What About A Placement Test Fora Child To Get In Right Grade For Homeschool

If I take a placement test can I go into my right grade?

You got held back in 1st grade. Since then you have been doing well? That was 6 years ago. You are now in your "right grade!"
If you are doing extraordinarily well, ask your school counselors. Some students can skip ahead. But, that will be based on your grades now, and your potential, not because you are "supposed to" be in 8th.
My youngest son repeated kindergarten, and he doesn't see himself in the "wrong" grade.
My oldest son did skip half of 8th and half of 9th, but he had to make up the missing 9th grade English credits in summer school.

How do homeschoolers move their children up a grade?

Thank you for the answers so far! This answered two questions. Two of my children "failed" a grade in elementary. Personally I think teachers fail, not students. Anyway, I would like to move them up a grade when they are ready. This is great news since both are bored in math, but struggle with language. We are using various resources. We did not order any lesson plans. We are using, our public library, and not to mention LIFE.

The time for learning teaches them at grade level. We are new so I hope we are doing this right!

If you're homeschooled can you skip grades?

Because the same kind of organization is not necessary, in a homeschool environment 'classes' and 'grade levels' do not have to be used in the same way as in a traditional school. Homeschoolers more often focus on mastering skill sets and understanding concepts than completing 'grades', so kids can progress according to their understanding and not be confined by curriculum.

A good example is how we begin math every fall. Because the first few chapters of most math texts are review, my kids take the chapter tests until they get to a test they cannot pass. This tells me what concepts they have not covered or mastered yet. They progress during the year at the speed with which they show proficiency. They are not allowed to go to the next chapter until they can work the kinds of problems in each section with a reasonable amount of speed and a high percentage of accuracy.

What this means is that if a student completes Algebra 1 in the middle of the year, they can go right to Algebra 2 or Geometry 1. But they might not be progressing at the same speed in English Grammar. So what 'grade' are they in if they are 12 years old, using a 6th grade English curriculum, but are already doing Algebra? This is why many homeschool parents look constipated when someone asks them what grade their kids are in- I usually answer "Whatever grade we feel like being in today." :)

I explained all that because many times when you hear someone talk about skipping a grade, people might think that the student hasn't completed the appropriate coursework. As long as you are completing the coursework with a reasonable amount of proficiency, then yes- you can 'skip grades'.

Has anyone ever taken the placement test for the 10th grade in order to go to a private school?

I hope you did well on your test!

For others that want to know, very often private schools use the ISEE test for placement and admissions.

Catholic schools may use the STS/HSPT

Some schools require that prospective students take one of the above tests, or a similar test, plus a placement exam that each school gives. If you ask, the school will tell you about their placement exam.

How can I graduate early from high school?

Perhaps the most important issue to consider is - what do you want to do after you graduate. If you want to work, you may be too young for numerous jobs. If you want to go to college, consider in which colleges you’re interested, which major and what high school course work would help you for these majors.I graduated high school early, at the end of my junior year, because my situation at home was difficult. My parents were fighting, blamed it on me, and threatened to kick me out of the house. I offered to finish high school a year early, and leave in a few months.However, I really did not take course work that would have helped me in college (I attended Reed college, a tough school).In high school, I had time for only geometry, trig, and algebra 2, but not pre-calc, which I would have taken my senior year. If I’d had pre-calc (or better yet, HS calc - not offered then), it would have been very useful for my college courses.Also, I’d taken biology and chemistry, but not physics. Again, taking HS physics would have made my college course load easier.I did well in high school - in my junior year, I had the top scores, in my school of about 2,000 students, in both the math and English SAT tests, as well as a 5 on my English AP exam. (The only AP course offered at the time in my high school in California in 1969).If you can take courses at a nearby college, you may make friends there with whom you are more compatible. This could help you decide on a college major, and better prepare you for college studies.Good luck!

What's the best math program for 1st and 2nd grade homeschoolers?

That all depends on the learning style of the Child, and the teaching style of the parent.
I have tried Saxon; I don't care for the early grades (K-3) because it is tedious and repetitive in my opinion. I also noticed that many concepts are not introduced until much later than other curriculums. Many of the activities also assume that you have 25 or 30 kids in your class, and I don't know of many homeschoolers who teach that many kids all at the same grade level.
However I do like Saxon for the upper grades.
A Beka has an excellent math curriculum.
Singapore math is supposed to be great.
Alpha Omega has two options for 1st and 2nd grade math, Life Pacs (I found them to be good, but move little slow for my kids), and Horizons (this turned out to be the right fit for my family). There is a good balance between manipulative, hands-on work and pencil and paper work. There is enough repetition for most children to master the concept, but not ridiculous overkill. The pages are bright and colorful and the activities are varied to combat boredom. Extra reproducible worksheets are included in the teachers manual for kids who need more drill and practice.
Horizons it’s a little advanced compared to some other curriculums, so if you are starting after first grade you should give your child a placement test. There is enough repetition of concepts at the start of 2nd grade that most 2nd graders will be able to grasp the concepts without going back to the first grade book, but if they didn't start in 1st grade you might need to have them do the extra worksheets to master some concepts.

Find out more about Hozons by contacting
or by calling 1-800-622-3070
(For some reason I have trouble getting on the aop website, the phone number might be more helpful)

Find out more about A Beka by contacting

Find out and read reviews on lots of other products by contacting

Switching homeschooling Programs?

This year, my ninth grade year, I began Abeka DVD Academy. The school year coming to an end, this experience has been a disaster. We didn't expect there to be so much work. My mom works a 9-5 job, and is completely exhausted when she comes home, and my father works as well. We didn't expect for there to be tests in each class practically every day. We're already late on a progress report, and we have only 4 days to turn it in at the latest date. We've only begun tests for English for that Progress Report. I myself know there is no way we are going to be able to finish. I feel terrible because it's a very expensive program. My idea is to switch right now to, Switched On Schoolhouse and re-do my ninth grade year. It's inexpensive and reviews have been encouraging. I'm not able to work in a public environment because I get distracted with other people around me. I can't go back to public, but I'm afraid that's what my mom will do. Is Switched on Schoolhouse a better curriculum? The amount of tests and parent involvement needed for Abeka is just too much. Help!