-3)/(5*11) + (1*-3)/(5*12) = (-27/55) + (-3/60)Now -3/60 can reduce thanks to having a common factor of 3:-3/60 = -1/20This leaves us with (-27/55) + (-1/20)You are then looking for multiples of 20 that are also multiples of 55 in order to convert the fractions to like terms and then add them.Multiples of 55:55, 110, 165, 220220 / 20 = 11so 220 is the lowest common multiple of 55 and 20. Thus, multiply each fraction so the denominators are both 220 and can then be added.55 * 4 = 22020 * 11 = 220(-27/55) + (-1/20) = (4/4)(-27/55) + (11/11)(-1/20) = (-108/220) + (-11/220)Now add the numerators:(-104 + -11)/220 = (-119/220)Factors of -119:1, 7, 17, 119None of these numbers are factors of 120, so -119/220 is as far as you can reduce it.

Homework help! math question.?

Ratio is very easy and I donot think,you should at all worry about it.In fact it is mathematical way of comparing between two things Say your height to your friend's, or no.of apples you have with those of Tracy or to the marks obtined by John with that of Sam etc>Just remember,comparasion can not be done about two things that are not similar and hene ratios are also made of two or more similar quantities.Ratios are expressed in either of the following ways 4:5 (say)or 4/5 or 2:3(or 2/3) or 1:6(or 1/6).The most important thing you should remember is that because ratio is an comparasion between two similar quantity or quality.there is no unit of ratio.
Now,let us solve the problems quickly
Brown candies:Green Candies=21;6=7:2 (after dividing both the numbers by 3 to reduce them} and that is your answer.I have tried to explain to you the ratio problems but if you feel that some point/s is/are not clear,please donot hesitate to send me a mail through Yahoo Answers and I shall be too glad to explain the same to you with the best of my abilities.

Subtract the sum of -5/7 and -8/3 from the sum of 5/2 and -11/12?

Edit: I originally thought the first equation in this problem was -5/7 + 8/3, I’ve now edited it to match the title.These questions are just evil! It’s a game of common denominators… you can tell it’s evil because the problem definition chose a “7” on purpose when they could’ve done 3/4 or something instead of 5/7 and it’d save on all of the “well what’s the lowest common multiple of 7 and 12…”To save time, just find that multiple, if I’m not mistaken it’s 84. Multiple every fraction by X / X such that you get an 84. For example, for 5/7, divide 84 by 7 to get 12, so multiply that fraction by 12/12 (which is 1, not changing the number) yielding -60/84 (this is the same number as 5/7, just written with respect to 84ths, just like percents are just fractions with the denominator of 100. Per cent, makes enough sense right?-5/7 + -8/3 is just -60/84 + -224/84 = –284/845/2 + -11/12 becomes 210/84 + -77/84 = 133/84The wording is important “subtract the [] from the []” so we know to use the second sum as the base and subtract the former sum.133/84 - (-284/84) = 417/84 = 139/28

What does 3/4 + 5/8 equal?

1.Cross multiply 3/4 + 5/8…2.It becomes 44/32…3.Then reduce it u will get answer as 11/8.

What is the average of 3 1/6 and 1/4?

You have to add the 2 numbers and divide the toal be 2 to get average!First get the LCM=Lowest Common Denominator, which is 12.3 and 1/6 = 19/6 or 38/121/4 = 3/12Adding it is 41/12Since there are 2 numbers, divide by 2 to get average, or 41/24 or 1 and 17/24

Pleaze help????!!!!?

people pleaze dont say do ur own homework pleaze...
i have to get this done tonight or im done with school..
i have no idea wat these answers are..
i had 11 pages of math and i knew all but these pleaze help...

fill in the blanks about similar figures..

similar figures have the same _________, but not necessarily the same __________. corresponding sides of similar figures are ___________.

write a proportion, then solve.

a flag casts a shadow 10 ft long. if a man 6ft tall casts a shadow 4ft long at the same time of day, how tall is the flagpole?

a photograph is 25 cm wide and 20 cm high. it must be reducced to fit a space that is 8 cm high. find the width of the reduced photograph?

give 3 equivalent fraction.



is the set of ratios a proportion? yes or no.

8/14 9/20

6/18 5/15

25/40 12/16

find the value of x.

3/8 = 6/X

4/X = 2/9

6/20 = X/18

final test!!!!

write each ratio as a fraction in lostest terms.

3 out of 21


What 21/12 as a mixed number?

Count how many times the bottom number goes into the top and state the remainder (12 goes into 21 once with 9 remainder):

1 9/12

Now simplify the fraction:

1 3/4