What Are The Charstic Of Elements

What are the three characteristics of elements?

1.Any one of the
simplest chemical
substances that cannot be
decomposed in a chemical

2. Chemical
elements consist of atoms
which have the same
number of protons.

3. Each element has distinctive atomic number.

What are the characteristics of s-block elements?

S block elements are usually metals except for hydrogen which is a gas at room temperature. Moreover, S block elements tend to be very reactive and can be easily cut with a knife. They also tend to have higher electron affinities, lower ionization energies, and lower electronegativity values than the rest of the elements in the periodic table.

What characteristic do all the elements discovered since 1950 have in common?

theyre manmade if memory serves correctly

What are the three characteristics of elements which have periodic changes?

The perfect periodicity is not shown by any elements.But if we consider the periodic table, as we go down the group;atomic size increaseselectro positivity increaseselectro negativity decreasesSimilarly as we go from left to right of the periodic tableatomic size decreaseselectronegativity increaseselectro positivity decreases

What is the most characteristic property of an element?

Most characteristic property of an elementAtomic number. The atomic number indicates the number of protons within the core of an atom. ...Atomic mass. The name indicates the mass of an atom, expressed in atomic mass units (amu). ...Electronegativity according to Pauling. ...Density. ...Melting point. ...Boiling point. ...Vanderwaals radius. ...Ionic radius.

What are the characteristics of man-made elements?

They are very heavy thus at the end of the periodic chart. They are also difficult to produce and have very limited use.

What are the characteristics of elements in the periodic table?

Before I answer this question, I would like to state that this question is very vague in nature. Therefore, I will answer it in the best way possible.The main characteristic of an element is that it is a pure substance. This means that it cannot be broken down any further and into any other substance. This goes for every element on the Periodic Table so far.However, there are more characteristics that characterize these elements.One of them is whether the element is a solid, liquid, or gas. This goes for all elements, and is pretty self-explanatory.Another is what crowd it belongs to. These crowds include metals, metalloids (metal/nonmetal hybrids), and nonmetals. Metals are elements that easily conduct heat and electricity, are lustrous and are malleable. Examples include Sodium (Na), Magnesium (Mg), and Gold (Au). Nonmetals are the opposite of metals, for they are not very durable nor do they conduct electricity and heat very well. These tend to be gases. Examples include Hydrogen (H), Helium (He), and Argon (Ar). Metalloids are a hybrid of metals and nonmetals. They can partly conduct electricity and heat, and depending on the element, are malleable. Examples include Boron (B), Silicon (Si), and Arsenic (As).Another classification of elements are groups. These are another word for the columns on the Periodic Table. Each group dictates a characteristic of the element. Group 1 contains the Alkaline Metals, which possess an additional electron. Group 2 consists of the Alkali Metals, which fill up part of an atom diagram, but not all of it. Group 17 consists of highly reactive materials, mamely Chlorine, which are looking to rid itself of the additional electron it possesses. These can react with Period 1 metals and make them harmless and vice versa. A compound known to do this is Sodium Chloride (NaCl), most well-known as table salt. Group 18 consists of the noble gases, or gases that fill the diagram of an atom.The Periodic Table also consists of periods or rows, which list the elements in order by atomic number, but nothing else.I hope that helps!

What are the characteristics of s-block elements point-wise?

In general, they are shiny, silvery, good conductors of heat and electricitylose their valence electrons easily.In fact, they lose their trademark s orbital valence electrons so easily that the s-block elements are considered to be some of the most reactive elements on the periodic table.