True Or False If Europe Did Not Destroy The World China And The Muslims Would Have Done It

How did the Mongol conquests change the course of Eurasian history?

Eurasian is artificial word when it comes to history. There was not such things as Eurasian civilization or culture, it is purely geographic/geological therm. Mongol conquest had no whatsoever effect on the development of the Western Christendom represented by Europe. Even Central European countries experiencing a brief invasion in 1239-1242 were not altered within ten years of this event. Mongol conquest had devastating impact on Asia, especially China, Central Asia, and Muslim world around Near East. It destroyed their cultural and economic centers, and these region took centuries to recover. Islamic culture was permanently altered by sacking of its cultural centers like Baghdad or Aleppo.
China was before Mongol conquest one the most advanced region of the world, but its population was reduced by 1/2 and started to regress in a comparison to Western world. In the terms of cultural and economic exchange between East and the West, the Mongols had destroyed many cities along the route, making long distance trade impossible. For example widespread using of coinage from Europe in Central Asia and Persia stopped circulating. Europeans without oriental goods developed own taste and style, which made medieval gothic culture so unique European.

Would the world be a better place without Jews? I'm Muslim and I think so..?

Jews caused WW1, WW2, destroyed the middle east/north Africa/ and are working to destroy Europe.They also caused 911 and blamed Muslims. The Saudis and other gulf Arabs are just Jews puppets. I hate Jews and wish they all died. The greater Israel project is their mission..

Why have europeans and americans invented almost everything?

The only things the Chinese have invented are wool, gun powder, and the rocket. And why are all the great geniuses European or American? Thats all you learn about in school are successful Europeans or European-Americans. Why were the Europeans way ahead of the Africans and American Indians?

Did Europe steal culture?

It's human nature that when any culture encounters another, in peace or in war, that there is an exchange of ideas, goods, and even behaviors. The Greeks learned from the Phoenicians and the Egyptians, the Romans from the Greeks, and later European cultures from the Romans. Ideas and goods from China and the Muslim world helped spark Europe's rise out of the dark ages. Look at the foods, clothing, and words that are found all lover the world. Not "stolen", but taken in because people liked what they found or saw. As for Asia, there are in fact places not conquered by Europeans. Japan and Siam would be the best examples here. But those cultures still cast influences, and were influenced, by Europeans.

What Would The World Be Like If The Nazis Won WW2?

It would resemble of lot of what Europe looks like today with the small exception of that Jews would be dead and the sectret police would kidnap people in the middle of the night and murder then for speaking out against the govt. Hitler was a fascist but a socialist first and lets face it Europe is a socialist continent with cradle to grave entitelments, a ruling class and very high taxes. Another differnence would be is that the Muslims would not be invading, pc would not exist and Europe would be militerized and the Anti-American rhettoric would be even more evident than today. The Russians would not have been under communist control for 50 years and probabaly would have been an ally of America. japan still would have been nuked then Europe would have been invaded still by the allies and millions more would have died.

It is an interesting question but America did have the BIG BOMB and the WILL to use it thus Germany would have been bombed back to the stone age. Germany could not win because they could not harm America's industry and we could destroy theirs.

Should we gas all of the muslim race on the planet?

Theres no such thing as a good muslim. Their bloodline is evil. They can reopen Auschwitz in Europe and solve the muslim question there. We have FEMA camps to round them up and we can install ovens there. The middle east should be nuked into radioactive glass.
We Real American Christian Republicans support this idea.