The Measures Of The Angles In A Triangle Are In The Extended Ratio Of 3 4 5.what Are The Measure Of

The measures of the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 3:3:4.... Help!!!!?

A triangle has 180 degrees, so you are looking for a ratio of 3:3:4 that adds up to 180. Note that 3+3+4=10 so you want to find ten parts in 180. Hmmm, looks pretty easy now, so I'll stop and let you take over.

The measures of the angles in a triangle are in the extended ratio of 3:4:5.What are the measure of the three angles?

If they are in the ratio of 3:4:5, then you can declare a variable "x" to be the constant that the ratio works around so your angles are now:

3x, 4x, and 5x.

Since the sum of the angles have to 180, we can add them together, set it to 180, then solve for x.

3x + 4x + 5x = 180
12x = 180
x = 15

Now that we know what x is, we can calculate "3x", "4x", and "5x" to get the values of the angles:

45, 60, and 75 degrees.

Angle measures of a triangle are in the Ratio 3: 4 : 3.?

We know that the total is 180 degrees.
So 3x + 4x + 3x = 180
Then 10x = 180
Thus x = 18.
Angles are 54, 72, & 54, Total = 180.

The measure of angles in a triangle are in the extended ratio 4:3:2. What is the measure of the largest angle?


the angles all add up to 180 in a triangle

4x + 3x + 2x = 180
9x = 180
x = 20

largest angle is 4x
4x = 80

If the measures of the angles of a triangle are proportional to 1, 2 and 3, then what will the measure of the largest angle of the triangle be?

if they are proportional to 1:2:3, then we can do 2 things.They are just cong. ratios. This means that we can have a variable x to the 1,2 and 3.Second, the angles of an triangle equal 180.Adding 1 + 2 =1x + 2x + 3x = 1806x = 180x = 30.Now the largest angle would be 3x. Thus 3*30 = 90. You have a right triangle !

The measures of the angles in ∠ABC are in the extended ratio 4:5:6...?

the sum of the angles in a triangle = 180
use the numbers of the ratio as the coefficients of x:

4x+5x+6x = 180; 15x = 180; x = 12

now just substitute x into the terms:

angle1 = 4(12) = 48
angle2 = 5(12) = 60
angle3 = 6(12) = 72

If the angles of a triangle are in extended ratio 1:3:5,find their measures?

Sum of the angels in a trianngle is 180 degrees.
let the angles be x,3x and 5x.

x +3x +5x=180



therfore angles are 20,60 and 100 degrees.

Geometry! The ratio of the measures of the angles of Triangle RST is 4:5:6. Measures of each angle?

I'm not sure whether you're asking for the ratio of measures of the three angles, or the actual measures (values). I'll present the values:

Let side a = 4, side b = 5, and side c = 6. Let angle A be opposite side a, angle B be opposite side b, and angle C be opposite side c.

Angle A may be found using the Law of Cosines:

cos(A) = [b² + c² - a²]/2bc = [(5)² + (6)² - (4)²]/2(5)(6) = 0.75

A = acos(0.75) = 41.41°

Angle B may be found using the Law of Sines:

sin(B) = (b/a)sin(A) = (5/4)sin(41.41°) = 0.826797

B = asin(0.826797) = 55.77°

Angle C may be found by subtracting angles A and B from 180°:

C = 180° - A - B = 180° - 41.41° - 55.77° = 82.82°

The angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 2:3:4. What is the degree measure of the largest angle?


A ratio of 2:3:4 means
That one angle measures n.
One angle is 1.5 times the measure of n
One angle is 2 times the measure of n
The three angles have to sum to 180 degrees in a triangle.

n + 1.5n + 2n = 180
4.5n = 180
n = 40
1.5n = 1.5*40 = 60
2n = 2(40) + 80

What are the angle measurements of a 3:4:5 right triangle? - Open in Google Chrome.(Triangles online calculator developed by Jesus S.)A=36º 52' 11.631525"B=53º 7' 48.368475"C=90ºYouTube: I  propose this free online calculator triangles without advertising to  help students with geometry, do not make written tasks after utlizadas  not show formulas in calculations. It is designed in a didactic way to  check and view the exercises. TrianCal is an  online calculator triangles that works with any combination of values  ​​that include sides, heights, angles, area or perimeter of any  triangle, calculating it with the least amount of possible values  ​​(usually three). Other functions:- Draw the triangle (s) with GeoGebra.- Set the range of values ​​allowed into each element.- The type of angle.- The type of triangle by its sides and angles.- Selection of language (English or Spanish).- Select and angles [degrees (°), Radians, Degrees, minutes and seconds (° '") or degrees and minutes (°')] is.- Number of decimal places to show in the results (0-15).- You can use the arrow keys and the Tab key to navigate through the settings.- Drop-down menu to select values ​​comfortably.- Create a link (URL) to the current triangle.- An icon mail to communicate with the author. NOTE: You must use the Google Chrome browser to display correctly TrianCal. Examples of possible combinations:- The area, perimeter and other data (side, height or angle), if the outside equilateral triangle would not need the third data.-  2 angles and other data (if the value of the other data is not put  aside the value of "a" at the time of drawing the triangle is 10).- One hand, one high and one angle.- 3 heights.- 3 sides.- 2 heights and perimeter.- Any other combination of values.