What Are Fundamentals Of Jquery In Detail

Practical Applications of Computer Science over Programming?

The Computer Science degree goes into mathematics far more deeply than any trade school computer courses do. The degree requires all the calculus and linear algebra, and is often obtained by electrical engineers due to their courses being oriented to hardware; it was electrical engineers that pushed the development of computer science for their computational needs. These include solving polynomial equations and differential equations and doing Fourier transforms, often using complex numbers. Other programming includes multiple processors and computer clusters.

Computer Science degrees also include data structures and the manipulation of those data structures; this is needed for the high-volume transactions that banks and retailers do. Today "data mining" is geared towards accessing those huge sets of data and then analyzing the data.

The big zingers in all these Computer Science problems has been processor speed and fast memory. If there isn't enough fast memory then the data has to be loaded in chunks, access times have to be determined, etc. to find the optimum data block sizes for the fastest performance.

So if you want to work with the big complex computer systems, you need the Computer Science degree to understand the terminology and the fundamentals that define the terminology. You can read a lot of books to get the terms in your mind but without some back-and-forth with others, like the instructors and professors, you will not gain a thorough understanding of some of the nuances. In other words, you can read the terms on the Wikipedia site, but good luck understanding much of it.

But the big gotcha in the formal Computer Science degree programs is the classes that are required of all students in colleges and universities -english, history, government, etc. - that are required by the accreditation organizations. Colleges and universities that are not accredited generally don't qualify for government funding, and also are sometimes perceived as diploma mills.

Do you think JavaScript will become a powerful programming language?

Nobody learns to program properly in 24 hours - Javascript may be weakly-typed but it's still object oriented which as a paradigm, to understand completely requires a good bit of study. To answer the question in the title though, no - it's useful but it's not powerful.


It seems the more that you say, the less informed you appear to be. When you posit a question or theory and people are courteous enough to respond to it - despite the poor wording and lack of basis I might add - you should at the very least be objective enough accept that the answer or opinions of others may differ to yours. Clearly you are a moron.