The Bottom Of My Foot Is Kind Of Swollen And Itchy

A wasp stung my foot, and it is swollen and itchy. How can I get the swelling down?

Hi, I'm an R.N. and I think I can help.

Firstly, as long as you're not running a fever, having trouble breathing, or have swelling up your can probably treat this at home.

1. For itching/swelling: take Benadryl orally, 25 mg every 4-6 hours AROUND THE CLOCK until the swelling goes away and for 24 hours after the swelling goes away (to prevent it from coming back) should do the trick. But if you've never taken Benadryl before, you need to check with a doctor first. Benadryl can make you drowzy, so be aware, and careful.

2. Mix together baking soda and water to form a paste and smear in where you got stung. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes. This will help soothe the sting site. You can do this several times a day.

3. Ice pack your foot for 20 minutes at a time with a couple of hours off, then repeat several times a day. You can use ice and do the baking soda paste at the same time.

4. Elevate your foot as much as possible, this will help with the swelling too.

5. See a doctor if any of the following occurs:
a) red streaking that goes up your leg
b) fever over 101
c) you have trouble breathing or swallowing
d) pus draining from sting site
e) swelling that extends beyond your calf
f) if your foot turns purplish
g) if your symptoms don't improve in the next 3-5 days.

Itchy bee sting on bottom of foot? help?

I got stung by a bummble bee like a week ago on the bottom of my foot. I took the stinger out and theres no stinger in my foot. for like 4 days after it was swollen and my whole foot was red and stinging. now like a week later the spot where i got stung is red for like a centermiter around it. It wont stop itching and burning. the itching is driving me crazy and i cant stand it anymore. what can i do to make the itching stop? please help!

Unknown bug bite/swollen area on bottom of my foot?

I have a (possible) bug bite on the bottom of my foot right under the ball of my foot so I can't walk on it. I noticed it last night and it was just small and itchy so I thought it was a mosquito bite. also it has a line in the bite as if the mosquito was moving while it bit me and it's also swollen and hard. but when I woke up this morning it was around the size of a quarter and I couldn't walk on it because of the placement and how swollen it is. throughout the day it's gotten bigger and it's now around an inch in diameter, it's swollen and hard, not itchy but really sore, if I flex my foot or lift or curl my toes it feels like it's pulling the skin and it's super sore. I tried to walk on it with slippers on earlier that have an inch of padding and it hurt all the way up my ankle. it's also got a really small bump in the centre that's also hard but it's not 2 like a spider bite and not visible. I have no recollection of feeling pain on my foot last night
I'm not sure if its even a mosquito bite? I put apple cider vinegar on it this morning (what I do with mosquito bites) and I put purification essential oil on it around 5pm and around 6 I put calomine lotion and nothing seems to help. I'm thinking about going to the doctor tomorrow but id just like to find out what it is and if there's anything I might be able to do about it

I have this bug bite on the bottom of my foot and it's really itchy.?

I've never seen a bug big that's long like this. I have a picture I tried putting goldbond cream on it. It soothes the itching but I'm kinda worried it might be worse.

What causes itchy swollen toes?

Athlete’s foot can make your feet and the skin between your toes burn and itch. The skin may peel and crack. Your symptoms can depend on the type of athlete’s foot you have.

Toe web infection usually occurs between the fourth and fifth toes. The skin becomes scaly, peels, and cracks. Some people also may have an infection with bacteria. This can make the skin break down even more.
Moccasin-type infection may start with a little soreness on your foot. Then the skin on the bottom or heel of your foot can become thick and crack. In bad cases, the toenails get infected and can thicken, crumble, and even fall out. Fungal infection in toenails needs separate treatment.
Vesicular infection usually begins with a sudden outbreak of large fluid-filled blisters under the skin. The blisters are usually on the top of the foot. But they can appear anywhere on your foot. You also can get a bacterial infection with this type of athlete’s foot...You can treat most cases of athlete's foot at home with over-the-counter lotion, cream, or spray. For bad cases, your doctor may give you a prescription for pills or for medicine you put on your skin. Use the medicine for as long as your doctor tells you to. This will help make sure that you get rid of the infection. You also need to keep your feet clean and dry. Fungi need wet, warm places to grow.

You can do some things so you don't get athlete's foot again. Wear shower sandals in shared areas like locker rooms, and use talcum powder to help keep your feet dry. Wear shoes that let air flow easily around your feet.

Why are mosquito bites on the bottom of the foot more itchy than any other part of the body?

When Mosquitoes bite you, they actually release this chemical onto your skin that helps it penetrate your skin easier. You would feel the itchy feeling (or that feeling you get before you get bit & you know it is a mosquito), its the chemical they just spat on you.Now the chemical is what makes you itchy afterwards. It literally creates a clot in the skin so that the mosquito can access the blood easier. The reason why people tell you to NEVER scratch it is because when you scratch it, you actually end up spreading that chemical that is already in your skin to a deeper level (spreading the chemical into the deeper tissues and further around the infected area) hence it last longer, it’s more painful and the surface area is becomes wider.Since it is on your foot, you walk with the weight of your body pressing on your bite constantly. Guess what? What I mentioned above is happening to you! Sorry, it really does suck but in due time, the infection will spread out thin and your blood cells will clear it out.I use to get a lot of bites from mosquitos at night and I would wake up with them all swelled up. My girlfriend says that I scratch them in my sleep without knowing and it makes it way worse than it was when I first got bit. We started sleeping with these mosquito sentry devices, because it’s silent & it works. So hopefully this can help you (can’t imagining any mosquito biting you on the foot unless you were asleep), so here.

What does it mean when the bottom of your right foot itches?

In the world of superstition, the right foot tends to be associated with a positive vibe. Age old beliefs suggest that when the right foot itches, it signifies that the person will soon embark on an unexpected journey. Other variations of this tale also predict that the traveler will be welcomed with open arms upon reaching his or her destination. Therefore, if you’re superstitious, and have a tingling in your right foot, be prepared for some last minute travel plans to a place where you are sorely missed!

Bee sting on the bottom of my foot?

HAHAHA that happened to my friend whos a lifeguard like me a few days ago. She was getting down off the chair and stepped on a random bee....then fell in HA. But anyways its gonna keep swelling until you stop walking on it for a few days. She eventually healed herself but she just kept re-applying Band-Aids and stopped walking on the spot where she got stung.

Im sure that hurts though she fell in off the chair lmao.

What are the home remedies for swollen, red and itchy feet?

With an initial caveat that foot issues can be a sign of other health issues, some of which can be serious—there are several home remedies that are common for foot issues:Soaking in epsom salts. The magnesium in epsom salts is absorbed transdermally and has many beneficial effects, including reducing inflammation, helping with skin issues and general improvements in redox status.Soaking in epsom salts and apple cider vinegar (ACV). The addition of ACV helps kill fungal infections and helps remove calluses and dead skin.Rubbing in coconut oil. Coconut oil also has anti-fungal properties, as well as being a good moisturizerRubbing in vitamin E from a punctured capsule. It’s sticky but it’s a good moisturizer and antioxidant.If you have known ailments or suspect them, such as heart, liver or kidney issues, active infections or diabetes, you should be working with a physician rather than asking questions on Quora. Best wishes.