Steps To Put In Standard Form

How would you put y=0x+5 in standard form?

Standard form is Ax + By = C.

First just get rid of 0x because it is not needed because it's just zero.

Then you have y=5. This is already in standard form because their is no "x" anymore in the equation.

How do you put y=2-3x into standard form?

Standard form is ax + by = c.

y = 2 - 3x

Add 3x to both sides:

3x + y = 2

So that's the equation in standard form.

Hope that helps :)

How would you put y-4=5(x-8) in standard form?

y-4 = 5(x-8)
y-4 = 5x-40
y= 5x-36

Get the variable x and y on the same side.

Final answer: 5x-y = 36

X/2 = 10+ 2y/3 in standard form!?

Standard Form is Ax + By = C
Times everything by 2 and 3 to get rid of fractions because there are no fractions in standard form.
3x = 60 + 4y
3x - 4y = 60 is the answer

How to put these equation in standard form?

The standard form is in the following format:
Ax + By = C

Question 1:
y = 3/7x - 4
-3/7x + y = -4

multiply by -7 across the entire equation
3x - 7y = 28

Question 4:
y = 1/2x + 3/4

-1/2x + y = 3/4

multiply everything by "-2" then

x - 2y = 6/4 or (6/4 = 1 2/4 = 1 1/2 = 1.5)

x - 2y = 1.5

You can try to do the rest.

How to put 12x=7y-10y and y=4x+x into standard form?

12x=-3y (Solve 7y-10y)
12x+3y=0 (Add 3y to both sides)
Done! (A=12, B=3, C=0)

y=5x (Solve 4x+x)
5x-y=0 (Subtract y from both sides)
Done! (A=5, B=-1, C=0)

How can you go from slope intercept to standard form?

Slope Intercept: y= mx + bStandard form: Ax + By = CIn slope intercept form y is isolated. In standard form x and y are on the same side, but the coefficients, A and B must be integers.Start with y = mx + b and Subtract mx from both sides:-mx + y = b Multiply by any denominator in m, also it is preferred to have the coefficient of x as positive.Example: y = 2/3 x + 5subtract 2/3 x from both sides: (-2/3)x + y = 5Multiply everything by (-3): 2x - 3y = -15

How to put linear equations in standard form.?

A site with good explaination is
The Standard Form for a linear equation in two variables, x and y, is usually given as
Ax + By = C where, if at all possible, A, B, and C are integers, and A is non-negative, and, A, B, and C have no common factors other than 1.

subtract 10 x from both sides of the equation and get

-10x + 5y = -25 multiply all by -1 and get
10x - 5y = 25 divide out the common factor of 5 from all terms and get
2x - y = 5 which is in standard form.

Solve and put in standard form. Show work please.?

well standard form is y=mx+b, so from this we get that y=5, x=-1, and m= -2/3, so we get

5 =-2/3(-1)+b


so in standard form we have
y=-2/3x +13/3
Hope this helps!!