What Comes Before Octagon

How many sides does an octagon have?

The properties of an octagon are general for most polygons. There are regular (RO) and irregular octagons (IO), and their properties are as given below.1. RO: They have eight sides.IO: They have eight sides.2. RO: All 8 sides are equal.IO: Sides are not equal.3. RO: It is always a convex figure.IO: The figure can be convex or concave.4. RO: Join the opposite vertices and you get 8 identical, congruent, isosceles triangles.IO: Join the opposite vertices and you get 8 scalene triangles.5. RO: There are 8 internal angles at the periphery and each is 135 degrees and their sum is 1080 degrees.IO: There are 8 internal angles at the periphery which are not equal but their sum is 1080 degrees.6, RO: There are 8 external angles at the periphery and each is 45 degrees and their sum is 360 degrees.IO: There are 8 external angles at the periphery which are not equal but their sum is 360 degrees.7. RO: Join the opposite angles or the midpoints of opposite sides and you get an axis of symmetry, with one half as the mirror image of the other part.IO: Join the opposite angles or the midpoints of opposite sides and there is no axis of symmetry, with one half quite different from the other part.8. RO: Each of the 8 isosceles triangles have base angles of 67.5 degrees. The third angle is 45 degrees.IO: Each triangle and each of the angles are different from each other.9. RO: The intersection of the diagonals joining opposite vertices will be a common point. It will be the circumcentre of the circle which passes through all the 8 vertices of the figure.IO: It is not easy to locate the circumcentre if not impossible.10. RO: The radius of the circumcircle is the same as the length of the equal sides of the isosceles triangle.IO: There is no such thing.11. RO: Join the alternate vertices in order and you get two overlapping squares.IO: Join the alternate vertices in order and you get two irregular quadrilaterals.12. RO: They have n(n-3)/2 = 8*5/2 = 20 diagonals. Here n = 8.IO: They have n(n-3)/2 = 8*5/2 = 20 diagonals. Here n = 8.

What comes before A?

If it's a question of puzzle then answer is within your question it's obvious. So if you are asking that "what comes before A ?" Then answer to your question is "before " comes before A.

What comes before 1?

Before 1,In Natural numbers,there is no number before 1.In Whole numbers,0 comes before 1.In Integers,0 comes before 1.I hope you understand and thanks for asking me.

What comes after "octillion"?

Following the prefix sequence, the next two would be nonillion and decillion, but I have never seen those words used to refer to actual numbers. What you would see instead is the number written in scientific notation.

What are the angle degree for an octagon?

Your polygon must be regular (all sides equal) or the forumla will not work. The value of the interior angle in a regular polygons are:

Each Angle degree = 180(N - 2) / N
N is the number of sides

Triangle = 180(3-2) / 3 = 180(1) / 3 = 180 / 3 = 60 (3 sides)

Pentagon = 180(5 - 2) / 5 = 180(3) / 5 = 540 / 5 = 108 (5 sides)

Octagon = 180(8 - 2) / 8 = 180(6) / 8 = 1080 / 8 = 135 (8 sides)

If I were to get a 30 gallon octagon fish tank what kinds of fish would go in it and how many?

If you haven't bought it yet, I would recommend not getting a tall tank. They're not very good for oxygen exchange because there's less surface area. Wider is almost always better. The exception would be things like Angelfish, Discus, and Seahorses. They all prefer taller tanks because they tend swim up and down instead of back and forth.

A pair of Angelfish would be cool, if you're willing to do the research and maintain the right water quality for them. I don't consider them a good beginner fish. Discus and Seahorses definitely aren't for beginners.

If you do get a tall tank, maybe try something like Rainbowfish. They're gorgeous, colorful fish that are really easy to care for. Here's what they look like in a 75gal:

No matter what you get, make sure you "cycle" the tank before adding fish. There are lots of websites that can walk you through the process, but it is a MUST for a new tank.

There really isn't any kind of fish that doesn't "last long". Most fish live 5 years and up if they are properly cared for. Everything comes down to maintaining the water quality.

The measure of 1 angle of an octagon is twice that of the other 7 angles. What is the measure of each angle?

First you need to know the formula to figure the total sum of the interior angles of an octagon.

For an n-sided polygon, the interior angles add up to:
(n - 2) * 180

So for an octagon:
(8 - 2) * 180
= 6 * 180
= 1080

As for the angles, you have 7 that have a measure of x, and one that has a measure of 2x.
7x + 2x = 1080
9x = 1080
x = 1080/9
x = 120°

The seven smaller angles are 120°.
The one larger angle is 240°.

About what size of an octagon mat would I need?

Probably the largest one from the website below.

PLEASE HELP!!!The measure of one angle of an octagon is twice that of the other seven angles. What is the measure of each angle?

An important concept is to know the total sum of the angles in a polygon have. There is this formula that tells you the total sum based on the number of sides of a polygon.

sum = 180 (number of sides - 2)

Therefore, the number of sides in a octogon is 8.

sum = 180 (8 - 2)
sum = 180 * 6
sum = 1080

Another geometric property is the number of angles in a polygon. The number of angles is equal to the number of sides of the polygon. Therefore, an octagon has 8 interior angles.

So to solve this problem, we need to define two variables, let's say x and y.

x = one of the seven same angles
y = 2x

Now we know that there are 8 angles to add up to 1080 and seven of them are x and one of them is y.

x + x + x + x + x + x+ x + y = 1080
7x + y = 180

Notice that we have two equations with two variables. This is a system of equations now so we can solve for x and y now.

7x + y = 1080
y = 2x

7x + 2x = 1080
9x = 1080
x = 1080/9
x = 120

y = 2x
y = 2*120
y = 240

Therefore, 7 of the angles are 120 and the last angle is 240.

Is there a formula for making an octagon shape with equal sides?

Draw a circle, draw diameter line, then another diameter perpendicular to first. Draw a line between the two ends of lines at circumferance, bisect that line and draw a diamter at that point. Repeat one more time with the next two adjacent and you will end up with 4, connect all the ends of diameters, one after another and you will have a perfect octogon of equal sides. Good luck, and this is easier shown than described.