Sleeping Problem Should I Do A All-nighter

I kinda wanna pull an all nighter to fix my sleep schedule what do you think?

This is what I think you should do: Go to bed by 3 am and set your alarm for 10 am. You won't have the same amount of sleep as usual so you will be tired during the day and make sure you do a lot of vigorous exercise during the day so by 11 pm you should be tired enough to go to bed. Usually if I stay up all night I feel sick and have a horrible day but you could be different. Also Caffeine and other stimulates can only do so much and it is very easy to get addicted to them.
I hope this helps...Good Luck!

I pulled an all-nighter but now can't fall asleep. Help!?

Hi everybody. I had to work an overnight shift at my job in the emergency department last night (11pm-8am) and now its 1pm and I can't seem to get any sleep...I'm not even tired. My issue is that I have to work again tonight from 7pm-4am and I'm terrified that I won't make it through if I can't get at least a little rest. Calling in sick is NOT an option. My room gets a ton of light so I've been sleeping with an eye-mask but it doesn't seem to help.

Does anybody have any advice on how to get some sleep or how to get through my shift? Please no lectures on how bad this is for my health (I'm well aware and almost always get 8 hrs a night).

Does staying up all night and day to fix your sleep pattern really work?

It doesn't fix it, but it can help you get to bed earlier the next night which can help by kind of causing a 'domino' effect. P.S. I've done this a few times in the past and learned it makes it really bad and dangerous if you do this every other day or every few days it can really screw up your sleep pattern andbe very dangerous. So don't do it more than once to try to help and if you do decide to do it again you should wait at least a month after you do it last. The maximum sleep deprivation possible without a major safety hazard is 2-3 days no sleep, 6 days with 1 1/2 hr. sleep per day, or 9 days with 3 hours sleep per day. Also according to Pierce J. Howard (Ph.D) it is good to try to take one 15-30 minute nap in early to mid afternoon to recharge for the rest of the day.

I pulled an all-nighter for a test I have in two hours. Only problem: I'm exhausted. How can I stay awake?

This is beside the point, but pulling all nighters before an exam is not a good idea. Don't look at not sleeping as a badge of honor or something you have to do to get what you want. Research has shown performance actually decreases dramatically when you don't get enough sleep. But since you did pull an all nighter, something you can do to help you stay awake is this breathing exercise:Breath in for 7 secondsHold your breathe for 2 secondsBreath out for 5 secondsRepeat this 3-5 timesThis will wake you up. I was able to quit caffeine because of this exercise and I wake up at 5-6am every day. Good luck on your test!

I can't sleep! Should I stay up all night?

You don't say how old you are but I suspect you're "young enough" to bounce back from an all-nighter or two.
What do you have to do tomorrow? Will lack of sleep/ rest affect your "performance"? (I have read that totally weird sleep habits can cause weight gain! Evidently your metabolism gets completely confused. And, if you're overtired, your reflexes will definitely be slower, movements clumsier. So be careful driving or around sharp objects!)
Warning: it gets much, much harder to do the older you get! One sleepless night now can knock me out of whack for several days. (Boo-hoo!)

I didn't sleep all night!!!!!....... [[help!]]?

Dude, i have this problem. if you go to the doctors they give tamazipams (or whowever you spell it!) and they will make you sleep well.

If you dont want medication, then use regular naps.
You will find it harder though, and you will find if you dont sort it you may get more problems...

Hope it helped?

Will pulling an all-nighter tonight help my sleep schedule?

My sleeping schedule is severely messed up right now. Every night I cannot get to sleep until around 5 in the morning and I end up sleeping in until the afternoon. I don't like feeling like I've wasted the whole day everyday. I have late classes so that's why I've been able to get away with it, but I'm just getting depressed with this cycle.

It's 2AM right now and I'm wide awake. I didn't go out tonight so I'm stuck at home, just bored to death. I don't want to try sleeping because I'll just nervously toss and turn for hours.

If I just pull an all-nighter tonight and don't go to sleep at my usual time of dawn and go through today without any sleep, do you think I could get my schedule back on track? It's easier said than done...because everyday I just end up giving in and going to sleep in the morning.

Do you think this will help? Do you have any tips on how to get my schedule back to normal? It's only been like this for a couple weeks but it's driving me crazy. I want to be asleep by 11 on weeknights and up at 7. I like doing things in the day most of the time.

Please help me get my sleeping back to normal? What do I do?!

Could pulling an all nighter be dangerous?

You're highly unlikely to hallucinate after just one night without sleep. It CAN be dangeous if you're driving or operating machinery.

Insomnia usually cures itself after a short course of sleeping tablets to kickstart the body back into a normal sleeping pattern.

You might also like to have a look at your bedtime routine and concentrate on something called 'sleep hygiene' (link below).

You don't need to be scared. I've pulled hundreds of all-nighters and yeah, you feel total rubbish the next day but they're not harmful.

If I pull an all nighter, should I get my 8 hours in the morning, or should I stay awake the whole day until night?

Imagine a world where exposure to the sun's rays would cause instant death to human beings. So, every morning before the sun rises till the moment it sets, people stay indoors and resume their activity in the night. In this case , wouldn't you be sleeping the whole day and be awake the whole night ? Sleep is a relative phenomenon. It has no defined time and duration. We sleep during the night because that's what we've been imbibed with as normal. Your body needs sleep to replenish itself. It removes the fatigue slowing down your body and mind. All this apart, the answer to your question is quite simple actually. If you have an important task or matter to attend to later in the day, it'd be better to grab a couple hours or more of sleep so you don't feel sluggish later on. Else, don't just sleep just for the sake of it. Go about your day normally and go to sleep when the tiredness creeps in.

Is it bad to pull an all nighter?

I do it all the time. I'm 13. It's a common thing to do when my friends spend the night or vice versa. Sometimes I get homework overload and have to stay up until 4 to finish it and just down a couple red bulls and a coffee in the morning and I'm fine. However, it is really bad for you. It throws everything off. Your appetite, your sleeping schedule for the next few days, etc. Your entire biological scheduling is jacked up by an all nighter. That doesn't mean I won't do it if have/want to, but it's not a good choice.
Stay up. The hour or so you'd get in would only make it harder to get up and make you tired.