Tired Unmotivated And My Head Feels Empty

Why do I feel dead, tired, unmotivated and depressed?

The last two months, I'm not quite sure why, I've been extremely unmotivated, my head feels blank, I'm always tired, whenever I try to go out and do something productive I just feel really bad and have no energy. I don't know what to do with my life, and just feel lost. Everyone is telling me to try something new or go out and do something but I don't know what to do and when I try to do something, like I said, I feel depressed and lazy. I graduated highschool about a year ago, don't know what do do with my life. Don't know my interests. Money is the only thing that has made me happy or given me a normal feeling again. I am a 17 year old male by the way and my health is fine.


I feel very unmotivated and emotionless what's wrong with me?

you may have clinical depression... I had similar symptoms and I left them untreated and they got worse... now im suicidal... be careful...symptoms are: change in sleep, change in appetite, numbness or over-emotional at times, suicidal thoughts, lack of energy, feeling of loneliness, poor hygiene, lack of concentration, feeling of guilt and sometimes anxiety... I used to be a good student too... A's and B's turned to C's and D's... my attendance suddenly became worse... I also started having problems with daydreaming and reading manga and fan fiction... I was trying to escape the real world to my own happy imaginative world... be careful... look out for more symptoms... As it is I think you should see a doctor as soon as possible... the earlier you treat depression, the better... GOOD LUCK :D

What do you do if you feel empty, unmotivated, and have tons of things that need to be done?

Please read Shrimad Bhagavat Geetha in original Sanskrit text with translation of your choice along with Mahabharata to understand its background and the Upanishads to properly understand its teachings.It took me more than two years to complete.Afterwards, out of curiosity, I thoroughly and critically read the English translations of Holy Bible and Holy Quran. I had to be satisfied with the translations only as I do not know Arabic or Latin. It took me another two years to understand the origin of the concept of the day of judgement and the resultant eternal torment in fiery hell. I had to refer often to the English translations of Antiquity of the Jews by Josephus, Hadith and Sharia.Please do not ask me how it changed my life because I shall not tell you about my grades in the school and my first job.I feel every young man should read the three books in the order and manner stated.N.B. Earlier I had read translations of Geetha, stories from Mahabharata, Upanishads etc. None of them is anywhere close to the original.

Why do I feel so emotionless and empty?

What you're having now may be emotional numbness.

"Emotional numbness is the inability to feel much of anything. Things that used to make us feel happy or elicit a smile produce a weak response or nothing. Likewise things that should provoke us to anger or even tears result in an apathetic response. It is a lack of emotion where there once was emotion. One of the causes can definitely be depression. I feel that this symptom results from feeling overwhelmed and overburdened by life's challenges to the point where you just can't feel anymore. You are too tired and weary to emote. It can also be a protection against feeling too much as in after a trauma. It can be the process of shock where we simply cannot take in the emotional reality of what is going on. The mind is protecting itself from too much pain."

I was worse two years ago. I felt like there's a huge hole in my chest and was so depressed because I couldn't understand why I was like this. Am I heartless? Am I not capable of love anymore? I never let anyone know and have been faking that I'm happy and all until I told a friend of mine and I thought maybe it's my family problems that cause this. I do know one thing that makes me happy even though it's just a small spark. Chatting and spending time with friends. Sometimes, I force myself to do so because I will feel unmotivated. But, slowly, I feel better although I'm still having difficulties to feel, but it was a great achievement to me.

Read the sites below and try it out. You will never know unless you try. But I highly suggest talking about your problem to someone you trust and spend time with friends or take part in any social situations. Or maybe you could try reading more about emotional numbness to understand how it works, what causes these. In a way, it does help you feel better if you know more about what's going on about you. I hope you can get better soon.

Why do I feel more empty and depressed after masturbating?

I've gone Anon on this, just like you, because let's face it - we're talking about wanking in front of a million strangers.Nothing awkward there at all, amirite?This is actually not as rare or unusual as you might think. Some... interesting things happen when we... do this thing. Aside from all the obvious physical stuff, there are great floods of hormones released when we are aroused, and when we orgasm.These things are basically the same between masturbation and sex, but there's one big difference: hormones related to love and intimacy are missing when we orgasm by ourselves.I'm a guy, and it's really bad for me. When I come with my partner, I feel great during, and even better after. Sometimes that great feeling lasts for days. When I come by myself, I feel ok. Then I don't. Then, usually, I really don't. I mean seriously - don't come near me for at least half a day. I would imagine the issue is much the same with you: you feel the urge, it feels good while you're doing it, then... not so much.The important thing to realize is that you're not weird for that. It's a pretty natural thing, even if it sucks.A suggestion? Something that kinda works for me? Don't take yourself over the edge. Play around, stretch it out, but don't finish. Avoid that nosedive that comes with it.Meanwhile, talk to someone about your depression. There are lots of good resources out there.Gook luck, and happy showering :-)

Why is it that I feel useless and unmotivated of doing anything after a break up? It's been a month. How can I feel better? I'm tired of feeling this way.

