Suddenly I Cannot Attach Photos To Email But Can With A Different Provider

Help ! Suddenly i cant seem to attach files from my computer to an email.?

I'm sorry to hear you're having this problem attaching files to emails you want to send. We are looking into this issue. If you will, please go to:

and leave the requested information as an "answer". This will help us isolate what is causing this for some people.

Additionally, their are two likely culprits that could be causing this behavior -- if you are using Internet Explorer, this could be caused by a feature called "Compatibility Mode", or it could be caused by a conflict with a addon or extension in your Web browser.

To learn how to turn off Compatibility Mode in IE, please read "Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode", available at:

For help disabling addons to see if that is what is causing this problem for you, have a look at the Yahoo! Mail Help article "How to turn off browser add-ons and plug-ins" for the best help resolving this problem. You can find the link to it below.

You may also want to follow the steps in the Yahoo! Mail Help article "Basic Browser Troubleshooting", which you can find at the following link.

I look forward to seeing your post on the official Question linked at the top of this comment, and I appreciate your patience while we investigate and correct this problem! KIMAIL-6333941

Suddenly I cannot open attachments (pdf) a gray box appears with "download" but nothing happens...?

To open pdf attachment in your email, it need to install pdf readers on your PC.

As of today, Why can I no longer attach a photo file to my emails?

I suddenly cannot attach a photo to an email. I have sent these same photos many times in the past and size is not the issue. I receive "There was a problem" message stating that no file has been selected. Please help!

Can't download attachments or view pictures in yahoo email?

I have 2 yahoo email accounts. Last week I was suddenly not able to open/download any attachments. In addition I have also noticed that I am not receiving any images either... when emails arrive with pictures, etc. This is something that just "suddenly" started to happen.

It might be important to know that I can open my email from this "problem account" on a different computer and everything works fine.

This email account is the only one with problems. I can open attachments/pictures from both computers on my 2nd account with no problems.

Account 1... cannot open/download attachments or pics on main computer
Account 1... can open/download attachments or pics on secondary computer

Account 2... can open/download attachments or pics on either computer (no problems)

Any suggestions?

I can't open attachments in the new Yahoo mail interface.?

OS Windows 8. Browser: Chrome.
When I click, it appears "save to computer" but nothing happens.
All type of files (pdf, pps, jpg, etc, etc).
I have account since 2006 and never similar thing happened.
How can I return to the previous interface?

Why can't I attach a Word document to either Yahoo Mail or Google G-Mail?

I'm a writer and I send attached files through my two e-mail accounts nearly every day. I have NEVER had a problem with Word documents, photos, .pdf files, etc. Suddenly, if I try to attach a file to my Yahoo account, all that happens is that little annoying circle in the upper left hand corner spins and spins and spins, but no matter how long I wait, the file doesn't attach. When I try to attach a file with G-Mail, a rectangular box pops up with the warning, "Internet Explorer has stopped working," blah, blah, blah. Anyone know what the heck is going on? And by the way, it's not the file size. I've sent hundreds of much larger files with no issues.

Attachment not appearing in Yahoo Mail?

I recommend reading the following Yahoo! Mail Help article "Basic Browser Troubleshooting" for the best help resolving this problem. You can find the link to it below.

I hope this has helped you!

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