Solve The Formula For The Variable W. P = 2l 2w.

How do I solve with the formula p=2l+2w for W?

First you need to isolate the variable by subtracting 2l from both sides.
Then divide both sides by two.
(otherwise known as(p-2l)/2

Solve the formula for the specified variable. P=2L + 2W FOR L?

(P-2W)/2 = L

In the formula P = 2l + 2w, solve for l?

It just means getting the L alone on one side :)
If that was a example question that you didn't find the answer to but got it from somewhere else, you would divide everything by 2 (1/2P=L+W) then subtract a W from both sides (1/2P-W=L).
On paper, this would look like:
P = 2I + 2W
/2 | /2 /2
1/2P = I + W
-W | -W
1/2P-W= I
Also, to make sure your answer is correct can plug one into both equations, and if the answer is the same, it's right :)
P=2(1)+2(1) = P=4
I plugged one in for each letter, except P.
And now I do the same exact thing to the other equation.
+1 +1
x2 x2
They both equal 4 so it's right :)
I hope that helped.

Solve the formula for the indicated variable : P = 2l + 2w, perimeter of a rectangle.?

if solved for L then:
(P - 2W)/2 = L
if solved for W then:
(P - 2L) / 2 = W

That is the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle, so its already been done, unless you want to solve for the L or the width

How do I solve this mathematical word problem?

Both answers solve the problem. Neither, in my view, answers the question: How do I solve this problem.Here are general guidelines for how to solve mathematical word problems of this sort:Read the problem. Be sure to understand each term and each sentence.Identify key mathematical terms. In this case “rectangle” and “perimeter” are key. Identify terms that can become variables. In this question, they are given as w for width, and l for length. Look for equations that relate the variables to the mathematical terms. If you don’t know the relevant equations, look them up.Draw a diagram that shows the variables and equations. Make sure you understand it so well that you can explain it to someone else.Create one or more equations from the problem.Solve the equations.In this case, we can see two equations:l = w + 12 (from the text)perimeter p = 144p = 2(l + w) (from the definition of the perimeter of a rectangle144 = 2(l + w) (by substitution)72 = l + w (divide both sides by 2)72 = w + 12 + w (by substitution)72 = 2w +12 (rearrange terms on left)2w + 12 = 72 (reverse sides of equation)2w = 72 - 12 = 60 (subtract 12 from each side of the equation and solve)w = 60/2 = 30 (divide both sides of the equation by 2)l = 30 + 12 = 42 (by substitution, then addition)Solution: the width w is 30, the length l is 42.It is useful to work out equations with this much care sometimes. Then we avoid missing steps and making mistakes.Note: Most mathematical word problems that we are a given do have clear answers. So if you can’t find a clear answer, you are likely to have made a mistake. On the other hand, there are problems with no solution in math, and there are trick questions too!The above graphic uses a and b instead of w and l, respectively. It explains why a + b, or l + w, is doubled to count the whole perimeter.

Given the formula, solve for the indicated variable. P = 2L + 2W for w?

Subtracting 2L from both sides, we get: 2W = P - 2L.
Dividing both sides by 2, we get: W = (P-2L)/2

Solve for the indicated variable P=2L+2w for w?

P = 2L + 2w for w

Step 1, Subtract 2L to both sides of the equal sign.

P - 2L = 2L - 2L + 2w

P - 2L = 2w

Step 2, Divide 2 to both sides of the equal sign.

(P - 2L) / 2 = 2w / 2

(P - 2L)/2 = w

The answer is w = (P - 2L)/2

Solve the equation P=2l+2w for w.?

P= 2L + 2W
P - 2L = 2W
(P - 2L) / 2 = W

Help with algebra? P = 2L+ 2w! Solve for W (Please Read)?

P = 2L + 2W

Subtract 2L from both sides:

P - 2L = 2L - 2L + 2W

2L - 2L is 0, so this simplifies

P - 2L = 2W

Now divide both sides by 2

(P - 2L)/2 = 2W/2

2/2 equals 1, which you can leave out in multiplication:

(P - 2L)/2 = W

That's your answer.

W = (P - 2L)/2