This Is My Sap Appeal . Will I Get Approved

Will my sap appeal be approved?

It's impossible for us to answer that, since we don't know what the basis for your appeal was. In general, for a SAP appeal to be approved, you need to show 3 things:

1. Documentation of a very good reason that prevented you from meeting the SAP standards. Most schools will not accept reasons such as transportation problems, scheduling problems at your job, difficulty adjusting to school, etc. Usually it has to be something you had no control over, such as illness or a death in the family. For documentation you could provide a doctor's note, or a death certificate.

2. Documentation that something has changed that makes it seem likely that you could meet the standards in the future. For example, if your reason for failing to meet them was because you were ill, you could provide a doctor's note that says that you have recovered and are able to participate fully in school.

3. Documentation of a plan to improve your performance. For example, you met with your academic advisor to determine what you need to do to catch up. You arranged for a tutor. You registered for a lighter course load.

The key to a good appeal is documentation. It isn't enough to say you're sorry you screwed up and you won't do it again. You have to show them a valid reason for your failure and some pretty solid reasons why it's likely you will be able to meet the standards in the future.

What are the chances of getting my SAP appeal approved?

I was placed on the Unsatisfactory SAP Status for the Fall 2013 semester for only completing 50% of my classes and my GPA dropped to a 1.67. I want to appeal but don't know if my reason is good enough to be approved. I was taking a concrete class and a california state energy regulations for residential buildings class my Career choice was to be a Building Inspector in construction. Before i chose this i talked to a counselor and she made me a plan those two classes were a requirement so i signed up for them Spring 2013 semester. When the classes started i noticed that it was a class full of men and only two other women and me. So i thought this must be a career for men only i decided to keep the class because i was determined to learn. After a few weeks i started feeling lost i didn't understand the vocabulary being used it was so boring and a 4 hour class. I noticed these classes were for people who had knowledge in construction. most of the men in the classes were contractors or construction workers. I really wanted to quit but am not a quieter so kept going. Close to the end of the semester i stopped going to class it was just to difficult to answer questions when asked and felt very embarrassed, not to mentioned i felt like it was a waste of time because i really wasn't learning anything literally. I have decided to change my career to social worker and am very happy to start the semester Fall 2013 but i dont have the money to buy my books they are really expensive. I had no ideal that by me not finishing my classes would effect my Financial Aid. I am the first one in my entire family to go to college and no one ever explained to me anything or helped me with anything. Its very intimidating most of the time i dont know what questions to ask. What ever your answer is it'll be appreciated. Thank you for taking your time in answering my question. God bless!

Will I be approved to get a SAP appeal for financial aid?

I am a transfer student and will transfer to IUPUI in the fall. I got an email saying I was not eligible for financial aid because my GPA was too low, (1.992) however that is because I never sent my new updated transcript with my spring classes in it. When I applied to IUPUI back in December I obviously only had my transcript up to my fall semester. I didn't send the spring transcript because I am taking summer classes right now and I wanted to wait until they were over with so I could send everything together but as soon as I read the email I sent the transcript right away. I was told that I should appeal by half of the financial aid people I have talked to and then the other half INCLUDING THE ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR said once they can see my updated transcript they will give me financial aid automatically and will clear SAP. Today someone told me that my updated transfer credits may not count towards my gpa but that makes no sense. Can someone help me out here and if I do have to appeal and tell them that my gpa NOW is a 2.08 with my spring classes and minimum requirement is a 2.0 will they approve my appeal by seeing my grades went up semester to semester?!

This is my sap appeal ... Will I get approved?

To Whom It May Concern,
In regards to my disappointing performance last semester, I express utter shame and regret. However my poor performance was due to mitigating circumstances. It began in the middle of fall semester when my family became financially unstable thus causing our family to be evicted from our home in December of 2013. We lived between hotels and extended family houses for 3 months. Finally, our family moved into our own house in the middle of February. As I began to focus on school, my mothers health took a turn for the worst in late March causing me to become her sole caregiver . It took a toll on me and yet it was too late to withdraw from my classes. Now that my family is stable, and my mother is healthy my plans for the following semester is to attend tutoring for all courses, utilize the help offered by my counselor and (school), attend study groups, also use time management efficiently . Please know being financially suspended has taught me not to take the aid given for granted and also to always put my education first. I am also in a position to fulfill my school responsibilities and also more focused. However, I just need financial aid to complete my education goals.

