What Comparisons Can Be Made Between Two Different Functions

What is the difference between Linear and exponential functions?

“Linear function” can mean a couple of things. But in the context of high-school-level algebra, the basic ideas are like this:A linear function is one that is changing at a constant rate as [math]x[/math] changes.An exponential function is one that changes at a rate that's always proportional to the value of the function. A simple example is population growth for a very simple kind of organism, like bacteria. The larger the population is, the more the population will increase. (This is also assuming that the population hasn't gotten too large for its habitat.)That might not seem so clear, but the difference between them might be easier to see if you look at the values of [math]f(0), f(1), f(2), f(3),[/math] and so on.First let's look at the general formulas:Linear: [math]f(x) = ax + b[/math]. (You'll probably often see it as [math]f(x) = mx + b[/math], but let's stick with [math]ax + b[/math] so we can see the parallels between these concepts more easily.)Exponential: [math]f(x) = ba^x[/math], where [math]a[/math] is a positive number other than [math]1[/math].When you look at the linear function and compare [math]f(0), f(1), f(2), f(3), \ldots[/math], you may notice that when you add [math]a[/math] to [math]f(0)[/math] you get [math]f(1)[/math]. When you add [math]a[/math] to [math]f(1)[/math] you get [math]f(2)[/math]. When you add [math]a[/math] to [math]f(2)[/math] you get [math]f(3)[/math], and so on. Each time you increase [math]x[/math] by [math]1[/math], [math]f(x)[/math] gets [math]a[/math] added to it.(In this case, [math]f(0), f(1), f(2), f(3), \ldots[/math] form what we call an arithmetic sequence.)The exponential function has a related idea going on. When you multiply [math]f(0)[/math] by [math]a[/math] you get [math]f(1)[/math], and it goes on like that.(In this case, [math]f(0), f(1), f(2), f(3), \ldots[/math] form what we call a geometric sequence.)Another thing you might notice, from playing around with these different functions, is that in both cases, [math]b[/math] is the “starting” value. In other words, [math]f(0) = b[/math].

How do I compare two different lists of names in Microsoft Excel?

You can use the data text to columns function as someone suggested but before you do it use this formula
this will make you names start with a capitol and have only one space between names. Then copy and pastes special- values only back to A column to get rid of formula. Then after you make all names into different columns you will have 3 columns with middle names and last names mixed in the 2nd column and last names only in 3rd column when a middle name was found. To correct this create a 4th column for middle names and put this formula in it.
and fith column for last names and put this in it.
This will copy data based on having a third column which you will only have if you had a middle name.
Once more paste special to get rid of formulas and make into a table and move last name into A column for vlookup to be easier to use.

I decided to once more start making videos and made the one below to better illustrate this. My blog will later update this also.

What comparisons can be made between two different functions?

@Michael Ponds, I wish I could but this is literally the question. I don't know how to answer it because my teacher didn't give any more information. I think he means in general...

Comparison between epidermal tissue of plant and epithelial tissue of animal in structural and functional poin

Before you compare the two things it may be helpful to see them separately. However, the function is very analogous but with different function mechanisms.
These site may be useful to learn details about epidermal tissue in plants...........

Plant Tissue Systems
The epidermal tissue includes several differentiated cell types: epidermal cells, ....
2. Epithelial tissue in animals
( visit this links)
Animal Tissues

How can I do a comparison of two lists in Python with each value?

#1. You can directly compare 2 lists 'a' and  'b' for equality by:a == b #returns True if they are equal else False#2. For element wise comparison:if len(a) == len(b):    for i in range(len(a)):        if a[i] == b[i]:             # do something        else:           # do some other thing

What is the maximum number of comparisons that a binary search function will make when searching for a value in a 1,000 - element array?

Suppose you are searching for a number which is located at index 498 in an array of 1000 element, let’s do Binary Search “halving” using Math.Floor till we find the element.> Math.Floor((0 + 999) / 2) = 499 > Not matched index> Math.Floor((0 + 498) / 2) = 249 > Not matched index> Math.Floor((250 + 498) / 2) = 374 > Not matched index> Math.Floor((375 + 498) / 2) = 436 > Not matched index> Math.Floor((437 + 498) / 2) = 467 > Not matched index> Math.Floor((468 + 498) / 2) = 483 > Not matched index> Math.Floor((484 + 498) / 2) = 491 > Not matched index> Math.Floor((492 + 498) / 2) = 495 > Not matched index> Math.Floor((496 + 498) / 2) = 497 > Not matched index> Math.Floor((498 + 498) / 2) = 498 > Index Found> Number was found after 10 Guesses—————————————————————let’s now use Math.Round instead and see the result> Math.Round((0 + 999) / 2) = 500 > Not matched index> Math.Round((0 + 499) / 2) = 250 > Not matched index> Math.Round((251 + 499) / 2) = 375 > Not matched index> Math.Round((376 + 499) / 2) = 438 > Not matched index> Math.Round((439 + 499) / 2) = 469 > Not matched index> Math.Round((470 + 499) / 2) = 484 > Not matched index> Math.Round((485 + 499) / 2) = 492 > Not matched index> Math.Round((493 + 499) / 2) = 496 > Not matched index> Math.Round((497 + 499) / 2) = 498 > Index Found> Number was found after 9 Guesses——————————————————Conclusion: Depending on the implementation of the algorithm the result will be different, it will be approximately lg n or lg n (±1)

How do you compare two strings or character arrays, letter-by-letter in C programming?

There is in built function in strcmp(const char *str1, const char *str2)it compares the string pointed by str1 to the string pointed to by str2.This function return values that are as follows:if Return value < 0 then it indicates str1 is less than str2.if Return value > 0 then it indicates str2 is less than str1.if Return value = 0 then it indicates str1 is equal to str2.

Compare and contrast proteins and nucleic acid in terms of there structures and function in the body?

Nucleic acids are synthesized from a nitrogenous base (purines, pyrimidines), a molecule of sugar, either ribose or deoxyribose, and an inorganic phosphate as the polymer of RNA or DNA.

Nucleic acids are the basis of inheritance in all organisms. DNA helical strands are the basis of the continuity of inheritance between generations and species. Nontranslated nucleic acids (tRNA, ribosomal RNAs, small interfering RNA, microRNA, piRNA) are involved in translation of mRNA to produce proteins and other functions. The purine nucleotide ATP (adenosinetriphosphate) is a multifunctional compound essential for accepting and storing metabolic energy. This same ATP is one of the monomers used in the synthesis of RNA or it is reduced to the deoxyribonucleotide dATP (deoxy-adenosinetriphosphate) before incorporation into DNA.

Proteins are made up of amino acids monomers. An amino acid has at least two carbon atoms in a short chain. One carbon atom is the center of a carboxyl group, the other one bears a nitrogen bearing amino group and a radical group, or side chain, that distinguishes one amino acid from the next. When the essential amino acids hook up in a chain they form a protein.
Protein functions
1. Catalytic enzymes produce metabolic pathways: synthases, mutases, dehydrogenases, proteases.
2. Structural as cytoskeletal fibers (actin, tubulin) or connective as collagen, elastin & keratin..
3. Regulatory: sequence binding to regulate gene expression; cell signaling to regulate cellular metabolic reactions; defensive as antibodies or restriction enzymes.

Proteins and nucleic acids both have a backbone and are formed by condensation reactions. Both are polymers built up from several different monomers.