Weight Loss To . Loose Skin Help Needed/

Can teens have loose skin after weight loss?

If you lose a large amount of weight quickly (this usually happens only after bariatric aka "weight loss" surgery), then yes, you can have loose skin. In extreme cases, surgery is needed to remove the excess skin but this is rare. If you lose weight at a safe rate of not more than one pound per week (and 1/2 pound per week is perfectly fine), your body should have no trouble "shrinking" the skin to fit. The bottom line is that you almost certainly have nothing to worry about. Avoid fad diets and weight loss pills, they're nothing but trouble.

I'm worried about loose skin after extreme weight loss? Help?

I'm worried about the same thing, I've got a lot of weight to lose and I'm three years older than you! But there is a supplement out there called MSM, and there have been people that used it while losing weight and have had little to no saggy skin. It can be bought as a soap (because it's good for people with sensitive skin), as a cream, or as a supplement. It also works to help diminish stretch-marks if you have them.

I use the MSM supplement in a cream and already see a difference in my stretch marks (been about 2 weeks). That's where I get mine from, but if you can't get it online, I'm sure stores around your area sell it. Altho, with your age, im sure with the slow weight loss, you should be fine, so using MSM should be something to just keep in the back of your mind.

Does everyone have loose skin after weight loss?

Many factors are involved in this — most importantly, how much weight you’ve lost.Skin stretches as we gain weight, to accommodate the extra fat that lies beneath. If the weight gain was considerable, no matter what your genetics, there’s going to be loose skin, because it has only so much ability to retract. Skin’s elasticity is more about how it stretches, and less about how it retracts.Additionally, it doesn’t really matter how fast or slow you lose your weight since either way, the supporting tissue beneath it, which was your fat, is no longer there to provide structure. If the weight loss was slow (recommended) there is some slight chance there will be shrinkage commensurate with your weight loss. Consider this — you stretch out a plastic bag — and depending on its own makeup, it never really goes back to the original dimensions, but might go back a little, depending on how much you pulled it. Skin is the same.Stretch marks happen, not as you lose the weight, but as it is beingS T R E T C H E D during the weight GAIN process. There may or may not be stretch marks — I have none — despite having gained then lost 75 pounds at one point (and kept it off). Again, it’s a predisposition (genetics) that will allow your skin to go back, somewhat, but it will never be that taut again.On the bright side, loose skin is a sign that you took care of an underlying situation, so put a positive spin on it, and congratulate yourself for your total weight loss.

Avoiding loose skin after weight loss?

They say after you have dramatic weight loss you end up with loose skin
i really dont want loose skin and i have 100+ pounds too lose and i do have stretch marks :(
how do i avoid getting loose skin?
i drink alot of water and take a vitamin e supplement and moisterize
but i'm not sure it that would help
plz plz plz i dont want loose skin!

Loose skin and stretch marks after weight loss?!?

ok well to start off with im a 15 yr old male. I used to be VERY heavy. In september one day i woke up and just said to myself i need to lose weight and so my problem starts lol. I have went down from 215ib's to around 165ib's in about 2 months. I would like to get down to around 150ish (im 5'10) but now i have stretchmarks and loose skin. Im looking for the best way to get rid of both. I feel even tho i am more comfortable in my body now that i still wont take my shirt off during the summer because theres loose skin on my stomach and arms. My stretchmarks are also in alot of places ( my arms, side of my stomach, thighs, back of legs) and its a huge bummer. If anyone has good advice on how to get rid of either of these it would be greatly appreciated!

How to make sure I don't get loose skin while losing weight?

I want to be a model and actress and have been working at losing about 50 pounds. I'm just worried about having loose skin. I've been losing at about 1-2 pounds per week so far. Some weeks it's 3 pounds.

What exercises (or changes) will help me get fit and toned so I can model but not have the loose skin? I'm 15 by the way.