Ultimate Source Of All Carbon

The ultimate source of carbon from which life is constructed is derived from...?

A) Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
B) Respiration
C) Decomposition
D) The consumption of other organisms


Algae living deeper in the ocean must have specilized pigments that enable them to absorb __ light.

A) violet
B) orange
C) green
D) brown

What is the ultimate source of oxygen?

Sun's ultimate energy source?

The sun gets about 99% of its energy from the fusion of hydrogen nuclei, which you correctly state in your question, are just single protons. Ultimately, 4 protons are fused together to create one helium nucleus. The helium nucleus is slightly less massive than the total mass of the 4 protons and this little bit of mass is converted into energy (photons) during this process. The CNO cycle gives the sun about 1% of its energy. The CNO cycle is still hydrogen fusion, but carbon, nitrogen and oxygen all take part in the process of fusing protons into helium nuclei. As stated above, this is the way energy is generated in stars more massive than the sun. Note that someone incorrectly posted above that the sun will fuse elements heavier than helium. This not the case. After running out of hydrogen, the sun will eventually fuse helium into carbon and oxygen, but it will stop at that point since it is not massive enough to make the core hot enough to fuse carbon and oxygen into anything else. The sun will end its life as a carbon-oxygen white dwarf.

I also noticed that someone above said that light from the sun is released as protons and neutrinos. I'm assuming the person meant "photons" not "protons" since protons are a particle not a form of light. Neutrinos are also a particle and not a form of light. And, there is no way for neutrinos to heat the earth since they have such little mass that basically do not interact with anything else; solar neutrinos are constantly passing through us and the earth.

What is the ultimate source of all diversity?

3) mutation

What is the ultimate source of energy for plants? What about for animals?

This question is in my biology textbook. I'm thinking for plants it's sunlight, for animals it's food? Is that what they want or do they want a more sophisticated, technological answer?

What is the ultimate source of all diversity?


Mutation makes new alleles. We also use the word "mutation" to describe other DNA-altering events.

I reject the others because:
a. natural selection - does not produce new alleles.
b. meiosis - does not produce new alleles, and did not produce diversity in asexual organisms.
d.crossing over- does not produce new alleles, and did not produce diversity in asexual organisms.
e.sexual recombination - does not produce new alleles, and did not produce diversity in asexual organisms.

Edit: The other responders have missed the point of the question. Tigris is correct about the diversity of environments, but without mutation which makes new alleles, there wouldn't be any new traits to be sorted by natural selection to make better "fit" organisms for those diverse environments.

"Entropy" is not a good answer for this question.

If you answer "God did it" then you're not scientist material. Inquiry stops with "God did it." Creationists typically do not look for evidence of God -- because faith means "belief without evidence."

The ultimate source of energy in a terrestrial ecosystem is?

Sunlight my friend. Without sunlight, everything else dies. Not only is it a matter of heat (without the sun, all water would be frozen, and we consider liquid water to be essential to life), but from that stems plant life (which gives us our atmosphere and is the bottom of the food chain), without plant life there is no animal life, etc.....

Hope this helps.