What Are Some Good Research Questions For The Book Red Scarf Girl

What are the best gifts for your girlfriend?

Hopefully, you know her well and figured out what she likes. Keep ears open, as she might be complaining about not enough shoes, or boots, or whatever.You’re talking gifts as in items not time, affection. That needs to be there already.So here’s what I bought for different lovers. I bought knowing they needed these through observation and listening…1. Complete set of makeup with draws, brushes and to drawers to put her jewellery stuff…2. Other lover, I saw she was struggling at her own place were she didn’t have a table, with mirror and to put her makeup and jewellery but I fixed the lights. It’s similar to this one. When she saw it she cried, she always wanted one…3. For lover who loves taking photos and savvy socially, and fun with lots of friends, I bought this Polaroid camera, which can when you want to…prints out the photo right there and then…4. For another, I bought her a bag which she saw and I knew she wanted it.I can see her drooling over the bag..5. You can also buy jewellery..such as bracelet…Or…necklace..These are just some of what I bought as gifts.But the best gift is what she feels and only way is to find out from her.You’d know already if you’ve been dating for a while, listened, observed and asked question about her life, spent time with her to know about her.Just one final thought…I never bought my lovers gifts until we have been together for sometime, been intimate physically, sexual and there was a time that gone by. I don’t buy gifts in early stages and nor to impress a woman to date me either.Don’t buy gifts to ask a woman out and nor so soon. Let time past, 6 months to even a year or so.I have a very strong thoughts on this because it takes time to know someone and so, no use me investing anything like that if she doesn’t trust me fully, knows me well and we are not intimate romantically and sexually.My values are not going to be compromised that I would breakup if I find there is no trust from a woman and if she dangles sex like a carrot.So ensure you don’t go off buying gifts to a woman you’re dating and she hasn’t shown intimacy with you, trusts you, opens up to you, have intimacy in physically and sexually.Love is not just a word. Nor is trust.It’s an action and any who do not show it in action are already showing red flags for the future.

"red scarf girl" by ji li jiang question?

so im reading this book for school, and I'm supposed to write down anything that confuses me, interests me, angers me, etc. and on page 40, it says that a kid was putting the principal's name upside down. and they made it seem like that was just the most horrible thing to do. I've been trying to research this on google, but haven't found anything yet. I just don't understand why putting someone's name upside down would be considered bad. Is it a respect thing they have in China? Or...what? I'm just pretty confused, but I need some info about the issue, and can't find anything on thanks for any help! links are appreciated!(;

"Red Scarf Girl" summary?

start research here

What is a good opening message to write when communicating on an online dating site?

I was dreadful at messaging when I first started.  I honed my 'cold calling' message and eventually started getting about 30% response rate with one that had these characteristics:Written in proper English, not text speak.Started with a joke/tease based on false disqualification.Made it obvious I'd read their profile.Then just invited them to chat.Here's an example:This was written to a very attractive woman who'd described herself as 'fun loving' and liked 'cooking', 'knitting' and 'scrabble'.  Not much to go on, you might think.---Hi,I had a quick look at your profile and you describe yourself as fun loving but then say you're good at cooking, knitting and playing Scrabble, so I'm not sure our idea of fun totally coincides! Do you ever do anything a bit more lively?Actually I do like Scrabble occasionally. Knitting is totally off the bottom of my fun-ometer though... maybe if we ever met we could put the knitting on the back-burner? Actually that would probably lead to setting the knitting on fire and burning the house down, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for that, so I guess I'll just have to get the old needles out and start practicing. *Sigh*. ;-)Seriously though, you do seem nice, let's talk. In twenty years time when we're sitting by the fire with our knitting you'll be glad we did!Bye for now,Graeme :-)That got a positive response and we ended up dating.  Occasionally I did get a 'how dare you speak to me like' that response.  But really, someone who couldn't see the joke was unlikely to work out with me anyway.

My girlfriend is into bondage, what do I do?

Well, the first thing to do would be really talk it out with her - what are her fantasies and what are yours? There isn't anything wrong or dirty about these things, do try and let yourself go without worrying about what the neighbors would think.

Once you get an idea of what you'd both like to try, start getting the info. There are tons of websites with info on how to do rope ties (stay away from things like scarves, which can tighten and slip, or metal handcuffs that can bruise or cut wrists). There are also tons of books - I'd recommend "Screw The Roses, Send Me The Thorns" by Philip Miller & Molly Devon. The beauty of websites like Amazon is you can order a book or video without anyone knowing.

If you're more adventurous, you can always brave it to your local munch or group, as there are often how-to classes.

Someone else suggested safe words, and that is an excellent point. You can go with colors (red, yellow, green like a stoplight).

Talk a lot - talk before and after, as you might feel something during play and need to process it. Don't be upset it something doesn't go right, or perfectly. One of my favorite suggestions i've heard was if you blindfold your bottom you can take more time and be a little more relaxed, since they can't see you're nervous or trying to figure out the knot from a book.

Christmas gift ideas ?

Some ideas

~Clothes from your favorite stores (any of these):
-T Shirts
-Polo Shirt
-Long Sleve Shirt
-Tank Top
~Blue Ray Player
~Itunes Gift Card
~Video Camera
~Cell Phone
~Gym Membership
~Magazine Subscription
~Posters for your room
~Tickets to a concert
~Hair Straightener
~Curling Iron
~Blow Dryer
~TV for room
~Game System
~Games For Your Game System
~Nail Polish
~Jump Rope
~Stainless Steel Water Bottle
~Jewelry Box
~Arts and Craft kit
~Board Games
~A Pet
~Roller Blades
~Cell Phone Case
~Fan for room
~Gift Basket
~Board Game
~Chess Board

Scary ghost story or urban legend?

Scary Story:
A couple was once driving up a mountain on a dark night to get to a club for a Prom they were attending. The man turned on the radio for the local news due to weather alerts as they were driving in the fog. The reporter's voice was getting cut off as he began his story on a dangerous murderer who was on the loose.
Just as the car was going through a narrow road surrounded by trees, the car stopped. Scared, the man tells his date to stay in the car as he runs into town to look for a payphone and only to come outside when he knocks on the car roof three times. 10 minutes go by and the man has not returned. Suddenly the woman hears a scrape on the roof of the car. "But that was only once" she thinks to herself. A few seconds later, she hears the wind howl and another scraping noise on the roof.
Scared, she remains hidden under the blanket in the back seat. A third scrape is heard on the roof of the car as the wind slowly dies down. The lady thinks, "Is that him? Should I come out?" The wind once again picks up and she hears a fourth and fifth scraping noise. Suddenly she hears a few police cars outside and a policeman knocks on the glass of the car three times.
Relieved, the woman steps out of the car and says "Thank goodness you guys are here, our car stopped and my date ran into town to look for a payphone." The policeman, with a sad face says, "Don't worry mam." and escorts the lady into the police car.
As the police car begins to move out, the wind picks up, and she turns her head to see her date, dead and hanging from a noose on a tree on top of the car, feet scraping on the roof.

I think La Lorona is a pretty scary legend.