Something Is Wrong With This Line - Unity 3d

What is a game where you have to link arms to show unity?

My youth group just finished a project called One Meal One Day in which we raised money for global hunger. Our Sunday School lesson is entitled "Link Your Arms" (can be found at which is about how we have "linked arms" with Compassion International to change the world. I would like to have a game that demonstrates this visual. Ideally, everyone would participate and link arms to accomplish a goal. This seems rather easy but my mind is a having a major roadblock. Any help/ suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Anyone know any good 3d modelling program?

im looking for a good 3d modelling program where you can er... model 3d modelsand animate them, and i dont ,you know ,want it to only model one thing for instance: cars ,planes ,ect...
i want something for an artist "not that i am one :)" , i would appreciate it ,thank u