Attached documents were
Mothers hospital bills
Motel receipts
5 day notice

Getting financial aid appeal approved?

Hello all,

Okay so here is the deal, I have two more semesters and a summer session left to graduate. And in order for me to graduate in Dec 2011, I needed to take five classes this semester(15 hours), but this semester only. And now I am in jeopardy of failing two classes. :(

I have NEVER failed a class before and I have only gotten ONE D, in which I felt miserable for days about. My GPA has never fallen before a 2.75. But I may lose my financial aid because, I have not met ALL the requirements to maintain my financial aid. One of the requirements is 73% course completion of all courses attempted. By failing two classes, that would put me at a 60% course completion.

My question is how do I get my financial aid appeal letter approved? I really just overhelmed myself with taking all these courses. It was not a "easy" load(business finance, small business finance, management of organizations, internation economics, business law) and it was really hard for me to keep up with the material. And in one of the courses, my professor knows that. But I feel horrible that I did this, ya know, I DID THIS! :( It sucks. But we live and we learn. Thanks for all your answers.

Financial Aid suspension appeal, will I get approved?

The reason why I’m short units is because I couldn’t get into the classes I need and didn’t want to risk going over the unit cap so I thought to myself I’ll make up those units and classes in the summer. The reason why I went below a 2.0 again was because I was taking 3 upper division economics classes and they were extremely hard for me although it was only 12 units. I was also working 2 jobs to support me and my parents back at home. I had also suffered and eye infection first 2 weeks of school so I fell behind. I am not a careless student; College is hard for me academically and financially and I’m trying to do the best that I can. I planned it out myself (even before knowing about SAP) to be back on track by taking 4 summer courses and planning out my next year plan. Now SAP has hit me out of the bloom and I just found out that SAP doesn’t count summer courses towards the school year in which they ran the check.

Could a financial aid SAP appeal be approved to being homeless?

It depends on the situation. A good SAP appeal usually includes 3 things:

1) A good reason that was beyond your control that made it difficult or impossible for you to meet the SAP standards at your school.

2) Something that has changed in your situation that makes it likely that you would be able to meet those standards in the future.

3) Documentation of a plan to improve your performance.

Just being currently homeless would not be enough of a reason for a SAP appeal. However, if you were able to document that you became homeless during the semester in question, and that the situation leading up to it, or the conditions that you were living under made if difficult for you to perform adequately, then you may have a case.

You would also have to show how the situation has changed. If you're still in the same position as you were, then it's not very likely that your performance would improve. However, if you are no longer homeless, or you are in a more stable situation, that may make a difference.

Finally, you need to show that you have a plan in place to improve your performance. That could be a letter from an academic counselor showing that you have met and mapped out a plan, with specific benchmarks for you to meet. It could be showing that you have arranged for tutoring. Or perhaps that you will be taking a reduced courseload.

Good Luck.

How often do financial aid appeals get approved?

This is my first year applying for financial aid and since my EFC is 0 I am eligible to get a full Pell grant. I'm taking 14 units this year but the financial aid office told me I'm not eligible for financial aid because I'm under the 67% completion rate rule, last semester was my first and I only took 2 classes however I dropped one because my uncle was almost lost a battle cancer so we flew it immediately to where he lives in Mexico for a week, I emailed my teachers as well, however when I came back my math teacher said I would not pass the class because I was too far behind( since everything's online) with that information I decided the best thing to do was Take a W instead of a F. I already sent in an appeal and since i couldn't a copy of my tickets I took a copy of where they stamped My passport and also included it, hpe many if you have had one or two appeals approved before? Just curious I'm new to this. Thanks , also in case if I'm not e legible this semester and I get awarded a full Pell grant if I complete all my classes will I be Eligible next year for the spring? Thanks!

Financial Aid SAP appeal letter? Good enough to be approved?

Honestly just sounds like a bunch of excuses.

How often do financial aid appeals become approved in the US?

Colleges approach financial aid appeals in a variety of ways. Some are very systematic and formulaic in how they allocate financial aid. Public institutions tend to have less wiggle room - they are larger and so any one student will find it harder to get an exemption without a very clear reason. Very selective institutions have comprehensive and detailed formulas that they don’t need to override - their yield is very good, and they have lots of other students waiting for the chance to attend if you cannot. However, small private colleges are tuition-driven and more dependent on every seat being filled - so they are more likely to work with you to make something work, if the offer is not viable for your situation.