What Are The Effects Of Consuming The Same About Of Calories While Weight Training

How long will it take to gain weight while drinking ensure plus?? how much should i drink a day?

There is basically two normal ways to gain weight- eat more calories than you burn. Therefore if you want to gain eat a lot of calories and don't do much exercise. The second way is to eat a lot of calories and do weight training. This will build muscle mass and give you more weight.

You could drink ensure plus or whatever as long as you intake a lot of calories than you burn.

So if you normally take 2000 calories a day- try eating 3000 calories a day. The more the difference in what you usually take- the faster you'll gain weight.

Hope that helps. =)

What happens if I lift weights but don't eat an excess of calories and also do a lot of cardio?

The answer to this is simple ,  you will lose weight and lose muscle mass. You cannot gain muscle when your body is in a calorie deficient state  (Eating less calories than your maintenance calories).  Think about it like this, how can your body "Build" when it has less then enough energy to sustain your weight even you were sitting all day?This is why most trainers will go through what you call a "Bulk" and "Cut" cycle.  Bulking is when you eat more calories then you burn (thus your body has extra energy to build muscle)A "Cut" cycle is doing exactly what you are doing right now, eating less calories than you burn but having a diet high in protein with continued weight lifting to preserve as much muscle as possible.  This is what body builders will do a couple months out from a competition to get the "Lean"

If I lift weights with a caloric deficit diet but high in protein, will my muscles grow?

Well that will be very hard, especially if you are a beginner. I myself am doing the exact same thing at this moment, but i am lowering my body fat, and the high protein intake is to preserve muscle, and hopefully build some in the process. My personal food intake consist of high protein, mediocre fat intake, but good fats mostly from fish and nuts and really low carb intake.You can just go with your way of eating, just take some carbs and fat also, so you can have so fuel for those hard workouts. Also incorporate cardio workouts 2–4 times per week, around 30 mins is perfect. You can start with 5 mins the first week and slowly upper the time in the next few weeks until you hit those 30 mins. Some people do it for 45–60 mins, but you wont need that much, you will burn muscle also.You can also work on your natural testosterone. It will help you with fat loss and muscle gain. You can do that with food, supplements and good sleep.Testosterone boosting foods: all kinds of meat, especially beef and tuna, all kinds of nuts, all kinds of potatoes, extra virgin oil, garlic, onions, eggs, avocados, pomegranate…Mineral and vitamins: Zinc and Vitamin D. I use them every day, i take them before sleeping, and the best effect i get is feeling fresh in the morning, all powered up and ready for a productive day and hard workout. Your hormones will be balanced, you health will be better, especially immune system. You can also take magnesium and vitamin B. Or just go with a complex that has them all… This should be taken by everyone, its a matter of health.Sleeping is the most important part, as you recharge when you sleep. Your muscles grow when you sleep, your testosterone is the highest when you sleep, also your growth hormone. Also take at least 2–3 days off from gym. But on the days that you workout give your absolute best!These few links have some info about all this. Hope i helped a little, best of luck and don’t give up. If you keep being persistent and dedicated you will get the body that you want to.All about testosteroneVitamin DImportance of food

I'm only eating roughly 700-900 calories a day, why am I not losing any weight?

So if you want to lose weight, you need to approach what you are doing differently. If, I'm assuming you are, want a sexy body then this is my best advise. Calorie counting, in my opinion, is a load of crap. You are actually stunting your metabolism which will cause you to lose your muscle mass and retain fat. If you want a rocking body, you need to do cardiovascular weight lifting. This is when you go to the gym and lift weights, while only allowing 30 seconds to a minute between sets while keeping form. It is very challenging and will push you to your limits, but it will not only be the best option for burning fat. This will tone your muscles, tighten your skin, and burn fat. NO, you will not become one of those scary weight lifting females. Personally, I prefer women that work out. Here is why you want to do this.