What you are feeling is very natural after a break up or ending/ruining any relationship.This happens because, when in a relationship we are connected emotionally with that person. We find them close to our heart. They become an important part of our life as the bond grows stronger.Biologically speaking, our body produces several chemicals and hormones that helps us build group relationships, intimate relationships and parental relationships. Although these chemicals are produced naturally, when we are with our loved ones, they surge and hence our body becomes accustomed to enhanced levels of these hormones and chemicals. They are now produced more quickly.In such conditions, when this loved one goes away, the body stops producing these chemicals. Being used to surged levels of these hormones, our body now crave for these chemicals as it is missing that stimulation.This is called the Science of missing someone.It really really hurts and you will definitely get through it. All you need is time. But now as you have decided to come out of the relationship it becomes much easier and you will eventually move on.When you know what is the disease, you can treat it with proper medicines. Below link will be helpful:PBhat's answer to Bad and stupid thoughts always come to my mind. What should I do to get rid of that? My life is becoming hell.PBhat's answer to How did you manage to pull through a dark phase in your life?Life is too short.Be happy and enjoy your life :)Source: The Science Of Missing Someone - ...The Odyssey Online › ...

Why do I feel tired and sad? I'm just 22 and I feel so empty like every day is just passing me by. Do I need a change?

Hello!I'm not going to give you some normal advices. Because I know in your state of mind you are not going to follow those anyway. So I'm going to give you some sort of suggestions that you can follow.Start reading books. Dont choose specific genre. Try out different and try to find out your favourite one. Everyone has a favorite one including you. In this way you will know more about you.In my second year of my college I was so confused. I've nothing special to do. Nothing gave me excitement at that time. But oneday I met one of seniors. He gave me treat because one of his goals come true. He told me he never has dreamt of getting success but the when he got it makes him so happy that he never has got. And I can see that in his eyes. So I've choosen a goal and started working on it. It makes me busy and keeps my confused mind away from me. Try to figure out what kind of thing makes you busy. That will keep you away from all those negative thoughts.When I've nothing to do and always stayed lazy, I also got so depressed. But I'm not. Because I got something that give me enthusiasm. I did not know about that at some point. But one day I found that I love to do experiment with cooking. So now whenever I got depressed I start experimenting. Try out different things and find your love.Change your friend circle. It's so important. Don't try to change yourself just because your of friends. But find someone with similar likes and dislikes.Do you need a change? Maybe!! But you definitely need to find yourself. For that do whatever helps you to find.Good bye!

I always feel weak and tired. What could this be?

Ask your mom to arrange a visit to your doc for a thorough check-up that includes a wellness panel of blood tests. There are many possible explanations for these problems, many of which depend on results from blood tests.

If the blood tests don't find anything wrong, then it's possible that you are suffering from depression. Depression is not feeling sad - its a chemical imbalance in the neurotransmitters that establish your mood and energy level.

If nothing is seriously wrong, you might be able to get your body to correct things if you do a few things to increase your energy level. The first thing is to stick to a consistent sleep pattern of 8 hours of sleep every night without exception, and go to bed and get up at the same time every day, including weekends. Next, eat a decent breakfast that has plenty of calories and not much sugar, and avoid sugary junk food unless it is eaten immediately after a meal. The other important thing is to get some sort of exercise each day for at least 20 minutes.

I feel tired when starting to study. What do I do?

Practise Cycle Switching - This is a studying method I invented when I was in 8th grade. Try out!There are three important aspects to know before beginning a to study. (Works for homeworks, marathon study and even pre-tests)Fact 1 - No matter how smart you are, your brain cannot concentrate with its full potential for more than 10 minutes.Fact 2 - Your brain never relaxes! Even when you sleep Fact 3 - Well, lets say studying do takes some efforts. Now lets talk business - What is to be done?1. Food - Just before studying eat something spicy. Really spicy! Spicy food, awakens your brain instantly more than any other flavour. I tried potato chips and garlic times. Drink milk after that.2. Physical excursion - Make sure that you have worked out your body enough that your legs feel cramps at least once a day. Physical exercise is the fastest method of getting over drowsiness. Walk at least 30 minutes before studying, listen to music (while walking). But don't sit at home and watch tv or play with your cell phone. Talk to people. Things that are more effective in stimulating brain. 3. Note Making - You should know who to make cool notes. Its necessary if you don't want to get bored reading textbooks. Buy colour pencils, sketch pens and blank notebooks. Let me assure you, making your own notes is fun. So the next time you read them, you are not going to get bored.4. Beverages - Avoid tea, coffee and other beverages that contain caffeine. I used to have Bournvita. You may choose yours.Now why is it called Cycle Switching ?Repeat this process on holidays every 1-1:30 hours and I bet you are not going to feel drowsy ever. Just reduce the time for excursion to 10-15 mins and resume. Go on a bicycle ride before homework, relax eat, begin...:D Worked for me!Besides, it will help increase your IQ significantly and you'll develop immunity to get bored while studying. There are several aspects too like, your personal interests, mood etc, but then I leave that upto you to figure out.Abhijit Zimare's answer to What are some easy ways to train my brain and become smarter every day?