Somebody Help Me What Is The Area Of The Region Described By The System Of Linear

Which of the following inequalities best describes the shaded region?

as it should...none of the answers given are valid...appears to be 0 < y < x² - 4..

hard to tell what happens when x = ± 2

Describe the linear programming situation for this system of inequalities where you were asked to find the?

this problem does have an optimal solution, since the feasibility region is closed and bounded guaranteeing the existence of an optimal solution, and that optimal solution will occur for some corner point of your feasibilty region.
answer c

Algebra 2 Question linear systems solving systems using Matrices PLEASE HELP!?!?

When there are only two variables, it is convenient to solve the system graphically, as at the first source link. There, the constraint inequalities are graphed in blue and red, and their region of overlap is the “feasible region.” The vertices are shown on that graph by labeled black points.

The objective function is also shown as an inequality to help us decide which vertices will cause it to be maximized. The one vertex that will cause the value of C to be greater than 0 is (x, y) = (5, 0).

Steps (same as described by the problem statement):
1) Graph each of the inequalities. Identify the region where the solutions all overlap.

2) Identify the vertices of the feasible region. These are the corners of the area where the solutions to the inequalities overlap.

3) Evaluate the objective function at each vertex (or equivalent). The objective function is usually a linear combination of variables, so maximizing it will move it as far as possible from the origin. It can be convenient to use a graphing calculator to draw the line through one or more of the vertices to see which will cause the objective function to be maximized.

In this problem, the objecive function line has positive slope and it is not immediately clear which way we need to move it to maximize “C”. That is why we wrote the equation as C > 0, so the direction of desirable movement would be shaded (orange). Only one feasible region vertex falls in that shaded area, so that is the solution to the problem.

In hindsight, C will be maximized when x is increased and y is decreased. This means we want to find the vertex that is at the lower right of the feasible region.

The second source link tells how to write the system of equations as a “simplex method tableau” (matrix). The steps are shown with an example. This is usually the preferred method when solving systems of moderate size with more than 2 variables. (There may be more efficient methods for systems of very large size.) Internet tools are available that will solve systems for you.

Linear Programming Geometric Interpretation question?

20 question HW ... I got all but this one.

"Given any Linear Program and its feasible region S, show that for each vertex x in S, there is a linear form f such that x is the unique optimal solution when we minimize f over S construct a convex set S and a vertex x for which there is no such f"

The two requests seem to contradict each other. One says to prove something is always true and then the other asks to give an example of when it's not. I've been looking at it too long and need someone with fresh eyes to help me out. Thanks!

Can someone help me with these math questions? (8th grade)?

1) in order to have a solution, the lines must cross/ be perpendicular to each other in order to have a common point. Therefore, two parallel lines have no solution.

2) your total spent is a base of 5000 and you're paying 700 per show. In order to break even, you'r really only making 1200-700 per show. so, whatever 1200-700 is, take that and divide 5000 by it. Should tell you how many shows.

5000/ (1200-700) - # of shows

3) as I said before, there must be a point of intersection, an area bounded by the two regions
try: if my explanation was unclear

Graph this system of inequalities. Then state two possible solutions to the system.?

you need to graph inequalities on a number line =]
work these out like you would normal equations, except when multiplying by a negative, then u swap the sign around (less than becomes greater than and vice versa) then draw up a number line that has the solution on it eg 3 and if ur answer is y>3 draw and arrow from 3 going past 4 and onwards till the end of ur number line then just give a few examples such as 5, 9..hope this helped u understand =]

Write a system of linear inequalities whose graph is the interior of a right triangle?


How can equations and inequalities be used in real life situations?

You basically used equations everyday without even notice. Like when you have to calculate “How many dollars does the sum of your grocery stuffs equal to?”. Or a more complicated situation, if you need to be in the meeting at 9:30am, the travel distance is 10km and you can only leave after 8:30am, your driving speed should equal “x” km/h.”Inequalities are used for comparison. “He is taller than me.” or “The iPhone with larger memory capacity is more expensive.”. A more complicated example is also with calculating your driving speed. “Now if there is expected traffic jam for 2km. You get out of the traffic jam at 9:00am, you have to drive faster than “x” km/h to compensate for your loss time.”Just some simple examples. There are a lots more out there, just look around.