Translate The Following Tamil Sentences To English

How can I translate the following Hindi sentence into English? "Kal do prakar k hote hain."

Well it is impossible to have a literal translation of this sentence into English because unlike Hindi, English doesn’t use a common word for yesterday and tomorrow.The closest translation would be ‘That you faced difficulties in your past, and you have a brighter tomorrow to look up to’

Translate the following tamil sentence to english?

Unfortunately 'ethanavathu' does not have a simple translation in any of the Romanic languages.
Any translation will be cumbersome.
What is your rank (position) in the list of your parents' children?

What is this Tamil sentence translated to English?

This is one of the most puzzling questions even people well versed in both Tamil and English languages find it hard to translate. The reason? - One should understand that every language on Earth has its own grammar, vocabulary, uniqueness and beauty. And having said that, one may or may not be able to find an exact equivalent meaning of a particular word in a particular language in an other language. This is the exact problem with the above question in Tamil, “Modi india-vin ethanavathu PM” - “மோடி இந்தியாவின் எத்தனாவது PM”.It translates in English to “ Modi is India's how manyeth PM”. The problem is we do not have the word “how manyeth?” or simply “manyeth” or an equivalent word in the English Language. Its a very handy and convenient word “ethanavathu” - “ எத்தனாவது” ,we are fortunate enough to have in Tamil.Now coming back to the question, we all know the answer would be “Modi is India's 14th PM” or simply “14th”. So how would you ask someone a question in English to which the answer would be “14th”?Again a tricky question isn't it?Though the question in Tamil cannot be exactly translated in a simple way, some of the answers I can think of and I could find from the Web are as follows,“What is Modi’s Rank among India’s PMs?” - 14thor “What is Modi’s Prime Ministral Rank?” -14thor “What is Modi’s position in India’s Prime Ministeral ranking?” - 14thor “Where does Modi come, in the roll of List of Prime Ministers of India?” - 14thor “In which order was Modi sworn in as PM of India?” - 14thor “Is Modi the 13th PM of India?” - No the 14thor “Which numbered PM is Modi in India?” - 14thor “Where is Modi in the PM order of India?” - 14thThese are the closest I can think.Please do share if anyone has better answers, and Upvote if you like my explanation.

Can you translate these sentences into tamil??

yes it can be transulated . mail me and i will mail you a recording

Translate the following from malayalam to english or tamil

blunder, mistake
will come to an end
desiring, hoping for something
in the kitchen
difficulty, hard

What are the meaning of the following tamil sentences?

1. Hari, look at your side , its scary
2. Lovable friends
3. like working + still !
4. But the girls done the work
5. O my god! mine ! (IOOO similar to O my god kind of expression no direct meaning)
6 More and more money
7 Careful ,(she) Might fall down

What do the following Malayalam sentences mean when translated to English?

As Greeshma has given answer for the first four, I am only adding the 5th one. Padaprashnam asvadikkan1. Padaprashnam = Padam + prashnam. padham = wordprashnam = challenge\question padaprahnam = crossword2. Aswadikkuka = enjoy.aswadikkan = to finally.Padaprashnam asvadikkan = to enjoy crossword.

How do I translate my Tamil stories into English? I am not very good in English.

Translating a material is bit challenging than penning a new one! One got to be (more or less) equally good in both the languages for translation concerned. Well, nothing too tough if it is your own material.Translation from Tamizh to English is like, what say, similar to making an ‘Upside down cake’! (Hope you know how it is made.[1] It will be yummy ! :D)As the sentence formations are entirely opposite with positions of subject and object being different, the work becomes bit tricky.A good understanding of differences in grammatical rules of both languages is important.In Tamizh, we use joint words or we easily connect two words. But, in English we got find out apt words separately and put them together to convey the same meaning.To translate Tamizh proverbs and phrases, we ought to pick out the suitable phrase similar to it in English where literal translation won't come out well. Examples and bywords are often unique with language and culture!Then vocabulary. Yes, sometimes, knowing the direct meaning alone does not aid us much to make a decent translation. But to pick the right word for that context thesaurus would be of good help.Draft the English version of the Tamil sentences present in the material in an ordinary way such that the meaning gets conveyed simply. Well just note it like hints in English for the entire material or story. That's the crux of the work.Frame it in to proper and simple sentences. Simple and grammatically sound translations are more than enough. But then if you wish, try to beautify the language with the help of idioms dictionary and thesaurus.And upon all, only practice can make you a good translator in due course.That is all I know about translation from my itsy bitsy experiences!Hope it gives you an idea.Aarthy Priyadharshini Ramesh, the divine fire:)Footnotes[1] Pineapple Upside Down Cake Simple and Easy

Kindly translate the following tamil word in english "Nichayathartham and "Mapillai-azhaippu"..

Nischayathaartham is a function like engagement in which both the parents confirm the alliance and fix the date, time and venue of the marriage, in the presence of relatives of
both sides that is betrothal. MappiLLai azaippu is a function welcoming the groom and his relatives formally to the marriage hall. It is like Baaraath in North Indian marriage custom.