Very Long Question What Should I Do From Here I Need Some Serious Help

Serious question...?

Forgive him but leave him. Once a man no matter is faith or how much he believes in God hits you he will continue to hit you. Each time he will ask God and you for forgiveness. It is easy to forgive but one should never forget.

Personally I was in an abusive relationship for 5 years before I got out. Each time he would hit me he would say he was sorry. After being thrown into ways, being kicked in the back, punched, slapped, and had my thumb dislocated I finally had enough when he hit me while I was pregnant in front of our 3 year old son. It would take him 2 years in court till he would finally sign the divorce papers, as his final form of control. It is now 5 years later and I am happier than I have ever been. I am married to a wonderful man that treats me like a queen.

Do what you know is best for you. I would tell you that he may stop being abusive but not with you but for the next woman. BE strong and God will guide you.

Ok really serious question here, answer quickly!?

Ok, I cut sometimes and I did yesterday, so I have some scabby lines from it. They are on my left forearm.
Anyway, I am goign to my boyfriend's house tomorrow and he will no dbout see the marks. I need some reasonable excuses for the reason the cuts are there. I told him that I used to cut, but that was awhile ago when I had stopped. So I need somthign convincing so he doesn't know I started again.

I need some serious Algebra help here?

the Area is length (l) x width (w) Area = 1000 = l * w
the fencing is 160 yards and there are 2 lengths but 3 widths (pen is divided into 2 smaller pens)
then 160 = 2l + 3w.
solve the area for l = 1000/w

then we have 160 = 2(1000/w) + 3w
2000/w + 3w = 160, multiplying by w
2000 + 3w^2 = 160w, rearranging into a quadratic
3w2 -160w + 2000 = 0, factoring
(3w - 100)(w -20) = 0
implies that w = 100/3, 20.

then l = 1000/w yield l = 3000/100 = 30, 1000/20 = 50.
then two possible ways
100/3 (33.3) by 30
or 20 by 50.

Serious medical question to ask, emergency, doctors/students on here or better yet ob/gyn if possible?HELP!!?

I don't understand why you feel you didn't get the medical treatment as quickly as you should have. You were date raped and waited 18 weeks before deciding to have an abortion, why wait so long? You have to have known long before that time that you were pregnant. Why when you went to the hospital the night you were raped didn't you get a pill to prevent the pregnancy? You are mad because after 18 weeks you decide to abort and you think the Docs should do something right NOW, what about 18 weeks ago? The Docs would have done something a lot sooner but you waited so long and the Docs nor I can figure out why. Most women who are raped want something done ASAP, I know, I was raped and I would not have waited 18 weeks before getting something done about it. Now you are angry at them because they don't jump when you say jump. They would have gladly done something 18 weeks ago if you had let them or told them you wanted to abort but you chose to wait so why are you blaming the Docs when something could have been done 18 weeks ago.It just doesn't make sense to wait so long before getting the abortion.

Why are my questions not answered on Quora?

Why are my questions not answered on Quora??Hello Sameerah Imam,Your question got merged with a lot of others asking the same, so my response may get lost in the noise. Here it is, FWIW.Your questions are too vague. You need to give us something concrete to respond to. Your questions also have an air of self-pity. That's honest; and honesty is a very valuable attribute. But self-pity is not! Let's look at some of these questions.Why this office work is so boring?- vague, self-pity. Why don't you get some backbone and do something about it? "I sit at this desk pushing paper around, bored out of my mind. Should I quit and travel around like @Kanwal Anuvind? But what will I do for money?" 20 people will tell you to follow your dreams, 20 will tell you to keep your nose to the grindstone, and 1000 will tell you Kanwal has a job, he's no bum, and they resent the implication that he is!!!How do we segment internet users?- @Michael Cole's response is right on the money: "This question leaves so much to ambiguity I literally cannot bring on the sarcasm, it just isn’t working. Are you talking about WiFi? Wired? Enterprise networks? Metro Ethernets? Residential? Really this question begs the question, why do I waste the time?"I am confused about my feelings for someone how do I know that I am in love?- vague, confused, unattractive. How about "Sometimes I can't keep my hands off her, sometimes she bores me to tears. Am I in love or just horny?" That would get answered!What should I do when I am feeling extremely bored in my office and have nothing interesting around me?- 7 answers. See, you provided just enough detail to spark a little interest.What should I do when I’m extra hungry and have nothing to eat around me?- 3 answers. A marginal question. Immediate reaction is, why don't you get off your butt and go get some food? Gives the impression of a lazy, unfocused youth. "I'm chained to my desk and can't stop thinking about a burger and fries! What's a good quick snack for the office?"- You see what I mean. Stop floating with the tide, letting life kick you around. Start kicking back. Or at least, pretend to ... that's all the rest of us are doing.Good luck!

Why is my internet slower than 1990's internet? i need some serious help here. - Update with new pics?

5 kbps sucks. You should have around 200 mbps. You're going to have to contact your internet service provider.