What Are Some Patterns In Sticky Triangles

What are some patterns in sticky triangles?

Make an equilateral triangle Mark. Divide each side into three equal parts. Join the similar pints on adjacent lines two
one ∆
another triangle v
..................∆ 1 triangle
................∆v∆ 3 triangles
............. ∆v∆v∆ 5 triangles
............∆v∆v∆v∆ 7 triangles
...........∆v∆v∆v∆v∆ 9 triangles
.........∆v∆v∆v∆v∆v∆ 11 triangles
.......∆v∆v∆v∆v∆v∆v∆ 13 triangles
.....∆v∆v∆v∆v∆v∆v∆v∆ 15 triangles
and so on

Triangle rubber bands for braces........?

I got triangle rubber bands for my braces on only the left side of my mouth 1 day ago. It's across two on the bottom and around my canine tooth on the top to form a triangle. It hurts really bad.
The elastics fell like they are pulling my tooth out, and it's an adult one. The tooth is pulled farther down from my mouth then it was before. Is this supposed to happen or is it pulling my tooth out of my mouth. I'm kind of scared. The next time I go back is September 17. Will they put one on the other side of my mouth to pull the other tooth down. I'm so confused.
Also because I got the rubber bands on does that mean that I'm gonna get my braces off soon?

Aries, capricorn, scorpio love triangle!?

I'm a scorpio. He's a capricorn. She's an aries.
Here is the deal. Cappie confessed to aries that he liked her, but she rejected him. that was a year ago, but they remained friends. I met him at work and surprisingly, me and the aries used to be friends when we were younger. I kind of suspected his feelings for her and asked her about him. Asking if he was fair game and if she knew anyone who liked him. she told me to go for it. I feel very comfortable with the cap, we have lots in common and I'm defintely loving his personality. Then recently i notice that the aries has been trying to get his attention. Although it pains me to see how much she cares for him and how hard she's trying to hold on to him, I can't bring myself to do the same. I don't want to control his feelings.
I have a taurus(moon), she has a cap(moon) and astrologically, her chart is compatible with his and so IS mines. It starting to look like a close tie..
So I just want some input as to where you see this going?

How many triangles can be made from 6 matchstick's?

Instead of matchsticks I am going to use lines on a two dimensional plane which does not include overlapping of matches.(If the matchsticks must connect only at the ends then the answer is different.)I found a way to arrange the lines such that 18 triangles are made. This is the arrangement I found. (Assume they line up at the top corners of the diagrams)The makeup of this is such-4-Small triangles4-Small triangles and quadrilaterals4-Small triangles and two quadrilaterals6-Each of the above paired

How can I print out the a pattern in Java (by using loop)?

Use a loop for the rows with a \n at the end,and inside a loop for the columns that print a start or a whitespace according to weather row+col is even or odd.First step:for(int row=0; row<4; row++){
compile, run and checkSecond step:for(int row=0; row<4; row++){
for(int col=0;col<9; col++){
compile, run and checkThird step:for(int row=0; row<4; row++){
for(int col=0;col<9; col++){
if(col+row %2==0)
System.print(" ");
compile, run and checkFinal step: according to the last check swap or do not swap the "*" and " "
compile, run and check [yes, you may have introduced a bug here too!]-- Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it. [D. Knuth]In facts, Slimy DG helped to correct on bug.

What's the best way to convert a 3D model of a human to a 2D pattern using a programming language?

This isn't a trivial algorithm. It's in the general class of surface flattening algorithms which seem simple in the abstract but get sticky when you get into the edge cases. To fully flatten a complex model, you have to cut it into peaces and determining where to cut is the hard part.You can do this in any language, but you're better off using one that has a 3d library built in. The simplest these days would be to use javaScript and THREE.js.I would look at Sphere Unwrapping (Three.js) first. It's a simple case, but use it to see if you can generalize it to your needs.

Creative Construction with 5-8 year olds?

I have an afterschool club and I'm looking for creative ideas to build or make during club time. For example we have made bridges out of popsicle sticks, houses out of popsicle sticks, houses out of legos, houses, cars and animals out of kennex. Any Ideas help!

Find the measure of one interior angle of a 12 sided polygon?

Two ways of doing this:

The way to do these questions is as follows:

If you put your pen on each side and follow it around teh polygon - then it will make a full turn - ie 360º.

So all of the external angles (posh name for the angle you get if you extended the side beyond the corner and measured the angle between that sticky out line and teh next side) add up to 360º.

Hence each external angle is 360º ÷ n
(where n is the number of sides).

Now since the internal angle and the external angle are on the same straight line - they add up to 180º (since a straight line is half a full turn).

So you can get the internal angle by subtracting the external angle from 180º.

So for the dodecagon.

External angle = 360 ÷ 12 = 30º
Internal angle = 180 - 30 = 150º

Another way of doing this whole thing is to note the pattern in the total angles inside.

Triangle 3 sides = 180º
Quadrilateral 4 sides = 360º
Pentagon 5 sides = 540º
Hexagon 6 sides = 720º
Septagon (or Heptagon) 7 sides = 900º
Octagon 8 sides = 1080º
Nonagon 9 sides = 1260º
Decagon 10 sides = 1440º
Undecagon 11 sides = 1620º
Dodecagon 12 sides = 1800º

The total of the internal angles goes up by 180º each time.

A short cut rule would be:

total internal angles = 180 × (n-2)

So for our dodecagon:

180 × (12 - 2) = 180 × 10 = 1800º

If all the inside angles are the same, then each one would be:

1800 ÷ 12 = 150º

Hope that helps!