When you do cardiovascular weight lifting, you burn a ton of calories while exercising AND your muscles burn calories while recovering. This way you are burning a ton of calories ALL of the time. Eat healthy, but do not go under your minimum. Eat 5 small-medium meals a day in which meets your healthy requirements. This will make your metabolism increase which will help you burn fat as well! Just eat healthy my amigo!

Cardio only burns calories while you are running which isn't very efficient in my opinion. If you are going to do it, do at least 30 minutes to get into the fat burning zone. Even better, do it in the morning, before you eat so that you are burning straight fat instead of food that you have consumed that day.

If you need help picking exercises or need more information, feel free to consult me. Shoot me an email. Also, is a good source. Please do not short your foot intake like you are, it will make you fat and make you even more fat when you get sick of that crap and not getting results. Go to the gym, do 16-14-12-10 reps for each exercise of a good setup plan, with high intensity and little recovery, you will meet your goals in no time. Hell, do both, if you really dare. Just make sure to at least give yourself one day, if not two, of rest where you do no exercise.

Hope this helps!

What happens if I lift weights and don't drink protein shake?

Fat storage depletion has nothing to do with drinking protein shake or not. If you want your fat storage to be used, you should focus on following points.As long as you are consuming less amount of calories than required by your body for daily maintenance (Basic Metabolic Rate), you will lose fat as your body will utilize your stored fat to compensate for the amount of calories you have decreased.Weight Training on an empty stomach (preferably early morning) will lead to fat storage being used while you workout. Contrary to the popular belief that training on an empty stomach leads to muscle depletion, studies and experiments have proved that training on an empty stomach early morning leads to fat storage utilization for energy while workout. It takes 12 hours for our body to completely go out of glycogen supply after meals and come down to burning fat stores. However within an hour of finishing your workout, take a meal with appropriate amount of carbs and proteins to provide recovery.Train for 45 minutes to an hour with intense weight lifting followed by 20 minutes of medium intensity cardio. While strength training, be sure to gradually increase the weight as more weight you lift more lean muscle mass you will gain. And more the lean muscle mass, less fat storage will occur.Eat healthy throughout the day. Have leafy vegetables (Spinach,Broccoli) over starchy ones (Potato,Beans). Have adequate amount of protein(0.6 gm -1.5 gm per kg of body weight as per your workout). Avoid simple carbs like White Bread, white rice and added sugar. Have fruits between meals if hungry and drink at least 4 liters of water. Avoid alcohol.So you may or may not drink a protein shake after a workout as long as above points are being followed. Personally I try to have as much as protein possible from natural sources like Egg whites and Chicken Breast. I avoid supplements.

Is it possible to maintain your weight while building muscle?

What you’re talking about is called body recomposition. In other words, losing fat and building muscle at the same time. Absolutely you can. It’s tough, but it’s possible.First, let’s discuss “weight”Weight is the combination of a bunch of stuff:FatMuscleWaterUndigested FoodDigested FoodBoneBut, this is about fat and muscle, so let’s stick with that. In order to build muscle and keep the same weight, you’d have to reduce fat at the same rate that you’re building muscle.For example, you weigh 150 pounds. You have 50 pounds of fat on your body and 20 pounds of muscle. For every one pound of muscle you gain, you’d have to lose one pound of fat.Make sense?Losing weight and building muscle isn’t possible though right?That’s what some say, but it’s simply not true,For example:One group of elite gymnasts lost fat and built muscle while eating a keto dietElite athletes across many sports were made to lose fat and gain muscle.Elite football players lost fat and built muscle during a resistance training programThe same thing happened with elite rugby playersThe same thing also happened with women who were about to go into a physique competition.Ok, well how do you do it?That’s tough to answer. Because the human metabolism is extremely complex.But, in general I can say you need a good program, and a good diet.It seems that eating maintenance calories (the amount of calories required to maintain your body weight) while using a consistent training program would get the desired effect.But, there’s too many factors for me to say for sure.