Terrified Of Being In A Car Accident

Scared to drive after an accident?

this is insane. the same thing happend to me last week. well...cept my car was totalled.but it all worked out.
this is totally normal.
you dont know how many people ive talked to who feel the same exact way.
its not a good idea to avoid. so good job for not asking your Bf to drive you.
heres what i would do. keep driving to work until you get your confidence up. it will actually probibly be sooner than you think. the when you feel more confident try goin to the store.
give yourself a break. an accident is actually very traumatic and shakes you up more than you realize.
also...when you get sick to your stomach say to yourself, this is only a temporary feeling. it doesnt mean im going to have another accident. every time you go to the store itll get better.
*hugs* good luck.
im glad it wasnt worse.

Scared to get into car after car accident?

Kind of long, sorry, I'm just in some real need for advice. Thank you.

So this past Saturday evening (the 2nd) I was going home from my grandmother's with my mother, and two cousins. I'm 17, I have my license, and my cousins are 15 and 4. Anyways, we were at the stop light, waiting for it to change when I see this car swerving towards us and another car at a high velocity, I say 40-50 miles per hour.

It all happened in slow motion. I saw the car coming and I wanted to scream and yell and tell my mom and baby cousin (my other cousin saw the car coming, but she was in shock also) the car was coming right towards us but I couldn't. All I did was put my head down and wait. I feel like I failed them. It's just that it all happened in a matter of seconds. It was so slow but so fast. I can't remember all, but I can't forget about the things I do remember.

The man that crashed into us was drunk. He went to jail and I'm SO grateful for that and I'm also SO SO grateful we're all okay. The front side of my legs got pretty busied up so I still can't really walk (was the only one with leg injuries since I was the driver) and then we all have shoulder, neck and, back pain, except my baby cousin. She was in her car seat, although she did have a little chest pain because of the buckle. But like I said we're okay.

Back to the question, I'm just really scared to get back to driving. I'm scared I'm going to crash or someone else will to me. I've been into two accidents in less then 3 years, both neither my fault. They have left me scared, emotionally and physically. Even though the crash happened Saturday (the 2nd) thinking of driving makes me feel sick, nervous, scared, and paranoid. I know I'll have to go back to it, since I work and all but I can't help but not feeling this way. Any advice? I really need it and thank you so much. Serious answers please!

Are you scared of dying in a car accident?

I was scared of getting a car accident and
that's how I ended up getting a car accident.

Im scared of getting in a car accident?

Lately ive been hearing lots of terrible stories of people dying in car accidents, especially those caused by drunk drivers. It makes me very scared because im starting to drive now and im just very paranoid. Can anyone give me any reassuring statistics or something? Look I know car accidents happen and im not trying to hide from the way things are, but I just need some reassurance and comforting I guess, that car accidents are still rare. Thanks!

I'm so scared of driving. I'm scared of getting in an accident and dying. I read that you have a 1 in 11 million chance of dying from an airplane crash and a 1 in 5000 chance of dying from a car accident. What should I do?

Your fear is not of driving, but of death. First, you must accept the inevitability of death. It is going to happen at some point no matter what you do.  That's not a bad thing, it is just a part of the natural order.  Nothing is going to change it, but spending your time worrying about it isn't the most enjoyable use of that time. Then, start making cost-benefit analyses.  Work out when the risk of driving is outweighed by the benefit of driving, and only drive when the benefit is greater than the risk. For a dramatic example, if you cannot easily food to your home without driving, then never driving may result in you starving to death.  At some point, not driving is going to become higher risk than driving is. Also remember that not driving isn't risk-free.  If you need to get from A to B, you need to get there somehow, and there are risks associated with walking and public transport too.  Once you start noticing that there is a risk of death at all times, from freak accidents as well as natural causes, the relative risk of death from one particular activity doesn't come across as so overpowering.  Still afraid?  Now it gets harder. Realise your fear of driving is not rational.   Rational fears are healthy, they keep us from doing high-risk things, but irrational fears stop us from doing things that benefit us overall.  They also cause so much unrelated anxiety that your quality of life is affected. It can be very difficult to overcome irrational fears, or phobias, on your own.  You should speak to a doctor, as there are some tried and tested therapies that can help you overcome your fear.  They may also recommend medication to help you feel less anxious, though some of that medication may make you drowsy, in which case you are best advised not to drive a motor vehicle.  Kind of a catch 22 there, so therapy is probably the best option.

Almost got into a car accident, freaking out?

Its OK young lady you are going to be fine I read what you wrote and your right it is vary upsetting to almost get squashed by a big old bus not to mention it does not sound like any fun at all. Our life is often times pretty boring and seems to get kind of laid back and then WHAM ! something happens that pumps fear and anxiety into our whole body and we have to make a decision and when we dost know what to do it can be a terrifying experience. You lived through a near accident that's a good thing ok? what happens now is you will become a better driver because of it. Five yourself the gift of time thank who ever you believe is your higher power for keeping you and the other people there safe. Writing this question is a good way sometime to deal with problems you read the question and read some possible solutions and pick what works for you.
When ever something that creates fear and extreme anxiety happens it dumps huge quantities of chemicals in out blood stream. That is normal and that is how our body reacts. Usually two things happen people panic and run or they stay freeze up and don't know what to do. well you have to stay and deal with the problem if there was on which in this case nothing happened.l with the problem. but you have a bunch of adrenalin and chemicals in your body that had you ready for fight or flight so to speak. Its ok try to relax do something that relaxes you like a warm bath ( not a hot one hot water stimulates the body warm sooths it) or read a book anything to get your mind off of what happened today. tomorrow you will find you are going to pay a lot more attention to traffic and where cars and buses are this is a good thing you now know that you need to pay 100 percent of your mind to not getting squashed ok? be good stay out of trouble

Were you afraid to drive again after an accident? How do I get over it?

Actually, I don’t fear driving so much as I do riding with someone else driving. (I was in a terrible accident where I was in a coma, broke tibia, fibula, several ribs, backbone, one jaw, one shoulder, cheekbones, eye orbitals, nose, some toes, lost hearing in one ear, and took 17 units of donor blood.)However I was a little nervous first of course. I realized the reason I ended up in the accident was because I’d been pushing myself too hard in school (17 hour course load) while working a job, and was just trying to squeeze in a grocery shopping trip at 3am one morning. On the way home I dozed off and ran full speed into concrete pedestal they use to hold up the light poles in that town.To combat this, I simply got behind the wheel in an empty parking lot and reacquainted myself with how it all works. As I’d been in the hospital for over a month, and in a wheelchair for 6 more, then a walker for 6, then crutches for a bit longer, then on a cane for quite a while (and still occasionally) driving was no longer very familiar to me, and of course my old car was totaled. So, baby steps. Driving in empty lots, then on empty roads, then light traffic, then city roads with all the stop-go, then interstates, and so on.To this day, 8 years later, I generally need to pop a Xanax before getting in a car when someone else is driving because everytime they slam on the brakes or change lanes suddenly or whatever I have a panic attack.Just build up your confidence by only driving when you’re wide awake, and in a comfortable car with no blind spots, and initially in a very safe part of town/city/etc. where you can work up to more intense trips as your confidence gets back up.Realize why you were in the wreck to start with. Did someone hit you while you were totally in the right? That happens all the time, but after you’ve been in a wreck you begin to recognize “accidents waiting to happen.”For me, I now feel much more comfortable driving than I did before the accident, and I also feel more comfortable riding with someone who HAS had an accident or two, especially a bad one.