What Are Reasons People Lie To Hurt Others

Why do people hurt others on purpose?

Som do, there are evil people in the world. Sure we all make mistakes and have our own hang-ups. Sometimes we do things to hurt others and don’t realize it or while at other times we sometimes are being to selfish to care.However, there are plenty of people who do not care about others, have no manners, respect or live taking responsibility. There are people who would kill you if they thought they could do it and not get in trouble or caught.Look at the people who riot, loot and destroy during bad weather like hurricanes or after major earthquakes. Even people who seem ok or good can devolve if they think they can get away with it. People steal, cheat and lie and often don’t care if it hurts others so long as they can get ahead in their own minds.There there are simply bad people who hurt others and take pleasure in it. I’m not just talking about historical major evil like Hitler, Mao, Stalin, or others like that.I’m talking the boss who likes to humiliate people, the coworker you trips peers up and makes them fail behind their backs. The so-called friend who undermines others relationships. The teacher who takes pleasure in torturing students and sets them against each other. And on and on.I knew a women for example that took great personal pleasure in destroying people. She was attractive and in a position of power, she would flirt with both men and women and seduce them with the end goal of destroying them. She would inform thier spouses of the affair, she would take pictures or make threats and force her victims to do terrible things for her. Simply for the pleasure of using and destroying them. She would brag about her ability to destroy lives and she would make sure others understood who she was targeting to keep everyone she worked with in fear.She was not the only person I’ve known like this. I’ve known some grifters (cons) who were sadistic about not just ripping people off but ensuring they could humiliate, embarrass or destroy them in some way.Or think of the kid in school who would cleverly keep the teachers thinking they were perfect while setting other kids up, manipulating them, telling lies or getting them into trouble for things they actually did. Sadly, some of those kids grow up and continue doing the same things.

What are some reasons why people lie?

We can all agree we've lied some point in our lives (at least most of us) to get a job done or to get out of situations. Other than that, why lie about anything else?

Why do people lie and hurt their loved ones?

Is it really "their loved ones" or is it rather "the ones that love them"? If it is indeed "their loved ones" then it is also presumed that they know and are fully aware of what kind of things would hurt them and they would stop before doing such things. The truth can be spoken without hurting. If you truly love "your loved ones" you also trust them with the truth and with the faith that their love for you is as genuine as yours for them. So, if you love me do not protect me with lies because you will never know when I will do the same to protect you in the name of "love". Is it then love or just a ping-pong game of lies in a make-belief world where you are led by the nose by the one that you assume is easy to be led by the nose by you? This is not love. It's a deal. And the deal is broken when the lies leave no room for the truth to exist, grow, expand and build something of substance. Lies make sand castles quickly washed away by the wave of truth that you hope will not come. But it does. So, build me strong if you want strong. The muddy lies give just temporary shelter.

Why do people worry so much about what others think?

Personally, while I do care what others think (I'm not going to lie, it hurts when I hear someone is making fun of me again), I generally do what I want to regardless. Human beings are a social animal; we want to be cared aboot, we care aboot certain others, and we do in fact need to use others to survive. But this is nothing new, early homo sapiens relied on their fellow species to survive, and this has been passed on through the generations.

Why do people lie when they know it will hurt the people around them?

According to me, telling a lie doesn't hurt someone. It's the little fact that a person just doesn't trust you hurts the most.You tell lies for two reasons :-When you feel something need to be told to others.When you want to do something good by telling a lie.I think the person who asked the question wants to know about 1.The first situation mostly occurs when you don't trust someone in front of you. It just creates a sense of doubt in the listener for you. If it is someone you love, then it hurts.I have been through a lot of such situations. Being a liar is not a big deal but breaking trust is.Right now I never hide something from the ones who love me the most. This is for the very little fact that they are the ones who are going to be with me till the end. Breaking their trust is like cutting the branch on which you are sitting.Anyways those were my views.Peace Out!!

Why do some people lie, hurt, and discard someone who they knew loved them? And then try to act like they cared.

These people ….. who lie, dsicard and hurt someone, and try to act like they care ….. are not the people who have met frustrations in their love !!!!!They are the people whose love as taken a wrong directions.They have turned SADISTS.These people get a special type of pleasure in hurting the people they loved.This process of hurting can be gross (physical) or very subtle (at the emotional level).Once a person turns SADIST …. he will always remain a SADIST.The mental pleasure that he derives from hurting others is finer than the physical pleasures …. that he had experienced in the past.

Why do people lie to protect someone?

For the same reason anybody lies. There’s nothing mysterious about this. A person lies because they believe the consequences of telling the truth will be much worse.So, it depends on what they’re being protected from… False accusations? An unjust punishment? An unreasonable reaction from someone? Because the person is actually innocent?

Why do people lie?

Some reasons for lying
for self protection
protecting someone else
for monetary and other gain
to keep from hurting someones feelings
for answering an inappropriate question.
And lots of others.
The problem with lying is you have to REMEMBER what you said . You can get mixed up so easy.