Sitting Outside Of Local Stores For Donations For Animal Shelters.

Why do animal shelters euthanize dogs?

"Why do they do this?"

Because they have a continuous stream of dogs and cats coming in. If they don't euthanize, they'd have nowhere to put them. People would literally dump the animals on the side of the road (just ask any farmer how many "surprise guests" end up wandering onto his land).

There are no-kill shelters, who do very little euthanizing. But, when they're full up, they don't take in any more pets. So those unwanted pets have to go to the high-kill shelters and hope for the best.

BTW, animal life IS of lesser value than human life. That said, I doubt that anyone approves of what is happening....the only solution would be passing laws making breeders and owners more accountable, and I doubt that will happen in the foreseeable future.

I want to start a donation drive to help people?

i want to start my own donation, because organizations like the the salv army take $0.75 out of $1.00 that u donate. which is not good for anyone. I don't want to really collect money, but maybe clothes and caned goods for un-wealthy people or the homeless. How can i get started and can i get started without a permit or do i need a permit.....?

Is anyone else getting sick of the ASPCA commercials that make you feel like crap?

These commercials play all day long, trying to make you donate money to the ASPCA. I mean, seriously, all they do is try to tug on your heart with these pictures of dogs that are sitting there in a shelter or they were hurt of beaten. It really makes me mad because they are spending most of their money making those commercials instead of using the money to help the animals. And, I do donate there about $20 a month. So, we are really sending money for them to make commercials? I don't know, this is just my opinion. I mean, they show you all these dog and cats looking like they are in pain... I mean who wants to see that? We all know what is happening out there, and we donate and we bought 3 dogs from the dog shelter already and brought home a cat we found on a highway and now she is living with us, but I guess that isn't enough? They got to show us these dumb commercials? What is your opinion on this?

How can I get sponsors for my education and trip abroad?

I got a few sponsors when I went abroad (Thailand) for a pre-veterinary workshop. The main way you get sponsors is by getting into the community and asking people and local businesses. Try targeting the businesses based on the focus of your trip. My education and trip allowed me to develop skills that helped me with becoming a veterinarian. Therefore, I wrote out letters and mailed them to local veterinary clinics, pet stores, and animal shelters explaining how the trip would benefit my self and my community. In the letter I would focus on what the money would go towards (specifically on the trip), how you would include thank you letters and pictures after the trip to those who decide to donate, and offer to present to them on what you have learned after the trip. Hope that helps!