Solve This Put Any Mathematic Sign 2 2 2=6 3 3 3=6 4 4 4=6 5 5 5=6 6 6 6=6 7 7 7=6 8 8 8=6 9 9 9=6

Mathematical Puzzles: Look at this series: 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12,... What number should come next?

Series will be 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, 13, 20, 16…Note that 2nd and 3rd term have HCF as 2. Difference amid them is +2. Also note 6th and 7th term. They have HCF of 3 and difference amid them is -3. So the next set will be (20,16) with HCF of 4 and difference of +4.Here we also observe that 1st and 4th terms are PRIME NUMBERS. Therefore, 7th term will also be the prime no.8th and 9th term will be 20 and 16. As there hcf is 4. And difference between them is +4.

Using any maths symbols or signs, can one prove that 0 0 0 = 6?

the first one is:  (0!+0!+0!)!=6  Because 0!=1  0!+0!+0!=3  and 3!=6  Just use factorial  (1+1+1)! = 6  3 Factorial = 6  2+2+2 = 6  So Simple  (3*3)-3 = 6  Also Simple  Sqrt(4) + Sqrt(4)+ Sqrt(4) = 6  Sqrt(4) = 2  So 2+2+2 =6  5+(5/5) = 6  So Simple  6+6-6 = 6  Its quite simple  7-(7/7) = 6  Cuberoot(8) + Cuberoot(8) + Cuberoot(8) = 6  Cuberoot(8) = 2  Using the phrase "Cuberoot" is not allowed. This written as a mathematical sign viz. ³√x . This involves the number 3 which is not permissible. Since you have correctly solved for 0 and 1 it should be relatively easy to solve for 8. All your other answers are spot on although my cousin's answer for 8 was (cos((d/dx)(8))+cos((d/dx)(8))+cos((d/dx)(8))) = 6 which is correct but way far more complicated than the simpler answer that you should be looking for.  (Sqrt(9) * Sqrt(9)) - Sqrt(9) = 6  Sqrt(9) = 3  (3*3)-3 = 6

If [math]f(2,8,5) = 24, f(3,6,9) = 36, f(4,7,8) = 28, f(5,5,8) = 15[/math] what is the value of [math]f(6,7,7)[/math] ?

from the following data we can assume f(x,y,z) = ax+by+cz+dthen we get 4 equations and 4 unknown, by solving we geta= -11/2b = 15/4c = 25/4d = -105/4Hence we conclude,f(x,y,z) = -(22x - 15y - 25z + 105)/4thus f(6,7,7) = 43/4 or 10.75

Maths Problem?

you add and subtract mixed numbers in parts. the whole number is one part, the fraction another. fractions can only be added and subtracted if they have like denominaters. so 2/3 would become 4/6 so that 1/6 could be subtracted from it. then just add or subtract the whole numbers.

for multiplying and diving mixed numbers it is necessary to convert all numbers into fractions. so 1 2/3 x 3/4 would become 5/3 x 3/4. then just multipy across. however, when dividing, you flip the second number and then multiply it.

What is the shortcut to solve the following problem: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+...+49=?

There are many answers that look at it in terms of series of natural numbers, let us look at a way to solve it without any specific formula.Let us consider another number in the series and make it  Sum =1+2+3+.....+49+50 Thus we have a total of 50 numbers,i.e 25 pairs  of numbers . In the series we can see that : 1+50=51 2+49=513+48=51...25+26=51Therefore the total sum = 51 * 25 ( Since there are 25 such pairs) Sum =1275 But we had included an extra term 50 , thus subtracting 50 from the obtained sum we get ,1+2+3+4+5+.....+48+49 = 1275-50 =1225

I am not good with fractions. Please help with these problems: 1/4 x 3/8 =?

1. When multiplying fractions, simply multiply the numerators (top numbers) and multiply the denominators (bottom numbers). Example: 1/2 x 1/3 = 1/6

2. A negative number multiplied by another negative number is a positive number. -1x-1=1

3. When dividing by 10, 100, 1000 or more, move the decimal point to the left for each zero. When multiplying, move it to the right. 1/1000 = .001 1x1000=1000

4. When adding fractions, if the denominator (bottom number) is the same, keep the bottom the same and add the top numbers.
Ex: 2/3 +2/3 = 4/3 = 1 1/3

5. When adding fractions and the denominators are different, find the lowest common denominator and then add.
Ex: 1/2 + 1/3 Lowest common denominator = 6
1/2 = 3/6 1/3= 2/6
3/6 + 2/6 = 5/6

6. Same as 4.

7. Combine #5 with this: When adding a negative number, it is the same as subtracting it. You are subtracting from a negative number, meaning that it will get further into negative territory
-1/2 + (-2/3)= LCD = 6
-3/6 + -4/6=
-3/6 - 4/6 =
-7/6 = = -1 1/6

8. When subtracting mixed fractions, make them improper first, find the LCD, then subtract the numerators (top number)
1 1/2 + 2 2/3=
3/2 + 8/3 =
25/6 = 4 1/6

9. Same as 8